Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 1149: ‘Rich’ Soul Network

"Sure enough, you are the son of the old immortal. You actually want to call him when there is a fight." Nagris complained.

It did remember that the old immortal once said to call him when there is a fight, but that was when they were in the Chaos Side. Nagris couldn't find which chapter he was in when he went back to look. This dead skeleton actually remembered it.

Ang scratched his head in distress: "Fighting is not fun."

"You call the old immortal because it's not fun? Does that mean you won't call him when you grow vegetables?" Nagris said.

Ang shook his head vigorously.

Boom! Just as they were saying these words, there was a loud noise. Looking up, they saw that the skull of the Mourning Bone Dragon was blown off, leaving only half of the head and falling softly with the skeleton.

The king jumped back a few times and said in surprise: "This hammer is really useful. I'll take it away."

"You are really rude. What's the point of taking it away? You don't know how to charge it. The Ten Thousand God Hammer is just an ordinary hammer in your hand." Nagris said unhappily.

"Yes, yes, yes." The Ten Thousand God Hammer, who always spoke very little and seemed to have low intelligence, responded very actively at this moment.

"Is that so?" The king flew towards the direction where the bone dragon's body landed with the hammer. The bone dragon just happened to fall to the ground, hitting the ground with a thump.

The king took the hammer and smashed it on the bone dragon's finger bones. Fortunately, he finally smashed a piece of the finger bone into pieces. Then he came back with the dizzy Ten Thousand God Hammer: "It's really not as useful as before. I'll give it back to you. Do you have Chaos Mist? Give me some, the whole sickle."

Anger didn't want the Ten Thousand God Hammer anymore, put his hands behind his back, and shook his head.

"Oh, kid, okay, okay, I don't want the one you have, can you give me some later?" The king couldn't help laughing. This Ang couldn't even pretend.

That's no problem, Ang nodded.

"You idiot, won't he know you still have it in your hand? Stupid."

"Haha, give it back to you." The king laughed and handed the Wanyin God Hammer back.

The Wanyin God Hammer was very well-behaved at this moment. It now knew the level of the skeleton holding it. It dared to call Ang a child, and was particularly petty. Just now, it said a few "yes, yes, yes", and he took it to smash the mourning bones for a long time, and almost smashed it.

The Wanyin God Hammer is essentially the embodiment of the power of the world-destroying magic circle. Without power, it is just a hammer. The devouring power that Ang charged in just now was almost gone after smashing the bone dragon. If it continues to hit, it will really break.

Ang shook his head and pulled hard again, pulling out a devouring abyss and pressing it into the Wanyin God Hammer.

The king raised the Wanyin Divine Hammer to recharge, and the hammer body shrank a circle. He asked curiously: "Why is it so easy to pull your Devouring Abyss?"

Nagris explained the mechanism of the little ghost and Kram as anchor points to tear open the Devouring Abyss, and the king was amazed.

"The Lord of Light asked you to get it out? It's such a long distance, and it drove the Heavenly Fortress here? Tsk, this is too..." The king didn't know what to say.

He abandoned his original body and asked Ang to help him throw his consciousness over. Now the little ghost drove the Heavenly Fortress directly here? If he had known earlier, he would have come here in the Heavenly Fortress, slept on the Heavenly Fortress for decades, and left the Energy Level Desert as soon as he opened his eyes.

The king is still used to calling it the Energy Level Desert, not the Infinite Void.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Why do I have so many more nodes in my soul network? What did you stuff here?" The king knocked his head with his finger bones.

After waking up, he felt that his soul network was so... so... so 'rich'?

Although there were more soul nodes in the past, most of them were lifeless, and many nodes were dead, and no information would be generated for hundreds of years.

So later he kept streamlining, allowing more nodes to connect to the high-level people under his command, and the high-level people then connected to Locke Witch Great Sage and others, and they then connected to themselves, forming a pyramid structure, so that the soul network would be much simpler.

But now, the soul network is still very 'simple', but the information is tens of thousands of times richer, and the king feels like he has come from a cemetery to a vegetable market.

What's going on? Did Ang stuff hundreds of megabytes of nodes into his soul network?

"Four hundred thousand intelligent undead creatures, cool, it's cheap for you." Nagris said in a tone that you picked up a big bargain.

Ang had stuffed all the hundreds of thousands of intelligent undead creatures that he had gathered in the Undead City to the King. It was difficult to break through the Black Crystal Soul simply by relying on the breath of death. It needed more power at the level of thoughts to impact.

As for Ang, his power had long transcended the soul network and did not need the soul network to provide power. His power came from the seven most basic original laws of the void. It was a waste to hang hundreds of thousands of intelligent undead creatures on him.

But the truth was this. Given the relationship between Nagris and the King, he was afraid that the King would suffer, but also afraid that the King would eat too much. It was very contradictory. He would feel unbalanced if he didn't complain.

"Four hundred thousand? Ten thousand? Four hundred thousand intelligent undead creatures? Wisdom? The kind with brains?" The dignified Undead King couldn't digest this fact. It was easier to accept hundreds of trillion undead creatures.

"Yes, four hundred thousand. I know what you want to ask. We don't know either, but it is speculated that it is because the will of the plane was also shattered at the same time, so so many intelligent undead creatures were bred." Nagris knew what the King wanted to ask, and he said it directly without him opening his mouth.

"Is this still possible? Plane Will..." The king pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "That Kram is also a Plane Will, right?"

Nigris asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

"Where did you go? I just want to see what it looks like. I'll catch a few back later." The king said angrily.

As expected of old acquaintances, they expressed their thoughts, doubts, rejections, attitudes, etc. in just a few words to each other.

Seeing that the king promised not to take advantage of Klam, Nigris said: "How can it be so easy? You should recover your strength first. Don't meet another Death Bone Dragon. If you can't defeat it, will you have to shout again? 'Recharged'."

"If I can't defeat the Mourning Bone Dragon, I'll come back and defeat the silver little fat dragon. I'm going to see my wise people." The king closed his eyes and felt for a while, then opened the space again and got in.

"Fighting the silver little fat dragon? I'll transform and kill him when I turn around." After the space rift closed, Nigris sneered with disdain.

While they were bickering, Anthony and others had already finished cleaning the battlefield. The skeleton of the Mourning Bone Dragon and the flying skull had also been dragged back. Anthony reported: "Sir, I can't find the white crystal. I don't know if it was smashed." Or ran away."

Ange said: "Run away."

As he spoke, Ange took the blown skull and placed it on the original skull. He dropped a few bottles of immortal concentrated insect ash liquid on the crack.

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