Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 65: The Control Tower Has Been Digged

Aunt Tauren scooped up clean holy water with a ladle and skillfully poured it on the holy mushrooms. After pouring all the water, she saw that there was a little holy water left at the bottom of the bucket, so she directly poured it into her mouth and drank it. The clean holy water has no taste, but it is absolutely clean, and you won't have diarrhea if you drink it often.

After drinking, the tauren aunt patted her stomach and hiccupped. With this pat, the flesh around her waist swelled into fat waves.

"Hey, getting fat again?" The tauren lady patted again happily, supported the two heavy lumps on her chest, pulled up the dress a little, made it looser, and covered the flesh on the waist, After finishing it, she looked around guiltily to make sure no one saw it, and then she let out a sigh of relief.

Don't let anyone see the little meat you saved with great difficulty.

At this moment, a tall and thin female tauren walked over quickly from a distance. When she saw the aunt of the tauren, her eyes lit up, and she shouted from a distance: "Sister!"

The tauren aunt turned pale with fright, raised her hand to cover her mouth, looked into the temple with a guilty conscience, and immediately saw the silver skull looking up.

The tauren aunt turned her head and ran, facing the female tauren, covered her mouth and dragged her away.

"You are crazy, you can't roar around the temple." The tauren aunt shouted loudly, and her voice echoed.

The skinny tauren is not the sister of the aunt of the tauren. The tauren family believes in ancestors. All the people of the same generation are brothers and sisters, so they are just clan sisters, let's call them the tauren sisters.

"Isn't it so exciting to see you, sister? Sister, have you heard? The adults are going to dig the ruins, and they are recruiting people to dig the soil. Each person will be given two catties of rations a day, and rewards will be given to those who dig more , do you want to go together?" Niutoumei said excitedly.

Two catties? It seems that there are not as many beet leaves as I steal every day, right?

"No, no, I'm working in the temple, so I can't leave."

"Hey, how much money can a ruined temple give you? Is it enough for you to eat? Don't be hungry. The two catties of food in the ruins are just a guarantee. If you dig a lot of soil, there will be rewards. With the strength of our tauren , you can get the reward easily, I heard that the reward is to eat as much as you want, oh my god, I have never eaten enough since I grew up. Hey, sister, are you fat?" Niutoumei patted her skinny and deformed shoulder Speaking of.

When Niutaumei said "I'm hungry and thin", the Tauren aunt subconsciously tightened her stomach, trying to shrink her belly as much as possible. When it comes to 'eat all you can eat', the tauren aunt is already ashamed. Recently, she eats all she can eat every day, and she has eaten fat.

When the tauren girl said she was 'fat', the tauren aunt quickly denied: "No, no, don't talk nonsense, I am hungry, edema, edema. But I won't go, the sacred mission of watering and nursing is entrusted to the temple. Give it to me, even if I starve to death, I can't give up the mission, you can take Niu Daniu Er, they have a big appetite, great strength, they can eat and work."

When the two fat aunts of the tauren's family were taken away, they cried miserably. They would no longer be able to eat all they could eat or eat beet leaves.

Almost all the people in the Lich City were mobilized, ranging from the strong tauren to the old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant. Regardless of whether they could work or not, they would get a catty of food when they came, and those who could work had two catties. There are many rewards, and those who do the most are rewarded with all-you-can-eat.

How is this recruiting work? This is basically relief in disguise, nominally substituting work for relief.

Two days later, people from Ice City also came, and everyone was working in full swing. They dug out the sand and piled it nearby temporarily, and dug out a building under the seat of the god with the fastest speed. At night, the wind of rest blew When I got up, I lived in it temporarily.

More and more people came, the excavation progress became faster and faster, more and more buildings were excavated, and more and more people could be accommodated.

There used to be tens of thousands of people living in the World Transit Station. They had to evacuate because the wind of rest was blowing day and night, and the maintenance cost was too high. However, the building was not damaged. can be used.

As for the maintenance cost, the biggest cost is manpower. Now that there are a lot of people without food here, manpower is naturally not a problem, and this is Lisa's strong request.

"This is the most perfect solution. First, it solves the problem of manpower. Second, it also finds things for everyone to do. We must not raise them for nothing, even the elderly and children. Otherwise, problems will easily arise, so we must keep them busy. It’s best to fall asleep when you’re so busy, so you won’t have time to think about messy things.”

Lisa has experience in large-scale relief. After a disaster, she is not afraid that everyone will be busy, but she is afraid that everyone will be idle, which will lead to chaos.

Some able-bodied people with experience in planting will be organized. As soon as the wind of rest stops, they will immediately get up, plant seeds and water them, and Ange only needs to come over and step on a footprint, and a miraculous change will take place up.

When the crops are mature, there will be undead creatures going to dig up the footprints, suspend the halo of quick death, and then quickly harvest.

With everyone's cooperation, Ange can cultivate three times a day, with a total of about 900 acres, but he can only enjoy harvesting once.

Because only one halo of quick death can be activated at a time, if it stops here, he can rush to the next field to activate it, without him participating in the harvest.

This is very bad, as for what is bad, he can't tell.

On the contrary, Negris understands his feelings very well: "Growing vegetables is a kind of happiness for you, but it is painful to be forced to grow vegetables, and it is missing the link that makes you the happiest. It is better to grow your own vegetables." Cut, only plant once a day."

"Oh." Ange felt that it made sense, and planted it by himself the next day without human help, and the planting area dropped back to 200 acres a day.

Anna looked anxiously: "Why didn't your lord let us help? How low is the yield? Long-grain rice is so delicious, why don't you grow more?"

"Your Excellency should have a deep meaning." Luther thought about it and said: "He used this method to tell us not to develop dependence, and our own destiny must be in our own hands after all. Too wise, Anna, Let's also organize people to rebuild the burned planting areas."

Anna gave him a blank look: "It has been rebuilt a long time ago, and the seeds can be planted in the spring of next year. It is too late now."

Luther scratched his head and praised: "Anna is still amazing, you are really thoughtful, I am relieved that Ice City is in your hands."

Anna scolded: "Don't try to shirk responsibility, you are the number one pick."

After Anna finished speaking, someone suddenly came to report: "Report to the city lord, we have dug up the control tower of the teleportation array, but there is something inside, which killed both of us."

Luther immediately said, "Notify Your Excellency!"

Thank you, egg rolls, Gangjiao’s friend, Bai Shouhe, Skeleton Wants to Build a Foundation, Curve Circle, Shuiren Old Driver, Gan Wei, Beiming Keqing, Riding a Bicycle, Book Friends 20170731151422102, Yizheng who escaped, Xia Mo _Meet again, Feng Qing, a reward.

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