Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 62 Plane Projection

Ange happily collected all the crops. This was his first large-scale harvest after leaving the Dormition Palace.

While collecting and summarizing, Ange found several problems. The first is that the land is hardened and seems to have lost a lot of fertility.

Second, save water. In the past three hours, he has been watering non-stop, but compared with the whole planting season, the amount of water is estimated to be less than one-fiftieth of the previous one.

It is estimated that the growth time is accelerated, the water is fully utilized, and the natural evaporation is less.

Third, the pollination is not good. The growth period is only three hours, and the flowering period may be less than ten minutes. If pollination is used in less than ten minutes, the success rate of pollination is frighteningly low, at least 1%. Twenty is not well pollinated.

Fourth, the grown grains have grown a lot. In the past, a single grain might have been only five or six millimeters, but now it is about twenty millimeters, four times as long, like small wooden sticks.

This also led to the fact that 20% of the cases where there was no pollination, the yield per mu tripled compared to before.

All in all, the effect of the halo of quick death is super good. The problem of soil compaction and loss of fertility can be solved by the rotation method. There are 3,000 acres of farmland in the farm, and 300 acres can be planted at a time, which can be rotated nine times.

If it doesn't work, you can rotate other crops, or fertilize, or if it doesn't work, there are...

After quickly planting the 3,000 mu of farmland in the Palace of Rest, Ange lifted all the seeds and buckets outside.

Outside the tiankeng, there was an endless wasteland. As soon as the wind of peace blew, An Ge couldn't wait to run out. The grain seeds in the bag were scattered and evenly spread under the disturbance of the wind tornado.

In the case of intensive cultivation, Ange will dig ditches and ridges, bury bone meal, plant ash, sow and cover soil, and for some crops with a long growth cycle, they will raise seedlings in advance or cover straws to keep warm.

But now, there is an endless flat wasteland in front of you. No one has cultivated it for more than a thousand years, and it is very fertile.

The accelerated growth time is short, no need to cover the soil, the roots can be deep, the poles can stand firmly, and there is no wind during the day, so the crops will not fall.

In the air at a height of one person, Negris flew forward, holding a bag with his hind legs, and the bag had a few small holes. As it flew, seeds kept leaking out of the bag, sprinkling seed paths one by one.

"Why should I plant seeds for you? Can you respect me a little bit? I am the god of knowledge, not the god of planting." Negris complained as he flew.

On the other side, the Angel Skeleton flew around quietly with the bag, without any complaints. Occasionally, when Ange looked over, it would pat the bag to show that it was working hard.

But the little zombie was digging a hole, a huge hole, the handle of the hoe was removed, and the rest was put on his hands, and his hands were quickly digging on the ground, and a huge amount of soil was dug out from between his legs.

After sowing the seeds, Ange began to water them. Since his purification technique was upgraded, other types of magic have also been improved.

Now he is using level 1 magic power to cast purification technique, facial cleansing technique, and raining technique to achieve level 3 effect, and burning land to pollinate and loosen soil can also achieve level 2 effect, but the magic power used is still level 1.

Regarding this question, Negris replied: "What's so strange, the proficiency is only improved, the magic power has reached the optimal combination when casting spells, and the maximum effect has been achieved. All genius magicians can do this .”

After finishing speaking, it muttered angrily: "It's just you who piled it up out of numbers, bah."

The proficient version of the rain technique transformed Ange's shower into a water gun, watering the ground thoroughly.

On the thoroughly wet ground, one by one seeds were either exposed on the ground, or half covered with soil. Then, Ange stepped on the ground where the seeds had been sprinkled, and in an instant, all life was accelerated.

Lightning hid far away. Among Ange's little friends, only it was still alive. When it heard the aura of quick death, it immediately hid as far away as possible.

From its distance, a miraculous change can be seen more clearly.

Green shoots sprouted from large tracts of land, like a grassland. The shoots became stronger and stronger, and the straws became more and more straight, adding a touch of greenness to the gray world.

The unicorn itself is a creature close to nature. Lightning has been in this world for a long time, and it is actually quite uncomfortable, so it usually hides in the sinkhole, secretly eating beet leaves with the tauren family.

This miraculous change in this scene had the biggest impact on it.

The whole growing process lasted for three hours, and Ange was too busy, especially when pollinating, no one else could help.

He used the pollen technique to roll the pollen into the air, and then let it fall freely, no matter where it stuck. I saw a large amount of powder scattered over the crops. Anyone who is allergic to pollen will definitely choke to death if he stops in the field.

Even so, Ange still felt overwhelmed. After all, the flowering period was too short. For the first time, he felt that his magic power could not recover. After all, he was casting magic at a speed of three shots per second, just like a woodpecker. , Negris couldn't help but look away: Can't watch, hit people.

The crops matured and turned yellow, and the stalks were heavily bent. Ange stopped the halo and galloped across the field dragging the Death Scythe.

In the human world, the goblin engineer invented a harvesting machine, but it was much slower than Anger's method of mowing with the sickle upside down.

After cutting the crops, the sky has slowly turned dark, and it will soon be evening.

The straw was packed in bundles and dragged by lightning to the side of the big pit dug by the little zombie.

The wind was getting stronger, and Ange had to gather all the crops into the pit before the resting wind blew, otherwise the grain would turn into powder if it blows overnight.

It was too late to thresh, so Ange cut off the fringes one by one, and fell into the pit to cover the bottom of the pit.

All the ears of corn were cut off, and everyone jumped into the pit, lying directly on top of the ears of corn, and the wind of rest finally blew and whizzed past.

Negris pulled the ears of grain out of a pit, coiled them up comfortably like a giant dragon lying on a pile of wealth, and sighed: "It was really done by you, sowing and harvesting in one day, this The boundless wilderness can be turned into fertile fields, you have changed the world."

Ange tilted his head, and before he could speak, Lightning said disapprovingly, "What's the change? It's only two hundred acres a day. It's not winter in a year. Is there winter here? Three hundred days , It’s only 60,000 mu, what can the grain produced by 60,000 mu of land change?”

"In the human world, there are millions of acres of land, all kinds of cash crops, and hundreds of millions of hectares of wild flowers and trees. This world is too barren, and there is no wood. Living It's very difficult, why not wipe your necks together and reincarnate as undead creatures." Lightning spoke poisonously as always.

With plenty of time in the Palace of Rest, Ange can plant 300 acres at a time, but in the wasteland, time is tight and the task is heavy. For safety reasons, he reduced the area of ​​planting to 200 acres at a time.

"Hehe." Negris gave it a contemptuous look: "Ange planted it by himself, two hundred acres a day, but if other people cooperate to sow, water and reap, Ange is only responsible for the acceleration of the halo. How many acres to plant?"

Lightning opened his mouth, unable to speak. Indeed, if someone cooperates, Ange can cast the halo at least three times a day, and the time will not be as fast as it is now. It is enough to accelerate three or four hundred acres at a time, but it will be more than a thousand Mu, nearly 300,000 mu a year.

"And don't you think the yield of these crops is very high? The yield per mu is at least three times that of ordinary crops, but you are right, the world is too barren, and no amount of food can change anything."

The lightning was astonishing, 300,000 mu, the output tripled, that is close to 1 million mu, many medium-sized duchies may not be able to produce so much grain.

And all of this was done by Ange himself. It's true to call it changing the world.

Lightning said stubbornly: "It's impossible to plant so many, so the halo won't be consumed? It can't be turned on every day, right?"

Negris really ignored this question, turned to Ange and asked, "Do you consume anything when you activate the halo?"

"Two thousand soul flames." An Ge responded.

It takes more than 2,000 soul flames to activate the halo for three hours. This consumption is actually more than transferring the same weight of food from the resting palace, but don't forget that the transfer is only the shipping cost, while the halo is the production cost.

And An Ge is very happy, the flame soul has finally found a place to use it, and now with more and more believers, he can receive one or two thousand soul flames every day, and he doesn't know how to use them in his hand. Even if the halo is opened once a day, it can ensure the balance of income and expenditure.

Only by consuming the believers' faith, they can produce food continuously. This is really a profitable business without money. Now, Lightning's poisonous mouth can't find where to cut it, and he bites the ear of grain under his body bitterly. superior.

After chewing for a while, it was a little puzzled. After chewing a few more times, its eyes lit up suddenly, and it said in shock: "It's delicious, it's super delicious, it's super delicious grains."

The three "delicious" in a row made Negris curious, but unfortunately he couldn't eat anything, so he could only ask, "How delicious?"

"Fragrant, sweet, glutinous, it bursts when you bite it, the grains are distinct, and it tastes better than the Moon Valley, the best food for elves." Lightning was so excited that he wanted to bite it down, but the little zombie rushed over and hit it with his head. Click it.

The Angel Skull also jumped in front of it, spread its hands and feet to scratch the ears of corn, and stared at Lightning with an expression of 'it's all mine'.

"Aww!" Ange yelled, calling the two little guys back. Only Lightning eats in this pit, and Ange will not be stingy with crops.

Lying on a pile of sweet grain ears, you can eat all you want just by opening your mouth. Isn’t this the life of your dreams? It would be even better if the horns could grow back.

Lightning was thinking obsessively, until he was awakened by a burst of defecation: "No, I want to pee."

"No!" Negris yelled first, the pit was full of ears of grain, but if you fart, you can't take any grain from this pit.

"But...but..., I can't hold it back." Lightning made a bitter face, looked at the ears of grain under him, and then looked up at the wind of peace whizzing by outside the pit. If it dared to climb out, it would definitely Will be blown into a zombie.

Ange crawled over and grabbed its feet, pulled it back, and dragged it directly into the Palace of Rest, dug a hole in the open space of the farm, and released it after pulling it.

"You weigh a thousand catties, right? If you move it in, you need soul flames, and if you move it out, you need soul flames. Your urine is really expensive, so why don't you just cut it off?" Negris sneered.

"You don't need to pull it, and it can't be used. Why don't you keep that thing? Why don't you just cut it off?" Lightning sarcastically curled his lips, saying that he is not afraid of anyone when it comes to bickering.

Just when the two guys were arguing, Ange suddenly sensed a voice: My Lord me....

Anger was a little dazed. This was the first time he had received this kind of belief from a long distance. Normally, he could hear some voices when he received the soul flames of believers at close range in the temple, but now there are no believers around him, and no Soul Flame.

Following that voice, Ange probed his mind, and soon came to a consciousness, and immediately knew who was calling him, it turned out to be a goblin silver coin.

At this moment, the silver coin has just had its neck broken by the black warrior, and it is about to be sucked into the soul and searched for memory.

The remaining consciousness sensed Ange's arrival, and the silver coin said anxiously: "Master Ange, I will believe in you with the piety I believe in money, aim at your will, spread your glory, and save me... "Before he finished speaking, a force began to pull his soul.

A ball of soul flame emerged from Yin Coin's consciousness, and Ange caught it in a daze.

To be honest, the silver coin was really called to the wrong person. Ange is not a qualified god at all. He didn't know what to do in this situation, but he still worked hard to do it. The power of the soul scrambled, and at least half of the souls of the silver coins were snatched by him.

Then what? Anger, who didn't know what to do, stared blankly at the body of the silver coin being thrown to the ground, and the black warriors disappeared and left. After thinking for a while, he felt that the soul of the silver coin should be put back to the original place.

So he stuffed it back, but only half of the soul could not return to the original place, what should I do? Make it up. An Ge subconsciously mobilized his soul energy, trying to repair the broken soul of the silver coin.

With this tune, Anger's head suddenly ignited a raging flame, and a large amount of soul energy crossed the plane and was projected to the remnant soul of the silver coin.

It's just a fire of the soul. If it was normal, Ange would condense it out easily, but he didn't expect that the difficulty this time was beyond imagination. It took dozens of times the energy to barely repair the soul of the silver coin.

After putting it back in place, Ange couldn't hold it anymore, and his consciousness retracted into his body with a whoosh.

When I came back to my senses, I saw the concerned eyes of the little zombie, the angel skeleton and Negris: "What happened? Why did your soul energy suddenly overflow?"

Ange described the matter again, only to see a strange look on Negris' face: "You mean that you performed a plane projection just now? Or did you perform the plane projection under the call of believers?"


The two chapters are combined into one, and everyone discusses rationally. If there are loopholes in the discussion, I will quietly correct them. Don’t quarrel, otherwise I will have to persuade them. This way there will be no “quiet” effect. Don’t quarrel and don’t quarrel.

Thank you book friends 2021...3539, Pandas love to drink coffee without sugar, book friends 2018...6157, concubine Jing Feifei, Beiming Keqing, Skeleton wants to build a foundation, super enlightened, half-month serenade, for the reward.

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