Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 29 The Farmland Was Burned

In an era without industrialized sugar production, sweetness was a very luxurious feeling. While it brought high calories, it also caused the brain to secrete more hormones to calm negative emotions such as sadness and pain. After overeating, mainly sugar intake.

Without sugar, the main source of sweetness is honey and some natural high-sugar crops, such as beet, which is a crop with a sugar content of 40 percent, and is a very important sweet crop.

But it is a pity that it is difficult to grow beets in the dungeon and even in this world. Not to mention whether there is enough food, the dungeon cannot satisfy the light conditions required by the beet.

It takes a long time in a high-light environment to convert the starch in the beet into sugar. The underground city does not have this condition, and this world does not have this condition.

But Ange is just a skeleton of growing vegetables, and growing vegetables is his main business, and growing food is incidental.

There were originally 60 skeletons on the farm, and each skeleton was responsible for 50 acres of farmland. Some grew vegetables and some grew food. When the immortal soul disappeared, he was the only one left on the farm. Seeing the crops in other farmlands Withering day by day, Ange's instinct could not be restrained, and he tried his best to take care of other farmland.

Of course, the 3,000-acre farmland can't be taken care of even if he is split in half. In the end, he can only take care of a few crops, and the rest can only watch them wither.

Beets happen to be Ang's main crop. The planting scale is only a little smaller than grain, but the output is large. The storage in the granary is more than grain, and it is even less valuable than grain.

Forty catties of beets for forty catties of grain? Ange took out forty catties of beets, only to find that under the action of the soil, the beets were dehydrated, leaving only 70% of their original weight.

"Too much, too much, exchange at equal value, beets are more than ten times more expensive than food, and four catties is enough for me." Eske looked at the pile of beets that had been transferred, his eyes glowed, but he couldn't help but feel sad of rejection.

Not only are beets more than ten times more expensive than grain, but there is no market for them, because there are no beets to sell on the market. Even if they are only given four catties, Esk will make a lot of money.

Although An Ge moved out 40 catties of beets at once, he was very jealous, but he didn't dare to take advantage of it. He thought that this rule was set by An Ge, and it was a rule only when An Ge was willing to abide by it. If he doesn't abide by the rules, he doesn't even have the right to bargain.

Therefore, if you do not have the ability to maintain the rules and are not qualified to bargain, you must never break it.

Is it equivalent? Ange tilted his head. There are more beets in the granary, and it is easier to grow them. The price is so much more expensive than grain. Isn't it more cost-effective to grow beets?

After getting the reward, Esk rolled up his sleeves vigorously, and tried his best to engrave the magic circle on Anger.

"Engrave it here, the angle here is just right, and it can cover the largest area." Esk made a few gestures and found a suitable location, which was in the middle of the cliff, and Esk needed to climb up to get it.

After looking at it, Isik said awkwardly: "I'm going to find a rope, it's too high, and it's hard to use my strength."

An Ge tilted his head and asked, "You can fly."

Esk replied in shame: "I can't hold on."

As an intermediate mage, Isik can fly for a short time, but not for a long time. It is okay to climb the wall in an emergency, but it is impossible to hover to do delicate work such as engraving the magic circle.

Ange stretched out his hand, cast pollination on Esk, lifting him up from the ground.

Esk was taken aback, but when he realized that it was Anger who made it, he was relieved and geared up, determined to make good use of it in return for Anger's beets.

An hour has passed, two hours have passed, three hours have passed... Eske turned his head from time to time in horror, and kept roaring in his heart: "No way, no way? Can anyone really stand strong for so long? ?”

It has been three hours, and Ange has been supporting him steadily, without any signs of instability. It is simply incredible, even a great magician cannot have such a long-lasting ability.

In the past, Esk only speculated on Anger's strength from Ferlin's attitude towards Anger, but now he really felt the unfathomable, vast, endless, and endless cycle of strength.

Even though it only takes one level of wind magic to lift him up, this kind of continuous and stable output is actually more difficult. Anyone can stand on one leg. You can let him stand on one leg for three hours.

This is definitely a level that only the esoteric mages can achieve. Considering that Ange is still a projection, then at least he has the strength of a truth mage. projection.

Eske immediately understood why Filin had such a respectful attitude.

Eske, who was deeply shocked, naturally would not have thought that there is a guy in this world who has spent more than three hundred years practicing only level one magic, just to water the crops. This is a big misunderstanding.

It took a full four hours to complete the engraving of the lighting array, mainly because Isik wanted to perform well, and the area of ​​the lighting array is larger, so it took more work.

After completing the task, Eske happily went home with four catties of beets, without hearing the sarcasm of Negris in Ange's soul:

"The magic circle is really bad, the magic patterns are not concise enough, there are too many redundant circuits, the transformation efficiency is low, the energy consumption is high, and there is no stable structure. Once the release process starts, it will be strong first and then weak. The back is so dark that even ants can’t see clearly, it’s rotten.”

"If you haven't received a systematic formation education, it's easy to get this kind of problem. A simple lighting technique, such a magic circuit will only be inefficient and not fatal, but it will be a big problem if you use it as a stable formation. gone."

An Ge tilted his head: "Oh."

"Don't just oh, fly up, I'll teach you how to change."

"Oh." Ange flew up, modified the magic circle according to Negris' instructions, and then injected magic power. The magic circle flickered a few times, and then released a steady and bright light, illuminating the entire sky. pit.

Bathed in the bright light of the lighting circle, Ange suddenly had an idea: "Raining spell, can you engrave the circle."

"It can be engraved, but your broken rain technique is your own creation, and you have to transform it into a magic pattern, flatten it, and combine it. You haven't learned the magic circle, how can you transform it? It's better to just use a water polo The magic circle is ready-made." Negris said.

An Ge shook his head: "Water polo, don't water the ground, if it rains, water the ground, you teach."

Negris was used to Anger's style of speaking, and he understood it as soon as he heard it. He complained helplessly: "You are very persistent in planting. What's the difference? Isn't it all water? Some people are dying of thirst, you Can't the rain technique condense water to save people? You can learn it if you want, anyway, if you are idle, you are idle..."

Ange couldn't listen to the words that followed, and his mind was full of: Can the rain spell save people who are dying of thirst?

This reminded him of the person who opened the teleportation array. At that time, there was no water, so he died of starvation and thirst. Can the rain technique save the thirsty person?

It seems really possible, why didn't I think of it at the time? Ange cast a raining spell, looked at the dripping water droplets in his palm, and fell into deep thought.

With a gust of wind elemental turbulence, Esk flew back from the only passage, and said anxiously: "My lord, it's bad, your farmland has been burned."

The farmland was burned! Ange's soul was shaken violently, and he turned his head to look at Esk, and a flame burst out from the empty eye sockets that made Esk palpitate.

The water droplets in the palm of the raised hand turned into sharp ice crystals, which fell to the ground.

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