Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 46 Soul Warrior

Can't grow vegetables? Ange tilted his head. There are 3,000 acres of farmland in the farm. It was fine if he couldn't go back before, but now he can reach in. Why waste it?

Ignoring Negris, Ange continued to grow his vegetables happily. During this period, people came to disturb him from time to time. There were too many injured people, and the entire dungeon was too busy to mobilize.

The one who is best at healing is Lisa. As a former saint of light, her healing ability is several blocks away from other magicians. But she couldn't use holy light magic before, because she was reincarnated as a lich, and when she cast holy light magic, she was the first to melt away.

Until the appearance of Ange, Ange's will does not contain additional damage to undead creatures, so the holy light technique cast by borrowing Ange's power will not cause harm to himself.

However, she can only cast the first-level holy light spell. She imagined many reasons, such as her own beliefs are not pious enough, or Ange's restrictions and tests on her, but she never thought about it. The reason for casting a first-level magic.

However, it was only the first level of magic, and she was exhausted. There were too many wounded, many of them were not wounded by swords or guns, but by falls, bruises, and most of their feet were bleeding.

This kind of injury is very troublesome. Although it is not a fatal injury, it affects the movement and is easy to deteriorate. In places where there is a lack of medical treatment, it is likely to deteriorate into an injury that requires amputation or even fatal injury. It is ideal to treat it as soon as possible.

Ange would not refuse anyone, anyway, he watered non-stop for days and nights, and his other hand was planting vegetables, and the monotonous and repetitive treatment here was more in tune, just like going for a run while listening to a song. Do not interfere.

With such distractions, Anna and Lisa carried a wounded man who was stiff and stiff.

The wounded man was a middle-aged man. His whole body was stiff as if frozen, but his complexion was blue, and he felt like the skin of a zombie had been toughened.

The eyes are staring straight, and only the depths of the eyes have a little bit of light.

People who saw him shook their heads with expressions of regret or grief. This is wind-stiff, blown by the wind of repose for a long time, the body is already dead, dead, and it is a very painful death.

Because before he died, his consciousness was clear, and he would silently feel his body was stiff, his internal organs were rotting and stinking, for as long as half a month, until he finally starved to death.

Therefore, those injured by wind stiffness generally only want to die quickly.

The reason why Lisa brought the wounded man here was because she had some new discoveries. Second, the identity of the wounded man was very important to Anna. He was Cui Fu, the housekeeper of the Luofen family, who took care of Anna and her two children since childhood. Brother and sister grow up, they are servants in name, but they are relatives in love.

When they first found each other, Anna almost cried to death.

Carrying Cui Fu in front of Ange, Lisa quickly said: "My lord, I have a new discovery. The purification technique has a little effect on patients with rheumatic stiffness, but my strength is too weak... Uh, this... this OK?"

Putting the patient down, Ange was still using the cleansing technique habitually. Before Lisa finished speaking, Ange had already thrown three enhanced versions of the cleansing technique on the patient, and the bruises on the patient quickly disappeared. It subsided, and the skin returned to its original elasticity, so fast that Lisa couldn't finish her words.

On the contrary, Ange saw that Lisa had spoken half of what she said, and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"No, it's okay." Lisa was a little at a loss and carried Cui Fu aside, and checked carefully. The wind stiffness really disappeared, Cui Fu's body returned to its original shape, and his fingers and toes could still move, but he was very weak. Can't stand up.

"This... that's all right? This is all right?" Lisa murmured to herself, a little skeptical about the appearance of life. Wind stiffness is the most common injury in this world. Every year, hundreds of people amputate or die because of wind stiffness. Many people died, and no one knew what to do about it.

Everyone was used to it. After all, even undead creatures could not survive under the Wind of Rest, but after borrowing Ange's power, Lisa found that the purification technique had a little effect on wind stiffness, so she hugged a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Mentality came to Ange.

Who would have thought that Ange would heal the man before he finished speaking. The mood was like ordering a big health care in a tavern, and it was over without taking off his clothes.

After being dazed for a while, Lisa suddenly thought: Isn't this normal?

"Yeah, isn't this normal? My lord Ange, shouldn't it be normal to treat a wind stiffness? It's not normal if it can't be cured. My lord is only projected onto the skeleton and restricted by the body shell, and he didn't do it." No, my Lord is omnipotent, my Lord is immeasurable."

Lisa muttered to herself, the light in her eyes became brighter and firmer. Suddenly, An Ge's soul trembled, and a certain point in the soul network grew stronger, which made him unable to help but look up, only to see a holy flame ignited on Lisa's body.

Lisa's abnormality attracted everyone's attention, including Negris, who was lifting a naked child off his body, looked up at his neck, and then couldn't help cursing:

"Spirit Warrior, Chambada, are you the skeleton of the goddess of fortune? First there are fanatics, and then there are soul warriors. Why can't I meet any of them?"

Anger stopped what he was doing, ran to Negris, pointed at Lisa puzzled and said, "She, in her soul, has grown bigger."

Anger didn't know what was going on, so he ran over to ask, but in Negris' ears, it became a blatant show off.

"Roll, it's just a soul warrior, what's there to show off, the Church of Light has more than a dozen, and there are more than a dozen saintesses, yes, it must be talent, to become a saintess of light, Lisa's talent is there, There's nothing strange about being a Soul Warrior, yes, it's talent, it's Lisa's luck, not yours."

Just sprayed Ange on the face, and then saw the angel skeleton flying over and sitting on it, and the little zombie also rushed over and punched it on the cheek.

Tapping and tapping, a bone horse ran over quickly. After a closer look, Ange found that he still knew it. It was Eske's bone horse. It galloped to Lisa and passed a soul message , it came to deliver the letter.

The information of the soul can only be transmitted between undead creatures. Lisa immediately said after seeing it: "The enemy is coming."


On the endless wasteland, ten holy knights galloped wildly, stirring up smoke and dust all the way.

The leading red-cloaked paladin murmured, "Damn Leonard, he lied to us. What kind of heresy is there in this damn place? They're all a group of hard-working people struggling to survive."

"Didn't it say that there is a Lich City? That city ruled by Liches should be the headquarters of heretics, right?" said the handsome paladin behind him.

The red cloak paladin immediately cursed: "Are you stupid or am I stupid? Once the Ice City was broken, those humans ran to the Lich's dungeon all at once. Do you think those humans will run to the evil Lich? Having a lich is also a good thing..."

"Lord Mader!" Before he could finish speaking, the handsome paladin interrupted him sharply.

Ma De cut off a sentence, exhaled a few times, and finally swallowed it back abruptly. He knew that the handsome paladin was for his own good. Can he say such words as a kind lich?

Although behind him were loyal brothers who would not betray him, but if he leaked something today, he could leak it in other places tomorrow, and the consequences would be serious.

Angry and full of breath, Made ran all the way, and when he saw someone blocking him in front of him, and saw a skeleton among the blocking people, his anger seemed to have found an outlet, and he drew his sword forward: "Destroy the heresy! Kill!"

The whole team of paladins accelerated their charge, and the holy light lit up, connecting them together. A powerful force surged among them, and when this force was released, it was a holy charge that could knock down the city gate with one blow.

Before they could unleash their power, however, the skeleton dragged an angel ahead.

Thank you for the rewards of Zhen Lonely Tiande, God's Setting, Beiming Keqing, Skeleton Wants to Build a Foundation, Panda Loves Coffee Without Sugar, Priest Mode.

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