The clown prince of crime had made a mistake he would soon live to regret. He made an attempt on Tom's life and that was something Tom wouldn't allow to slide off that easily. He wanted to teach The Joker a little lesson which would show him their standing on the predatory chain. 

With a swift movement, he grabbed The Joker by the neck, lifting him off the ground with ease as he launched himself into the air, still holding The Joker by the neck and used him to crash through the Library's walls. They soared through the wall of the building, leaving a trail of debris in their wake.

The Joker's eyes widened in fear as he realized what was happening. "Put me down!" He screamed, struggling to break free from Tom's grip.

But Tom was not easily swayed, it was extremely impossible for him to show mercy to the likes of someone who was as brutal and as heartless as The Joker. They flew further and further, until they were no longer in the heart of the city but in a deserted area where their fight couldn't possibly be interrupted by anyone.

Tom released his grip, sending The Joker flying through a wall with a loud crash. The Joker lay motionless on the ground, one of his legs was broken and his arm dislocated. 

Tom walked towards him, a menacing look on his face. The Joker tried to crawl away, but Tom grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up once again.

"You made a big mistake coming after me, Joker. You picked the wrong guy to fuck with," Tom growled.

The Joker laughed weakly, blood dripping from his mouth. "You think you can defeat me? I'm the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime!"

Tom didn't flinch. "You're nothing but a pathetic little man who thinks he can cause chaos and destruction. But you're wrong. You're just a predator who preys on the weak and the innocent. And I won't let you get away with that."

With a swift movement, Tom punched The Joker in the face, sending him flying backwards once again. The Joker's laughter turned into a painful moan as he struggled to get up.

Tom didn't give him a chance. He kicked The Joker in the stomach, sending him flying through the air once again. The Joker hit the ground hard, gasping for air. Yet he laughed and did not show any sign of pain. 

Tom walked towards him, his expression was unreadable. He grabbed The Joker by the collar and lifted him up. The Joker's face was twisted in fear, yet his lips still spread into a smile.

"I guess this is it for me pal, or is it?" The Joker reached for the flower on the side of his suit and released a more potent version of the previous gas he had shot Tom on the face with earlier. 

Tom remained unfazed and still held on to his collar, giving him a look which showed how hopeless The Joker was against him. 

"You tried this earlier and it had no effect on me, yet you try to same thing again. You really are dumber than I thought you were."

"I guess that's a shocker." He reached for the hand Tom had on his collar, and gave him a firm grip in attempt to shock him with the taser he had in the palm of his hand. 

Yet it was to no avail as Tom didn't even flinch from it. "Seriously? Is that your pathetic attempt at electrocuting me? How pitiful." He noticed that The Joker's broken limbs had healed up already. 

Tom looked him in the eye. "You know what? Iet's make this a fair fight". He threw The Joker to the ground and walked a few paces back. 

Joker stood up, wondering what Tom meant by what he had just said. "You look really confident in your powers, feel free to come over to  papa Joker when I finally do get you. I'd welcome you with open arms and brighten up your day so good that it'll put a smile on your face." He cackled. 

Tom cringed at that statement, hearing The Joker refer to himself as papa Joker sounded so creepy to him that he could feel cold rash run up his spine out of disgust.

"This fight is definitely going to be one sided, how about I give you three minutes to throw what ever you can at me. And if you don't succeed in killing me within that time period, then you are dead meat."

The Joker suddenly pulled out a gun outta nowhere. "These bullets aren't like the one I shot you with earlier, these are real lead bullets that'll drill a beautiful hole In your skull." 

"You think some bullet would make a dent on me?... Well, who am I to stop you from trying. After all you've got three minutes to hit me with your best shot."

"I won't know till I try, would I?" With a wide grin on his face The Joker fired three bullets at Tom, one to his head, and two to his chest.

Without lifting a finger or making any kind of motion, the bullets stopped few inches to his body and deflected back at The Joker. 

Two flew past him while one drilled its way into his right shoulder. "Now that's a neat trick." He pulled out two grenades and hurled them at Tom's way. The Joker laughed uncontrollably as he watched the dust settle. When he heard a maniacal voice voice with a hint of excitement coming from Tom's location. 

"Well I guess you are all out of tricks, now it's my turn." 

Tom darted towards him, delivering a solid blow to his chest, cracking the bones on his chest as he coughed out the air he had in his lungs. The Joker flew into an open space but Tom did not let him hit the ground before he dashed at him and kicked him up into the air, cracking some more ribs. As The Joker was thruster up into the air, Tom canceled his movement through the air and yanked him down to the ground. 

His body slammed into the ground, creating a small crater on the ground beneath him as he coughed out a considerable amount of blood. 

"That was… fun." The Joker gasped for air as he spoke, his hair a complete mess, his suit covered in dirt and blood dripping from his mouth. 

The Joker stumbled as he struggled to get on his feet. Tom watched him stagger on his feet, breathing heavily as if his lungs had been punctured by a broken rib. 

Tom slowly walked over to him, placed his left hand on his right shoulder and gave The Joker a deranged look which made it clear that he wasn't getting out of there alive. 

"That…Look in your…Eye's, I know it all too well. It's the same look I see in the mirror every day, up there you're exactly like me." He said, breathing heavily through each sentence. 

Tom cringed at those words and drove his hand into his chest as The Joker let out a heavy gasp, holding his heart as it beat on his Pam. "I'm nothing like you, I could easily end you right here and now and end your deeply perverted lifestyle." 

"Then do it." The Joker said to him. 

"I'd really love to, but I'd rather not. I don't want to draw unwanted attention my way and have Batman hunting my ass down for killing his boyfriend, and not too long the League would follow suit eventually." The idea of killing The Joker was extremely tempting to Tom but the repercussions were too heavy and he'd rather avoid taking the risk. 

"Then… what… are you going to do then?" 

"This." Tom loosened his grip on The Joker's heart and relocated his bloody hand to his forehead. 

He tweaked with the bioelectricity around his brain, resulting in a loud grunt from The Joker. 

The Joker fell to the ground as he was left unconscious by Tom. 

"Well, that's over with." Tom sighed, looking at his bloody fist. He erased the blood from his hand, grabbed the unconscious Joker, flying him back into the city and dropped him in front of the police station without anyone catching sight of him. 

Batgirl and Robin had finished up with their fight also and Harley Quin was arrested, along with The Joker's henchmen. 


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