Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 74 No chance to surrender?

After the Altar of Reincarnation was abandoned, the cave where it was located was blocked up. Under the guidance of an old human named Lvmu, a group of people came to the cave that was integrated with the rocks.

"Master Brass Dragon, the altar of reincarnation you mentioned is probably here. The demons didn't let us approach it before, so I'm not sure if it is. Sir, are you from Lich City?" Green Wood Asked on the sidelines.

"We came from the transit station of the world." Negris responded casually.

"World transfer station?" There are some distant names, and Greenwood can't remember where he heard them.

Confirm that there is indeed a cave behind the soil layer, then dig it. Greenwood said courteously: "My lord, I'll call someone, this place has been buried for too long and it's not easy to dig."

But when he called someone back, a big hole was already open, and Lvmu, who had been away for less than five minutes, was stunned: "Fa...what happened?"

No one needs to be called to dig a hole. Now the little zombie is a human-shaped digging beast. With two hoes in his hands, he can dig out a large pit for storing food in an hour, which is easy and convenient.

However, this old soil clod is too hard to dig. Ange stepped on it a few times. After loosening the soil, it will be easy to dig.

Going inside, I saw a reincarnation altar that was basically intact, but a few stone pillars beside it were broken.

The quality of the buildings in the Undead Empire is quite good, including the transfer station in the world. Thousands of years have not left too many traces. If it is the human world, it does not need to be thousands of years, and it will be so bad that it cannot be seen after one or two hundred years.

Next to the reincarnation altar, Negris saw a small teleportation array. After careful inspection, there were still fresh energy fluctuations on it. Obviously, this small teleportation array had been used in a short period of time.

"That's right, it's here. Those two black warriors came from here. They didn't use the reincarnation altar, but they used the teleportation array to project them from other planes. This is a full-featured teleportation array with passive The beacon function, as long as you know its location, you can directly project it like a magic circle, and those black warriors are very familiar with this place." Negris said.

After checking it, it found a passage leading to the valley at the top. There were obviously traces of being forcibly opened, and it was very fresh. From those fresh traces, Negris also sensed some breath of holy light. .

"That skeleton is an angel, and it was sent from here? Those two black warriors were chasing the angel? What's the situation? The relationship is so complicated." Negris calculated based on the existing information, and immediately It feels like a big head, why does the black warrior and the angel seem to be in the same group?

Just when Negris was distressed, there was a sudden wave behind him, and when he turned his head to look, it was so frightened that it cursed on the spot: "Sangbada, what are you doing!"

Just as it was checking the situation, Ange and the others actually lifted up the broken stone pillar of the Reincarnation Altar, and then started the Reincarnation Altar in operation.

Is there anyone who does this? Doesn't this mean that the horse broke its leg, and the horse's leg was picked up and continued to run?

"You are crazy. The stone pillar is broken, and the energy circuit is also broken. Can it work again when you lift it up? Are you kidding me? If the energy can't get the circulation path, it will easily explode...explode...explode."

Negris's voice became smaller and smaller, because it saw that the stone pillar turned on when it was lifted up, and the magic pattern on it started from the base, and slowly extended upwards, crossed the broken position, and reached the top of the stone pillar, and the explosion he said did not did not come.

Negris almost bit his own tongue, and took a closer look in disbelief. The broken stone pillar was indeed bright, and there was energy penetrating there. Take a closer look, is there any trace of fracture?

"Chambada, the automatic repair process. No wonder the quality of the buildings in the empire is so good. It is estimated that they have adopted the automatic repair process. As long as they are running, they can automatically repair the cracks." Negris scratched the blank space on the altar with his short claws I made a mark, and then watched helplessly as the mark faded and disappeared.

"Did you know that the altar has an automatic repair function? That's why you dare to be so bold." Negris heaved a sigh of relief and asked Ange with a smile.

Ange tilted his head in a daze, and continued to input soul crystals into the reincarnation altar.

"Uh... I guess I don't know, but I'm just too brave." Negris scratched his head a little irritatedly.

The reincarnation altar uses soul energy, and it does not need a lot of energy for a single operation. However, it has been abandoned for thousands of years, especially when several stone pillars are broken and countless dark cracks are broken. Ange spent several times the soul energy to put it up and running.

The blue light diffused from the center of the altar, spread to the edge like ripples, poured into the six stone pillars, and the stone pillars shone at the same time, responding to the rest of the stone pillars at the same time, interweaving a hexagram pattern.

The six-pointed star brightened to the limit, then dimmed, the light receded from the stone pillar, and shrank from the edge to the center of the altar, rising and shrinking, and so on.

Taking out the ghost warrior's soul hooked outside the control room a few days ago, Ange put it into the altar.

Ghost warriors, like black warriors, are man-made undead creatures. The difference is that one has wisdom and the other has no wisdom, just like the difference between zombies and liches.

The ripples spread to the edge and poured into the six stone pillars. Because there were souls on the altar, the extremely bright stone pillars did not fade away, but each emitted a beam of light, shooting at the soul of the ghost warrior.

"Quick, take this opportunity to imprint your soul." Negris said.

The ghost warrior's soul has already materialized once, it does not need to go through the process of reincarnation, it only needs to replenish the soul energy, and then it can have the entity again and become a ghost warrior.

But this is a process of rebirth, there is a chance of failure, even if it succeeds, the memory will be cleared.

But it doesn't matter to ghost warriors, they have no wisdom in the first place, and it doesn't matter whether they keep their memory or not. When the memory is cleared, it is also the time when the soul is most vulnerable, and it is just used to engrave the soul brand.

Under the urging of Negris, Ange slapped it with a soul brand, and the ghost warrior fell down with a thud, fell to the ground and rolled twice, and then thick black smoke rose.

The black smoke twisted and swayed, forming a shadow holding double blades. It was the ghost warrior that Ange had seen.

The ghost warrior has no wisdom, even his memory has been erased, so he naturally doesn't remember his previous mission, so he just stands there blankly.

Negris laughed and said, "I picked up a ghost warrior for nothing. Come, let me teach you the most practical usage of a ghost warrior - armoring."

According to Negris' instructions, Anger guided the ghost warrior to attach to himself, constantly adjusting and armoring.

Both ghost warrior and black warrior have the ability to materialize. When they materialize and attach to the body surface, they become armor.

But no one will use the black warrior to armor, because the black warrior has wisdom, and it feels strange to be attached to the body, and the ghost warrior has no such concerns.

After some adjustments, Ange had an ugly extra piece on his body, like a solidified armor made of lumps of mud.

Negris covered his face: "Do you really have no aesthetics at all? This is too ugly, you can adjust it to look better."

An Ge tilted his head, isn't it good-looking?

"Stop, stop, have you ever seen someone else wear armor? You can adjust it according to the one you have seen, any one looks much better than a 'mud' like you.

Do you adjust it according to someone else's? Ange tilted his head, recalling the armored people he had seen, while manipulating the Ghost Warrior to adjust.

I saw spikes popping out, hanging down, sticking to the body, another circle of spikes popping up, hanging down again, so layer upon layer, extending to Ange's whole body, especially the shoulders and armpits. It looked particularly thick, and finally, a...straw hat was formed from the armor on the head.

"Changbada, what kind of armor is this!? This is the scarecrow's coir raincoat! The coir raincoat!" When the straw hat was unarmored, Negris couldn't quite figure out what it was. Once the straw hat came out, the painting style changed drastically.

"I've seen it." Ange said, implying that'you let me follow the tune I've seen'.

"What about heavy armored swordsmen? Otherwise, heavy armored shield warriors are also fine."

An Ge tilted his head: "It's not good-looking."

"Hey, isn't it good-looking? Can your coir raincoat and straw hat look... good-looking?" Negris lowered his voice as he spoke, and even became less confident after speaking.

The coir raincoat is made of bundles of straw tied up and draped over the body. It is yellow, yellow and black, and many straws are stumped, which is really not good-looking.

But Ange's body was armored by ghost warriors, and the straws were all blurred. After being pasted, they blended into one body without any stunned, and the whole body was dark, more like the arrangement of fish scales, but it was quite beautiful.

Negris hesitated for a moment, then signaled Ange to take off the ugly straw hat, took out the magic steel helmet that Lan had given him, and put it on, the style immediately became unified.

"It looks much better this way." Negris admired.

Anger also felt very good. He pulled the rib area of ​​​​the chest and abdomen. Now he doesn't have to worry about sitting too close to the angel skull or the brass dragon, and his wings will get stuck in it.

The little zombie leaned over, poked Ange with his finger, and pointed at himself: "Oh."

Ange nodded, activated the reincarnation altar again, and took out the soul of the black warrior.

However, when thrown into the altar, the group of souls screamed and escaped: "No, don't sacrifice me, I surrender, I surrender!"

surrender? Anger tilted his head, he didn't need to surrender, he just needed to get a set of armor for the little zombie, grab the soul of the black warrior and throw it in.

"Don't sacrifice me, I will agree to whatever conditions you have, please, Soul Vow, I offer you the Soul Vow, don't refine me!" The black warrior wailed and ran out of the altar, a flame of the Soul Vow couldn't wait come out.

Seeing him screaming so miserably, Negris couldn't bear it, and said: "Forget it, accept his soul, which is equivalent to engraving a soul brand. Anyway, he is already a black warrior, and it doesn't matter whether he passes the altar sacrifice or not." No difference."

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter, accept my soul, if you let me armor, then I will armor, if you let me blur, then I will blur, any posture is fine." The black warrior's tone was extremely humble.

no difference? Well, Anger accepted the soul vow.

The black warrior let out a long breath, and then said fearfully: "Are you treating the captives so barbarously now? You don't even give them a chance to surrender? You just want to sacrifice them without asking too many questions? I don't want to ask something valuable. What about the information?"

Negris chuckled: "Do you have any information about growing vegetables? If not, it's not valuable."

The black warrior stared blankly at Negris for a while: "Growing vegetables? Are you serious?"

Negris nodded. He has figured out Ang's temperament now. As long as the information is not about growing vegetables, he doesn't think it is valuable. The information on the altar of reincarnation is not as valuable as fertilizer.

Although a little dubious, the black warrior still said: "Speaking of information about growing vegetables, I really have one."

Thank you for the rewards of the curry, thank you An An, the panda likes to drink coffee without sugar, I like to eat no tofu, Beiming Keqing, for the reward.

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