That morning the heroes were to address the public, it was a ceremonial occasion and they were to be awarded medals for their services.

They stood upon a platform, standing in front of press members a massive audience. The Mayor of the city of Metropolis stood at the cockpit while the heroes lined up behind him.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the fearless heroes who stood before the face of otherworldly invaders and won the battle in our steed. These medals are for their bravery and victory. ” The mayor said from the TV speakers at Tom’s living room. “It’s started.” Jason informed the two who nonchalantly strolled into the living room and dropped into the chairs.

“Look at them all lined up like fools, being put on display like some governmental properties.” Jason said with an uncomic demeanor as he continued. “Like some medals could prove your worth as a hero who fights for the weak and oppressed.”

*Awkward silence…!!! *

“Wait a minute…” Tom said with a serious tone and with a sudden change of expression. “I could have sworn Wonder Woman lost an arm in her fight that night.” Tom said as he pointed at the TV.

“Did it grow back?”

*Gasp!!!* Taking a dramatic gasp he added. “Could she be some kind of reptilian?”

“You’re kidding right?” Jason rhetorically asked.

“His kidding.” Leo replied, sipping from his bottle of beer as they continued watching the news. “Oh, seems like things are heating up.” Jason said.

“This is the main reason I decided to watch this crap, for the superhero vs civilian drama.” Tom said, smirking as he reached his hand towards the kitchen and sending two bottles of beer into his hand and that of Jason.

“Why is he here???”


The crowd yelled as they threw fruits and objects at the Superman who didn’t dodge any of them, letting it all slap against his face and spandex.

They kept on the uproar as they tried provoking him into doing something that was unbecoming of a heroes as they referred to the video of Superman and Lex Luthor which was leaked the previous day.

“Hey…!!!” Flash called out to the crowd for their unpleasant behaviors.

“Citizens of Metropolis and the world, I sincerely apologize for the part I played in helping Lex with his schemes.” His voice was almost over thrown by the yelling of the crowds, thanks to the speakers it wasn’t.

“I was brainwashed by Lex Luthor, something I was told you all experience for a brief moment.” Upon making this statement, the noise made by the crowd slowly morphed into mere murmurs.

“I am just glad Batman was able to bring me back to my senses before I did something that no amount of service could repay.” He said.

“Are you saying when you had your fight against Tyrant Ace, you were under the influence of Lex Luthor’s brainwashing?” A man with stubble beards asked, dressed in a loosely tucked-in blue shirt and a messy brown tie, he asked from the front row, stretching his recorder at Superman.

“Shit!!” Green Lantern exclaimed as the rowdy crowd elevated the noise.

“Unfortunately I was.” Superman replied.

“I guess it’s safe to say the events regarding Ace the Tyrant, was probably him fighting against Lex Luthor’s schemes from behind.” The man said with a cock smirk tugged to the side of his lips, almost like he was saying the words, “Got him!”

“I can not justify any of Ace’s actions, I’ve witnessed him do inhuman things and fatally wounded some of the heroes that crossed his path. But we are grateful to him for helping us stop Darkseid and his forces. I hope we heal and grow as a family. That is all, thank you America.” He said as he turned around to walk away in order to avoid more fallacious and self accusatory questions.

“Are you saying Tyrant Ace might actually be a superhero who’s going to the required length the heroes refuse to cross, a line which puts the fear of God in supervillains?” A lady asked, dressed like a seductive secretary, assumably her insurance in a case where she might have to make her way into private gatherings on the hunt for stories.

They could freely speak their mind because the heroes wouldn’t retaliate, and they were in the middle of an apology so she was thinking they would presumably answer questions rather than evade them as usual.

Superman walking towards the exit stairs down the platform, Superman stopped, looked at her for a second before proceeding down the stairs.

“So we are on the hunt for Lex Luthor and his accomplices, but Superman gets a free pass because of he’s so-called hero tittle” A man shouted from the midst of the crowd, creating am uproar.

“He needs to serve penance for his crimes!!”

“Millions of people lost their lives!!”

As he kept getting bombarded with questions from multiple directions, including the ones muttered beneath their breaths, thanks to his super earing. Superman mounted the pulpit again, making an announcement which shocked, the heroes and everyone watching the broadcast, except for Tom who just burst into a laugh.

“As of this moment, I announce my resignation from the Justice League as penance for my crimes towards the country and to the world.” Superman announced. Remorse, guilt and sadness was clearly audible in his pitch, leaving the audience lost for words.

“Is he really gonna do that?” Leo asked Jason as they watched. “No way boy scout could quit crime fighting, it’s almost like the need to be a hero is embedded into his DNA.” Jason reply.

“Of course not, he might try to but would immediately renounce his announcement after a sappy section with the team and Louis.” Tom chipped in, followed with a apathetic yawn.

“Fifty bucks, he resigns and go live off at a farmhouse somewhere far at the country side.” Leo said, pulling out fifty bucks as he tossed it on the center table.

“Nah, maybe a temporary break. Probably after a week or two, but not more than a month.” Jason said, dropping his fifty bucks on the table.

“Double says some sappy speech makes him renounce his word.” Tom challenged as he placed a hundred dollar bill on top the notes on the center table as they continued to watch the TV.

“Says who?” Green Arrow asked, breaking the awkward wave of buzzing murmur as it halted Superman on his tracks.

“You remember what we did barely two weeks ago?” He rhetorically asked. “We saved the world.” He continued.

“You don’t think that has any value? Well think again pal, the Justice League goes on with or without you. Look, nobody can question your service or commitment to making things better. If you quit because you think you’ve already done your fair share, fine, we’ll throw you a parade. But if you’re quitting because you think it’s easier than continuing to go everyday in criticism, then you aren’t the hero we thought you were.” He said, taking a step closer to Superman as he continued.

“The world needs the Justice League, and the Justice League needs Superman.” Green Arrow completed as Superman looked around and saw the approving expressions on most of their faces.

He looked over at Louis who was in the midst of the crowd and refrained from indulging in the accusatory questioning.

He reached for the mic in front of him as he announced. “Instead of quitting, I promise to continue to serve the people and help make this world a better place, as my penance. Rather than resign from my duty.” He said as majority of the crowd cheered, but the minority booed at him.

“Pay up fellas, Boy Scout here is way easily predictable.” Tom said as he reached for the money on the table, counting the bills before shoving it in his pocket.

“As for the matter regarding Ace, we would like an official meeting with him, so he clarifies where he stands.” Wonder Woman announced, her voice interrupting Jason and Leo’s squabble with Tom at home.

“Seems you would be having a meeting with them really soon, you can’t possibly blow pass their attempt at reaching you.” Leo said as the room fell silent for a second before the trio burst into a laugh, understanding the sarcasm behind what he said.

“I might indulge them. Am moving to Metropolis soon, it would be beneficial if Ace wasn’t some threat to all heroes out there.” Tom said with as a cheeky smile spread across his lips.

“You’re moving to Metropolis?” Leo asked, glancing between Jason and Tom.

“Yeah, it’s time I at least built my social life, things would be more interesting with me having power and influence at both sides of the law.” Tom said as he scrolled through the TV channels, while Leo and Jason stared at him.

“A life that’s worth a position at the roundtable of the elites, probably a Lex Luthor everyone loves.” Tom said with humor in his pitch.

It's time you left Gotham city for the Bat and his merry crew. Come with me to Metropolis, you could view crime from a whole new angle, while I play people and the government as chess pieces, all to my amusement.” Tom said, briefly glancing at the contemplating expression Jason had on.

“Metropolis is a fertile land for crime because it’s under Spandex Boy’s jurisdiction, it’s time crime took a turn in Metropolis and give them a run for their money… Literally.”

“I’m sorry but I would have to hold off from giving you a reply to your offer, but I need time to really think on it.” Jason replied.

“Of course you don’t need to have an answer right now, we aren’t in a rush.” Tom replied as he noticed his phone screen lit up. A different smile suddenly appeared on Tom’s face as he looked over the screen to see a text from Rachel.

That smile…” Jason pointed out, squinting his eyes in suspension of Tom who stood up and was about leaving to his room.

“You just got a text from your baby boo, didn’t you.” Jason teased as Tom immediately changed to a neutral expression and just looked him dead in the eye for a second before glancing back at his phone and forming another smile.

“That’s must be it, am not sure I’ve ever seen a genuine smile on his face. It’s usually laced with mischief or deception.” Leo added.

“Back off guys.” He defended, disappearing to his room upstairs.


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