Various heavens big shot chatroom

chapter 615

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The war is over.

Amidst the laughter, everyone also temporarily left the world of the heavens and returned to their own world.

The worlds of the heavens are also silently beginning to transform under the points that everyone puts out and the congratulations from many worlds.

Many people have already begun to prepare to directly help the world of heavens when the world is successfully transformed after ten days, and the second banquet is also scheduled to be held in the world of heavens.

After returning to the world of cultivating immortals, Chen Changsheng comforted Chen Linger and joined the chat group directly.

Chat group.

Xiao Yan: “First! A big victory, oh oh!”

Kosaka Honoka: “Hey, I didn’t expect it. I also had a day of becoming a god. After returning to the lovelive world, everyone asked me what happened. Everyone was unbelievable when I learned that I became a goddess.”

Xiao Yan: “It’s just a god who makes music. To be honest, it’s still a weakness. On the contrary, I feel that my current strength has broken through the horizon.”

Xiao Yan: “@纳兰嫣然, Nalan Yanran, are you interested in taking an ancient emperor’s tomb with me and becoming a fighting emperor?”

Ye Dou: “Tweet, twee, you deserve to be the god of fire, now you dare to speak loudly, and being a Dou Emperor is just an interest.

Nalan Yanran: “…”

Nalan Yanran: “Let’s talk about it.”

Blackbeard: “Thief hahaha, it doesn’t matter if you become a god, what’s important is that the battle is really cool!”

Saitama: “Is a strong opponent.”

Billus: “Yes, even in our world, there are not many people at this level.”

Thanos: “But having said that, the lord of the group should have also experienced a terrible battle, right? I heard movement in the world. @陈长生.”

Chen Changsheng: “Hahaha, yes, that person is very strong, he is different from what he has encountered before, but he was still eliminated by me.”

Thanos: “You deserve to be the leader of the group.”

Xiao Yan: “It’s worthy of being the master of the group.”

Ye Dou: “It’s worthy of being the master of the group.”

Chen Changsheng: “Come here, be more boastful, don’t be polite with me.”

Slime: “Puff, your lord, you have changed. You used to be very low-key.”

Chen Changsheng: “Nothing, I have always been a high-profile person, but everyone didn’t know it before.”

Everyone in the group continued to blow water and chat.

Although the system has become the world consciousness of the world at this moment, the chat group still exists from beginning to end.

At this moment, although everyone didn’t know how strong Chen Changsheng’s enemy was, he could fought with Chen Changsheng for so long, and could make such a big movement, his strength was conceivable.

It’s just that what everyone didn’t expect was that this time they played Chen Changsheng, Chen Changsheng didn’t play the cards according to the routine. At the same time, everyone smiled knowingly and was in a good mood.

There are few traversers left, the chaotic ones are destroyed, the gods are gone, even if there are enemies in the dark, but at this moment, there is no need to worry too much.

Chen Changsheng: “Oh, by the way, @阿尔泰尔, you seem to have something to tell me before. I was a bit busy during this time. I forgot to ask you, what do you want to say.”

Altaïr: “…It’s actually nothing, my lord, it’s just that I’m a writer in my own world.”

Altaïr: “Well, originally I just wanted to experiment, if everyone’s world, everyone’s works, if they are put in my world and get widespread recognition, will they also succeed in creating things?

Altaïr: “As a result, I didn’t know the reason. It was successful, but it seemed to be unsuccessful. I was able to go to the worlds I created, but it is not everyone’s world. That’s what I wanted to say at the beginning.”

Chen Changsheng: “It turns out that the created owner has become the creator? It’s interesting to think about it this way.”

Chen Changsheng chuckled lightly, but he didn’t expect Altaïr to do this, but it was normal to think of her who had always been extremely confused.

Chen Changsheng: “In that case, what are you going to do next?”

Altaïr: “Continue to try, and then find a way to revive the moment.”

Altaïr said in a muffled voice, it was her obsession to resurrect Shima Sakuna, and she couldn’t give up.

Chen Changsheng: “In this case, let me help you resurrect, but after the resurrection, you can no longer stay in the world of the Creator. You have to settle in the world of the heavens with Shimazaki Setsuna.”

Altaïr was surprised and caught off guard.

Master group helped her resurrect? She didn’t doubt Chen Changsheng’s words, but it was just too unexpected!

Altaïr: “This, that, no problem, I will definitely persuade Shina, thank you Lord Master!”

Altaïr even started to feel a little flustered, and quickly replied.

However, this kind of thing, even if it is true, no matter what, Altaïr has a kind of dreamy feeling.

Butterfly Ninja: “Miss Altaïr was not online at the time. Maybe she didn’t know that the resurrection is not difficult for the lord of the group. My sister was also the lord of the resurrection, so don’t worry.

Butterfly Shinobi smiled and said, she guessed that Altaïr didn’t know this, because if he knew, I would have asked the lord of the group a long time ago, even if it was to pay any price.

As for why Butterfly Ninja would know this, but if it was her, she would do it too.

Altaïr: “!!!”

Altaïr was taken aback for a moment, she really didn’t know, because she was experimenting with the possibility of becoming the creator and missed that incident.

She just wanted to ask more, but in the end, she didn’t wait for him to ask.

“Ding, it is detected that the group activity has increased, and the tenth invitation is now open.”

“The tenth invitation is a random request. You can invite 2 to 5 new members. The specific number is determined by the probability. The invitation is successful.”

“Ding, the little bird swims in Liuhua and has joined the chat group of the heavens.”

“Ding, Lan Yuan Yanzhu, has joined the chat group of the heavens.”

“Ding, Lisdade, has joined the chat group of the heavens.”

“Ding, Otsusaka Yuu, has joined the Zhutian chat group.”

“Ding, Xuexia Xuenai, has joined the chat group of the heavens.”

“Ding, you have successfully joined the Zhutian chat group, come and talk freely with the group members.”

New people have been added, but there are still five at a time.

Everyone raised their spirits, and their faces couldn’t help but smile.

Although I don’t know where the newcomer comes from and what kind of person he is, since he has joined the chat group of the heavens, he is a family.

Even some people are faintly sighing, this is already the tenth time adding a newcomer, in the newcomer, they even vaguely see the shadow of their own past.

Chen Changsheng: “Oh, another newcomer has joined the group! Welcome!”

Chen Changsheng: “Just ask! Newcomers, are you interested in coming to the new world to become a god?”

“Huh?” x5



PS: The book is over.

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