Varocia : From Gamer to Mentor

Chapter 24: First Fight

After Olgan learned [Fire Ball], Edith advised him to focus on familiarizing himself with the skill while also training his [Basic Mana Control]. There was no need to learn additional skills for now, as doing so would strain his SPR (Spirit) and might even lower his SPR percentage, although none of his attributes had fallen below 100% so far. He has yet to know the reason why.

The day passed in this manner.

During the day, Edith casually introduced him to the quirks of Magect Dukedom, making him want to flee. According to her, everything there was asymmetrical!

What kind of reality was this? It felt more like a nightmare than a place he wanted to live in!

He didn't want his artistic sensibilities warped by living there!

Yet, logic told him that residing in Magect Dukedom would be far safer than in many other regions. Plus, as a Mentor with a duke backing him, his credentials would be guaranteed.

While Edith rambled on about various topics concerning the dukedom, Olgan listened while also focused on his training. He practiced conjuring [Fire Ball] using [Circle Magic Language] and hurling it far away, careful not to touch any flamable objects.

Some of the fireballs 'accidentally' landed on Lenna, who would swat them away with an exaggerated sigh.

"Stop that, or else!" she would threaten, though she never acted on it—only verbal insults.

Despite her verbal annoyance, he couldn't help but notice how she secretly kept glancing at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and playfulness, waiting for him to throw another [Fire Ball] at her, much like a cat eager to play with a dangling toy.

How cute, this tsundere. She seemed a little lonely.

In contrast to his expectations, the EXP for [Fire Ball] increased very slowly. It would take a while to reach Level 2.

At night, he would sit cross-legged and meditate, working on his [Basic Mana Control] before drifting off to sleep. Perhaps due to his exceptionally high Potential SPR, this skill advanced to Level 2 in just two nights of meditation.


Skill: Basic Mana Control (Passive)

Level: 2 (01.05% EXP)

Description: Basic Mana Control is a foundational skill that allows you to efficiently manage and manipulate their mana, increasing your mana regenearation. Additionally, it increases your chances of acquiring fundamental magic-related skills and boosts its EXP gains, setting the stage for your growth as a powerful spellcaster.

Mana Regeneration: +1 per 28 seconds.

Magic-related Skill EXP gains: +11%


While it didn't offer substantial bonuses, every small advantage was always welcome.

On the third day, as they neared the border town within Magect's territory, they encountered the first monster of their journey.

Before them stood a slime, oozing with a translucent blue sheen, its gelatinous body shifting and bubbling. Eyes peered from within its gooey mass, and as it moved, it left a faint trail of shimmering slime.

"A slime?" Olgan murmured, surprised by its cuteness.

He has seen them before when he has just arrived into this world, but he didn't get the chance to observe them closely.

"Yes," Edith replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "It's one of the weakest monsters in the forest. Good timing! Why don't you test your [Fire Ball] on that slime?"

Olgan stared at the creature, which seemed to return his gaze. They engaged in an intense staring contest, neither moving.

He hesitated before finally saying, "Uh... maybe we should just leave it alone?"

Edith asked in confusion. "Why?"

"Maybe if we spare it, it could grow into a Demon Lord with a built-in supercomputer and return to repay us in the future for our mercy."

"Super-what? What are you talking about?"

"Never mind. I was just making a—" Before he could finish, the seemingly harmless slime shot a water ball directly at him.

His attention never wavered from the slime, and he easily dodged the attack with a side roll.

With a determined aim, he quickly activated the magic circle. "[Fire Ball]!"

A small orb of fire shot straight into the slime, obliterating it in a single hit.

"That was… anticlimactic," Olgan sighed, feeling his first fight was disappointingly lackluster.

Edith giggled, "It's just a slime, after all. Even a child could defeat it easily."

Olex, who had been silent until now, chimed in, "With me and the Princess Knight here, stronger monsters with high intelligence around don't dare to approach us."

Oh, right, this guy is here too... Olgan almost forgot Olex was there, quickly dismissing the rude thought.

"Seeing a slime means we're near Garet Town," Lenna added, eager to participate in the conversation after Olex spoke.

From then on, they encountered numerous slimes along the way, allowing Olgan to practice his [Fire Ball] without restraint.

The only downside was that he had to be cautious when using it in the forest. Once, he accidentally set a bush ablaze, prompting Olex to step in and extinguish the fire.

However, these restrictions significantly improved his proficiency with [Fire Ball]. Although it remained at Level 1, his aim became much sharper.

In the meantime, Edith started playing with her sword again, juggling it around as they traveled. She seems to be having fun.

Finally, after countless slimes that granted him a total of only 0.1% EXP, they reached the outskirts of Garet Town.

It was a typical medieval town surrounded by enchanted stone walls—though asymmetrical ones!

Olgan's eyelids twitched violently as he stared at the oddly arranged walls that would surely send any invader into psychological breakdown before they could launch an attack.

Lenna noticed his strong reaction and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Ignoring her, he focused on the peculiar architecture before him. If this was their outer wall, he dreaded to imagine what lay inside… an overwhelming urge to turn and run as far as possible washed over him.

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