Hush paced back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of how to salvage the situation. He couldn't let this setback defeat him. Not after all the meticulous planning and chaos he had caused. He had to find out who had betrayed him and make them pay for the sudden setback. And he had to come up with a new plan, something even more devious and destructive than what he had previously intended. 

The destruction of the city's water supply was the last piece of the puzzle he needed to complete his mission. It was the final blow that would cripple the city and give him complete control over it. But now, he felt like he was losing his grip on things as it had been obstructed.

Hush clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger rising within him. He could not afford to fail now, not after all the chaos and destruction he had caused, not after coming so far.

He tried to calm himself down, taking deep breaths and reminding himself that he was in control. He pulled out a cigar and lit it, hoping that the smoke would soothe his nerves. As he exhaled, he thought of his goons and wondered where they could be.

Suddenly, the sound of his phone ringing interrupted his thoughts. Hush picked it up eagerly, hoping it was one of his goons with good news. But the voice on the other end was not what he expected. It was a distorted voice, one he did not recognize.

"Hello, Hush," the deep and intimidating voice said. "I know what you're planning, and I'm going to give you a chance to put an end to this madness."

Hush felt a chill run down his spine as he realized it was Batman on the other end of the line. He quickly tried to regain his composure, not wanting to show any hint of worry.

"You think you can stop me, Batman? You're too late. My plan is already in motion." He bluffed, knowing that it had been put on temporary hold. 

Batman's voice was calm and collected. "I know about Ra's involvement. He's just using you as a pawn, Hush. You're not in control here."

Hush was overwhelmed with anger at the mention of Ra's name. He had always suspected that Ra's was playing him, but he had thought he could use the situation to his advantage as Ra's had offered him the city of Gotham once he succeeded. Now, it seemed like everything was falling apart.

"I don't need Ra's or anyone else to tell me what to do," Hush growled. "I'm in control here."

Batman's voice was stern. "You're not in control of anything, Hush. You're just a pawn in Ra's game. But it's not too late. Turn yourself in, and we can put an end to this nightmare. 

A sudden wave of frustration washed over him. He was running out of time. He had to act fast if he wanted to salvage his plan.

"I don't need your help, Batman. I don't need anyone's help. I'm going to see this through to the end. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

With that, Hush ended the call and turned off his phone. He needed to act fast if he wanted to complete his plan before it was too late. He took one final drag of his cigar and tossed it out of the window.

Time was running out. But he was determined to see his plan through, no matter the cost. Suddenly, there were gunshots fired outside the building. 

He was startled by the sudden commotion outside his window. He peered through the blinds and saw Batman perched on the edge of the nearby building, with his goons he had on lookout knocked unconscious. Hush couldn't believe it - 'How did Batman find him so quickly?' The thought that went through his head. 

Before he could think of a way to escape, Batman had already fired his grip gun and was soaring towards him. The window shattered as Batman smashed through it, sending glass shards flying everywhere.

As Hush turned around, he saw Batman standing by the window, his weapon aimed at him. He let out a low chuckle, his eyes filled with malice.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Dark Knight," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I must say, I'm impressed that you managed to track me down. But it won't do you any good. My plan is already in motion, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. Even if you take me down, you can't stop what's already in motion."

"We're going to stop you, Hush," Batman said, his voice firm. "Whatever your plan is, it ends here."

Hush laughed again, his eyes gleaming with madness. "You're too late, Bruce. This is a fight you can't win, I'd advise you to hang your cape and watch Gotham plunge into the abyss."

Batman dashed at him as Hush quickly reached for his gun, but Batman was already on him, disarming him in seconds. The two engaged in hand-to-hand combat, exchanging punches and kicks. Hush was no match for Batman's combat skills, but he still put up a fight, trying to land a hit on Batman.

Hush stumbled back, but quickly regained his composure. "Like I've said over and over again, all this doesn't matter because you're already too late," Hush said, as he reached for a hidden switch.

But before he could press it, Nightwing burst into the hideout, taking down a few of Hush's henchmen with his escrima sticks. "We've disabled the explosives. Your plan has failed, Hush," Nightwing said, as he joined Batman in the fight.

Hush was now outnumbered and outmatched. He tried to make a run for it, but Batman and Nightwing cornered him. "Where's Ra's al Ghul?!" Batman demanded.

Hush smiled, knowing that he had at least one card left to play. "You'll never find him, Batman. He's already gone, and so am I," Hush said, as he pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it at Batman's feet.

Batman knew Hush was clever and would try to escape, so he was quick to react when Hush threw the smoke bomb. He had anticipated this move due to their previous encounter and quickly put on his infrared vision goggles to see through the smoke. He saw Hush trying to run towards the door, but he was faster. Batman lunged at him, grabbed him by the collar, and pulled him back.

Hush tried to break free, but Batman was too strong. He held him in a tight grip and said, "It's over, Hush. You're coming with me."

Hush struggled to get free, but Batman's grip was unyielding. Batman punched him in his face over and over again until he had no strength left to resist him, he slumped in defeat. "You may have caught me, Batman, but you'll never stop me," he said through gritted teeth.

"Game over, Hush," Batman said, his voice low and menacing. "You're going to pay for what you've done." Batman said as he ignored him and called for backup. The police arrived in no time and took Hush into custody. Batman watched as they led him away, knowing that this was just one victory in his never-ending fight to protect Gotham City from its enemies.

There wasn't any actual proof of Ra's involvement in Hush's plan so far and he could not go hunting the lead of assassins just because he was tipped off by someone he couldn't trace. 

Batman was relieved as it seemed the nightmare over Gotham City had finally been put to an end, yet he wondered who might have sent him the tip of Ra's involvement. Knowing that Hush was just a pawn in Ra's plans, made it a little bit easier to bring him down. For a pawn is nothing without the puppeteer controlling the strings for its next step. 


[Ra's Al Ghul POV] 

I stood in Hush's presence, my eyes blazing with anger. He had failed me, and that was something I could not tolerate. I had given him everything he needed to deliver Gotham into my hands, but he had squandered it all.

I had spent a fortune paying off the goons and criminals he had hired to create chaos in the city, and even though they had successfully stolen money from the bank, it was all for nothing. Hush had not been able to deliver the city to me, and that was unacceptable. 

As I looked at Hush, I saw the fear in his eyes. He knew that he had disappointed me, and he knew that there would be consequences. I would not allow this failure to go unpunished.

"You have disappointed me, Hush," I said, my voice cold and menacing. "You had everything you needed to succeed, and yet you failed. You have wasted my resources and my time."

Hush tried to speak, but I silenced him with a wave of my hand. "Your excuses are meaningless. You have failed, and now you will pay the price."

As I turned away from him, a thought came to mind. I would send a few assassins to break Hush out of jail and bring him to me. And once I had him in my grasp, I would use him to achieve my ultimate goal - the destruction of Gotham and the creation of a new world.


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