Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 21: Something New

Ange tilted his head, but Negris couldn't help gasping: "The Holy Maiden of Light!? No wonder she has such a deep understanding of divine arts, good guy, this lich married the Holy Maiden of Light ? Good guy!"

A lich marries a saint of light, is the danger no different from bathing in sulfuric acid, and is she not afraid of melting?

Grateful Lisa left with pious beliefs, and Ange, who was left in a daze, tilted his head. These things were actually beyond his comprehension. He only knew that Lisa borrowed If his magic power is exhausted, a thicker soul flame will be returned, and he has nothing to lose, so this is enough.

Looking at the pile of bones left by Filin and the luminous moss he planted, Ange simply threw the bull's head into the pile of bones and ran back to serve the luminous moss. In comparison, this is what he is familiar with.

The luminous moss grows very vigorously, at least four or five times taller than when Anger collected them from the rock crevices, and looks like some ground ferns.

If it is used as food, it can basically be harvested when it grows like this, and it will grow old if it grows any longer.

But Ange obviously didn't treat them as food, but as a lighting tool, separated them row by row, brought in fertile soil, built a ridge in the middle, and then sprinkled the seeds, just like the operation in the luminous moss field Same.

But this time when working on the stone slab, the soil ridges cannot be piled up too much, but it doesn't matter, try it first, and then transplant when the crops grow a bit and the soil ridges cannot stabilize their roots.

After some operations, a large multi-layer plantation of stone slabs was formed. When preparing to water, Ange suddenly remembered the purification technique.

Purification can purify filth, so can it purify the dirt in the soil and water?

When planting crops, insect pests cannot be ignored. His burning technique was actually forced out by insect pests. While burning wasteland, the insects in the soil would also be burned to death.

As soon as he thought of it, Ange chose a stone slab, first purified it with a purification technique, then planted the seeds, and drew a horizontal line on the edge of the stone slab.

Pick another slate, water it with purified holy water, and draw two horizontal lines on the edge of the slate.

Finally, choose the third stone slab, purify the soil first, then water it with holy water, and draw three horizontal lines.

In this way, the three stone slabs will become a control group, and it will be clear at a glance which crop grows better.

This habit was learned by Ange when he was burying bone meal. In a field, bones are buried in one year, and the growth is good. In the second year, bone meal is buried, and the growth is better. In the third year, more bone meal is buried, and the crops are all withered.

Looking at the withered farmland, An Ge thought hard for half a year, and finally came up with a good way. He buried all the 50 acres of farmland with different proportions of bone meal, to see which one grew the best, and buried it according to this standard in the future.

Since then, it has been out of control, and Ange buried all the things he could find in the ground, and divided them into different proportions to choose the most suitable one.

However, there are not many things that can be found in the Resting Palace. The only ones that are good for crops are bone meal, plant ash and bird droppings. The amount of bird droppings is too small, and Ange failed to compare which ratio is the most suitable.

Experience is summed up and habits are formed. For the same control group, Ang set up three sets, that is, nine slates.

When he passed the bone when returning to lift water, an angry soul roared suddenly, and a tall skeleton with a bull's head climbed up from the bone pile.

Ange threw the bull skull here, and there was already a soul in that skull, an angry soul.

Any soul that has been hung on the wall for decades may be as angry as this bull head, but it is a pity that it has no hands and feet and cannot detach itself from the wall.

Among the pile of bones that Feilin sent, there happened to be a set of tauren bones, probably because they saw Ange holding a bull's head, so they sent them here specially.

It took a little effort to get close to those bones, and the bull-headed skeleton stood up angrily, and it wanted to trample everything in front of it! ! !

The angry bull-headed skeleton stood up. It took the first step. It saw Ange in front of it. It roared angrily. It lowered its head and pointed its sharp horns at Ange. It charged. ……fall down!

The little zombie jumped out from the side, hit its knee directly, knocked off its lower leg, and the whole skeleton fell to the ground with a squeak, and the little zombie grabbed the fallen bovine leg bone in its hand.

The angry bull-headed skeleton wanted to get up, but as soon as it raised its face, the little zombie took its calf bone and hit it on the cheek with a stick, the place where it was chopped by the gray bone skeleton.

However, this position is indeed a more critical place for the skeleton. Knocking it down can easily cause a soul shock, just like a human brain concussion.

The soul of the bull-headed skeleton was humming, and it took a long time to recover. After finally recovering, the little zombie's bone club was swung down again, and there was another humming.

After repeating this several times, it turns out that the skeleton is not really stupid. After being knocked a few times, he also learned how to master it. He fell to the ground with his head in his arms and couldn't get up.

The little zombie grabbed its other good leg and dragged it away. If Ange didn't let it kill the skeleton, it might have broken the neck of the bull-headed skeleton and pulled out its soul fire from its eye socket. Explode and devour.

It wasn't until the bull-headed skeleton was dragged away by the little zombie that Ange stood up straight. He had already bowed up and prepared to scream just now. With his current soul strength, a soul scream passed by, and the soul of the bull-headed skeleton must not explode. ? It's like the little zombie saved the bull head.

The next day, Ange found that on the three stone slabs that had been poured with holy water alone, the light from the luminous moss was a little brighter. You couldn't see it alone, but it was more conspicuous in a pile of moss that hadn't been watered with holy water. .

As for the three stone slabs that only purify and do not pour holy water, the luminous moss on them is a little wilted.

On the other three slates that were watered and purified, the luminous moss did not change, but a new thing grew in the soil.

Thank you for the reward of the two oxide cats.

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