Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 56 It's Not Difficult

Leonard watched in a daze as the air sword pierced his protective fighting qi and pierced into his body. The severe pain brought him a sense of unreality. How could he be dragged out of the divine protection? ?

That is a high-level divine art, a high-level divine art that no one can break except divine power.

Someone once experimented, six angels shone with holy light, an upright magician cast upright magic on it, and seven or eight high-level sword masters hacked around, but they couldn't break it before Shengyou disappeared.

The only disadvantage may be that the duration is too short, only tens of seconds, and it cannot move at the same time, but it is the best life-saving trick when combined with the teleportation scroll.

He paid a lot of money to get this from His Majesty Guliani, but a gray bone skeleton put his hand in? Did you buy a fake?

No matter how rich his imagination was, he only dared to think that he bought a fake product, and he would not think that the skeleton in front of him had divine power, or was directly a god.

Am I dying? will i die Woooooo~~, I don’t want to die, I’m a knight of God, I have a lot of money, a lot of lovers, and a lot of things I don’t enjoy, I don’t want to die, woooooo...

Feeling something passing, Leonard finally realized what was going to happen, broke down to the point of crying, and vaguely heard a voice from the bottom of his heart shouting: Idiot!

"Why are you crying? Afraid of death? Don't be afraid, we will take your soul out, and you will die after asking about the things you are interested in." Luthor comforted him, still worried, and pressed Leonard's leg , grabbed his hand and clasped his neck, and then greeted back.

Flynn walked over, pressed his index finger on Leonard's browbone, his middle finger on his temple, and his thumb on his cheekbone, chanting a spell.

"Ah~~!" The pain of the soul being extracted made Leonard, who was dying, reflect back, and his whole body stretched out, but Luther firmly held him down.

Youlan's soul flame was pulled out abruptly from his seven holes, and it went smoothly at first, but halfway through it, it turned into black smoke, and Leonard went limp, dead .

"Ah? What's going on?" Luther asked in surprise. Could it be that this situation was unsuccessful?

Ferlin's expression became serious: "His soul was branded with a seal, and it will melt when someone extracts it."

Luther didn't react when he heard this sentence, but Lisa was shocked: "Can you seal the soul of the knight of God? Who can do such a thing?"

No matter who can do this kind of thing, the strength must be much higher than Leonard, and this method is not like the practice of the Church of Light. In other words, Lisa is the person behind Leonard. unfamiliar.

This is troublesome, the truly terrifying thing is that kind of unknown enemy.

Luther said angrily: "Oh, I didn't expect the soul to be sealed. If I knew it, I wouldn't kill it. I will torture some information first. This guy has a bad mouth, but he is very timid. Just now he cried .”

Feilin also said regretfully: "I'm careless, but there are still many enemies here. Let's pick a few to search for souls while they are fresh."

Lisa shook her head: "It's useless, these people are obviously members of the Illuminati Church, what they know, they have already been asked by the two female pastors sent by Luthor, and the dead one searches the memory and verifies If the one who is alive, compare the two, there will be no mistakes or omissions."

After a pause, Lisa added: "Unless the heavy armored swordsmen killed by Lord Ange, they may know something, but their souls were all hooked and killed by Lord Ange."

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Luther asked puzzled.

"Can't you see? The heavy armored swordsman and these paladin priests are not all the same, and I don't know when the Church of Light has such an establishment... Sir Ange! What are you doing!? said Lisa.

While everyone was chatting, Lisa happened to look up in Ang's direction, and what she saw made her scream subconsciously.

Anger was picking off a ball of soul fire from the Death Scythe, and handing it to the angel skeleton, while the little zombie was already holding a ball of soul fire in his hand, and he didn't know how many he had eaten, anyway, the god of death There is only a soul flame left on the scythe.

Lisa Fu was heartbroken, and screamed on the spot: "The soul of a heavy armored swordsman, isn't it!? My lord, is it the soul of a heavy armored swordsman!?" She thought that the soul was taken away by the death scythe. It's gone, could it be that the souls that were hooked are all hung on the sickle?

Angus nodded.

"Great, great, don't eat, don't eat, ouch, it's gone," Lisa cried out annoyed.

When she just said 'Great', Angel Skull took Soul Fire into his arms and looked at her vigilantly. When she said 'Don't eat', Angel Skull bit Soul Fire and slipped out Suck it all in at once, as if afraid of being snatched away.

Just like that, a mass of soul fire that might contain precious information and memories disappeared into the mouth of the angel skull, and everyone's eyes fell on the last flame on Angor's sickle.

"Don't eat it!" Lisa lifted her magic robe and rushed forward with the momentum of a tauren aunt!

After saving the soul fire of the last group of heavy-armored swordsmen, Filin chanted a spell to extract the memory in the soul, but this was obviously not an easy task. Filin's expression was distorted, as if he was constipated.

After a long time, Fei Lin stopped exhausted, slid to the ground as if he had run several marathons, and was supported by Lisa, who had been prepared for a long time.

Seems to be difficult? Ange tilted his head and looked at the angel skull.

Angel Skeleton was digesting the fire of the soul. Seeing Ange looking over, he quickly spit out a small ball of impurities and handed it to Ange. For the fire of the soul, memory is the impurity, and the ball that Angel Skull spit out was all memory.

It's not too difficult... Ang patted Lisa on the shoulder, and handed over the fire of the soul full of memories.

After figuring out what was inside, Lan, Lisa and Filin looked at each other in dismay, especially Filin, he almost exhausted all his strength to feed, but he was not as good as an angel skeleton?

What shocked him even more was that the little zombie also spit out a mass of impurities, and held it up in front of An Ge begging for praise.

Filin had already exhausted all his strength, so Lisa and Lan could only digest the two impurity soul fires. After a lot of work, the two girls got some shocking information from it.

"Let me tell you first, and then you come to prove it." Ferlin said: "These heavy armored swordsmen are not specially designed to restrain magicians. They can only restrain elements, but they are immune to holy light. They are specially used to deal with priests and paladins." And the Priests of Light, they have a special name - Judgment Army."

"That's right, little Luthor, go and drag the corpse of a heavy armored swordsman over here, hurry up." Lisa said.

Luther, who was called 'Little', had black lines all over his face, and reluctantly dragged the corpse of a heavy armored swordsman back. It took a little effort to take off the tightly bound heavy armor. A corpse covered in bandages was revealed.

"The bandages are full of holy seals, which are cut from shrouds." Lan subconsciously took a step back and said in shock.

Seeing these holy seals, she felt a dull pain in the runes on her body, even though she had lost all her memories long ago, she didn't remember that feeling at all.

None of the three liches dared to touch these bandages, so it was Luther who tore them open, revealing a body with festered skin underneath. Where did it come from, from the festering skin.

"It's not dead, it's alive." Feilin said.

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