[Jason Todd's POV] 

The Gotham City skyline was cloaked in the darkness of the night, a perfect backdrop for the impending chaos that lurked within its streets. Jason Todd stood atop a rooftop, his eyes fixed on the city below. The news of the Joker's escape had reached his ears, igniting a fire within him that burned with a mixture of rage and determination. 

 As Jason's gloved hands clenched into fists, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows behind him. Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl, approached him with a sense of urgency. Her cape billowed softly in the wind, and her voice carried a tone of concern.

"Jason, wait," Barbara called out, her voice tinged with a mixture of caution and worry. "I know you want to go after the Joker, but rushing in without a plan will only put you in danger."

Jason turned to face Barbara, his gaze filled with a mix of determination and frustration. "Barbara, I can't just sit back and let him continue his reign of terror. He needs to be stopped once and for all."

Barbara placed a gentle hand on Jason's shoulder, her voice filled with empathy. "I understand your anger, Jason. Everyone in the Bat family feels it too but rushing into a confrontation with the Joker is too dangerous, you need to calm down and do this the right way. We need a strategy, a plan to bring him down without putting innocent lives at risk."

Jason's jaw tightened, his blue eyes reflecting a storm of emotions. "Barbara, I get what you're saying, but this is personal for me. The Joker took everything from me once, and I won't let him do it again."

Barbara's expression softened as she looked into Jason's eyes, a mixture of sympathy and wisdom in her gaze. "I know you've suffered because of him, Jason. But going after the Joker alone won't bring you the closure you seek. We're a team, and together we can make sure justice is served."

Jason's grip on his staff tightened, his leather knuckles stretching. "Barbara, I appreciate your concern, but this is something I have to do. I can't just stand by while innocent people suffer at the hands of that madman."

Barbara's resolve matched Jason's as she stepped forward, determined to join him in his pursuit of the Joker. But Jason held up a hand, stopping her in her tracks. His eyes softened with a mix of appreciation and concern as he spoke.

"Barbara, I appreciate your willingness to stand by my side, but this is something I have to face alone," Jason said, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and protectiveness. "I don't want to put you in harm's way. This fight is personal for me, and I can't bear the thought of losing anyone else because of the Joker."

Barbara's gaze flickered with a mix of disappointment and understanding as she reluctantly nodded. "I know you have to do this, Jason. Just promise me you'll be careful, and that you'll let me know if you need any backup."

Jason smiled gratefully, a flicker of determination returning to his eyes. "I promise, Barbara. I'll stay vigilant and keep you updated. 

Barbara sighed, her voice filled with resignation. "Fine, Jason. If you won't be swayed, at least promise me that you'll be careful. The Joker is unpredictable, and you can't face him alone."

Jason nodded, his gaze steady and determined. "I promise, Barbara. I won't let my emotions cloud my judgment. I'll be careful, but I won't rest until the Joker is brought to justice."

Barbara's gaze held a mixture of pride and worry as she watched Jason leap off the rooftop, disappearing into the night. She knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, but she also knew that Jason's unwavering resolve would be his greatest strength.

As the sound of sirens echoed through the city, Barbara turned her attention back to the streets below, her mind already working on a plan to support Jason in his pursuit of justice. Together, they would face the Joker's reign of terror, determined to protect Gotham City from the madman's grip.


[Meanwhile at Central City] 

Captain Cold, also known as Leo, had grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of his partnership with Tom, or Ghost as he was known in the underworld. The burner phone which laid on a table beside him suddenly lit up its screen as it rang. 

Leo reached for his phone, wondering who would call at such an hour. Seeing Tom's name appear on the screen caused him to cock up an eyebrow. 

"I wonder why Tom is calling at this time?" The Casagrande's heist last night went on without a hitch." He mused as he stared at the phone's screen. 

Leo picked up the phone, his voice laced with a cool curiosity. "What's the big idea this time, Tom?"

Tom's voice crackled with an electrifying energy, a testament to the mischief brewing in his mind. "Leo, my friend, I can't leave Central City without a grand finale. I've got my sights set on the most expensive diamond at the city's museum. It's the crown jewel of this place, and I want it."

Leo's eyebrow raised, a glint of intrigue in his eyes. The allure of one last heist before bidding Tom farewell to the city proved difficult to resist, after all he didn't get a chance to say their goodbyes the last time. "You always did have a taste for the extravagant. So, tell me, what's the plan?"

"Meet up with me at our spot, I'll fill you in on it." Tom briefly said as he hung up the call, knowing Leo won't be able to resist the idea he had mentioned. 

Few moments later, Tom and Leo met at an abandoned factory which Leo occasionally uses as a hideout. 

Tom launched into an intricate explanation, Captain Cold listened intently as Tom unraveled the captivating history of the Hope Diamond. The allure of the cursed gem, its tangled past and legendary reputation, piqued Leo's curiosity. He leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Tom, as the details unfolded.

"The Hope Diamond," Tom began, his voice laced with a mix of fascination and mischief. "The largest of all blue diamonds, 45.52 carats, exhibited at the Central City museum. It carries an air of mystery, Leo. Legends say it's cursed, entangled in tales of tragedy and misfortune." 

Tom's words hung in the air, their weight palpable. He continued, weaving a tapestry of history and intrigue. "It was a relic from a jeweler named Wilhelm Fals. The man acquired the natural diamond, only to be betrayed by his own son, who killed him and took the stone. The son's guilt consumed him, leading him to take his own life. But the diamond, it remained, a symbol of darkness and desire."

Leo arched an eyebrow, his curiosity getting the better of him. "And then it fell into the hands of Evalyn Walsh McLean, the young heiress who defied superstition and purchased the cursed diamond?"

Tom's smile widened, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "You catch on quick, Leo. McLean wore the diamond as a necklace, its allure captivating the world. It was a bold statement of her defiance, a testament to her audacity in the face of curses and legends."

Leo leaned back, a hint of skepticism lingering in his voice. "But if the diamond is cursed, why would you want it? Why tempt fate?"

Tom's grin remained unyielding, his confidence unwavering. "Because, my friend, I roll with death. I'm addicted to the thrill, the rush of defying the odds. And besides, I don't believe in curses. I believe in power, in making my mark on this city."

Leo regarded Tom, a mixture of admiration and caution in his eyes. "So, this heist is not just about the diamond itself, but also about the challenge it poses. You want to leave a lasting legacy, a tantalizing puzzle for the Central City police to unravel."

Tom's laughter echoed in the room, the sound tinged with a touch of madness. "You've hit the nail on the head, Leo. The police won't know what hit them. On November 10, 1958, they donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution, and since then, it has rarely left their grasp. But now, it resides in Central City's museum—a stroke of perfect timing I must say." 

Leo's gaze sharpened, his mind already formulating strategies and contingencies. "Alright, Tom, let's do this. We'll make history and leave them with a mystery they'll never forget. The Hope Diamond would be a perfect send off gift for you, a seamless grand finale."

Tom tried explaining a bit of the plan to Leo, they've been through so many heists together so they both knew the first step was to go by security. "Don't worry too much about security Leo, I've got that covered." Tom said, his words painting a vivid picture in Leo's mind.

They would exploit the museum's security vulnerabilities, weaving through the laser grid like phantoms in the night. The diamond, protected by state-of-the-art technology, seemed untouchable. But Leo and Tom thrived on the impossible.

As Tom spoke, Leo's mind raced, analyzing every detail, yet again considering the risks and rewards. The plan was audacious, the stakes high, but if successful, it would be the perfect swansong to Tom's time in Central City.

Leo interrupted, his voice measured and focused. "Alright, Tom, I'm in. But we do this my way. No unnecessary risks. Precision and efficiency will be our allies."

Tom chuckled, the sound a mix of amusement and acceptance. "Of course, Leo. Your icy touch always brings a level-headedness to our operations. We'll make this heist a work of art."

The two partners-in-crime locked eyes, a shared understanding passing between them. The allure of the cursed gem, its storied past, and the audacity of their plan beckoned them forward.

Over the following days, Leo and Tom meticulously prepared for the grand heist. They studied the museum's layout, delving into its intricate security system with obsessive attention to detail. They procured specialized equipment, designed to counteract the state-of-the-art defenses that guarded their prize.

Inside their hideout, Leo and Tom surrounded themselves with blueprints and security schematics. As they strategized, the bond between the thieves grew stronger, their synergy a testament to the partnership forged in the crucible of countless heists.

Their preparations complete, the night of the heist arrived. As the moon cast its silvery glow upon the city, Captain Cold and Ghost set their sights on the Central City's Museum—a battleground where shadows and ice would intertwine, and the legend of the Hope Diamond would be forever altered.

Dressed in their signature attire, Captain Cold and Ghost slipped into the shadows, making their way to the city's museum—a bastion of art and culture that would soon feel the chill of their presence.

They moved like ghosts through the darkness, their steps silent, their movements calculated. The museum's security systems seemed formidable, but Leo and Tom knew that technology could be manipulated, deceived by those who understood its vulnerabilities.

With the precision of a surgeon, Captain Cold disabled the laser grid, rendering it impotent against their intrusion. Tom worked his magic, bypassing security cameras and alarm systems with an ease that bordered on the supernatural.

Finally, they stood before the vault, their prize within reach. Captain Cold's cryogenic weapon hummed to life, enveloping the vault door in an icy sheen. The metal groaned and yielded, shattering under the relentless pressure of Leo's powers. The path to their final triumph lay open before them.

Within the vault's gleaming chamber, the most expensive diamond sparkled, a mesmerizing beacon of wealth and desire. 

They stood in the dimly lit museum, their eyes fixed on the priceless Hope Diamond that shimmered in their grasp. They had successfully executed their plan, but before they could revel in their victory, Tom's senses tingled with an unusual surge of kinetic energy. His eyes narrowed, and he turned to Captain Cold with a grim expression.

"It seems we've got company," Tom muttered, his voice laced with caution.

Captain Cold's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean, company?"

"Judging by their movements..." Tom paused, his voice trailing off. "Fuck, it's the speedsters." 

Tom's gaze darted towards the entrance where two figures stood with an air of heroic determination. It was the Flash and Kid Flash, ready to intervene and put an end to their grand heist.

Captain Cold's eyes widened slightly, understanding the gravity of the situation. A thrill of excitement coursed through Captain Cold's veins as he prepared himself for the impending clash.

The heroes locked eyes with the criminals, their expressions filled with unwavering resolve. The Flash crackled with electric energy, while Kid Flash bounced on his feet, ready to unleash his lightning-fast strikes.

The appearance of the speedsters was an occurrence within the range of Tom's expectation for the evening, and he tried cooking up a means of evading them…If they appeared. 


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