Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 85 One Money Earned Twice (Two in One)

Of course, Negris was just talking about it, if it dared to chew 'all' the saplings, Ange could hang it up, and then let the angel skull give it a flash of holy light.

Next came the negotiation session, but the elf queen revealed a bolt from the blue: "Someone has already sold us a World Tree seedling, and he has won the friendship of the elves. Yours is the second one, so..."

Although the following words were omitted, Negris still understood what the other party meant. Didn't he just want to lower the price? Who sold the saplings of the Elven World Tree? Negris had a bad feeling.

"Who sold us the seedlings? Sorry, I can't disclose the information of my friends." Gaillard said.

"Just tell me the other party's race." Negris said.

After learning that the other party was a goblin, Negris roared in his heart: Goblin! Goblins! Sure enough, it was a goblin, the damned silver coin was preempted by him! Isn't he afraid of being caught and searching his memory to expose us?

No, no, he has a soul connection with Ange, and he can ask Ange to protect his soul at any time.

Good guy, he is indeed a goblin profiteer, he has considered all aspects, he deserves to grab the top spot, Negris has to be convinced.

The first order was snatched away, so the price would not be high. Negris tentatively asked, "What price are you willing to pay for the second world sapling?"


While Negris was negotiating with the Elf Queen, Ange reached into the Palace of Rest and plowed the fields on the farm. One hand was floating in the air, which was very magical.

To him, the elf queen, the world tree, the friendship of elves, believers, and soul flames are all insignificant. Trees can be planted, planted, and eaten.

His life is no different from when he was in the resting palace, sowing, watering, fertilizing, pollinating, and harvesting. The quick death halo just speeds up the whole process.

Even if there is no halo, the 'normal' species seems to be fine.

If there is a bard who writes a biography for him, it is estimated that he can only write: farming, persuading fights, farming, persuading fights, beating little zombies, farming, persuading fights, farming..., a hard-working poet.

Each seed was precisely sown to the corresponding position, horizontal and straight, even in the farmland without ridges, a straight line could be seen, just as precise as when he harvested.

After sowing the seeds, Ange moved his hands to the edge of the field, performed pollination, rolled up the soil on the ground and sprinkled it on the field, quickly covering it with a thin layer, and then watered it.

A whole set of processes flowed smoothly, full of precision and smoothness.

This field is already full of plants, and one hand is floating to move to another field. The crops planted there have already germinated, and the small tender tips have penetrated the soil, and small green spots are all over the surrounding fields, neatly They look good again, it's time to water them.

Floating, Ange stopped suddenly, tilted his head, as if he heard something.

After thinking for a while, Ange entered the Palace of Rest with his mind, and condensed his phantom inside.

The farm was still so quiet, and the wind was still so gentle, no different from the one thousand years ago, but when he listened carefully, Ange seemed to hear something.

Force -.

Force - long -.

Force - long - long -.


There was a sound as if something was being squeezed, and Ange looked through his senses, and found that a young shoot had just squeezed out the first pair of leaves.

Ange floated over to take a look, and found that it turned out to be the World Tree.

In order to test the most suitable environment for the growth of the world tree, Ange threw one of them into the Palace of Rest. The next day, he found that it was sluggish, and Ange didn't care about it. He didn't expect to leave it alone for so many days. , it actually issued a pair of leaves?

Could it be that this little sapling made those 'voices' just now?

Those are actually not sounds, but a kind of weak information, just like the wails of wraiths, they are all unconscious information, but they can be felt so clearly, this is the first time.

Ange squatted down and hugged his knees to observe.


It was indeed the message from the sapling. Ange felt that it was saying that the ground was too dry. Because of observing it, Ange even forgot to water it.

After watering it first, Ange began to water the surrounding crops. No matter how curious, vegetables should be planted, right?

Force - long - force - long.

After watering, the message from the young sapling became clearer and clearer. After 'working hard' there for a long time, there was no change at all, but when I turned around, the sprouts that had just been watered had grown a whole lot taller. node, revealing the first pair of leaves.

Ange tilted his head, and seemed to understand that the so-called exertion of the young sapling was to make the nearby crops "strengthen". Judging by the humidity under its feet, it was wetter than the nearby land, and it did not absorb the water just poured. So its 'drying' is not done by itself, but by other crops.

Therefore, this tree may not need water or nutrients, and the "growth" of other crops is its nutrients.

The same is true of the world tree outside, but this tree can send out some messages, which makes Ange more sure. It seems that the general planting method cannot be used to plant this tree.

Use force - grow, force - grow, force - grow -, not grow....

While Ange was meditating, the message from the little sapling became stronger and stronger, waking him up. In addition to the message of 'growth', there was also a hint of loss in it.

Where is it not long? The surrounding plants are thriving and vigorous, and they are indeed in much better condition than without this sapling.

An Ge searched around, and finally found that the only thing that was not growing was himself, and the loss of the little sapling seemed to be aimed at him.

Ange tilted his head and thought of an idea. He turned his back, removed his right hand, held it with his left hand and slowly stretched it out.

Long—long—long—! Sure enough, the little sapling sent out a very warm message.

Fool! Ange stamped it in his heart.

Find a flowerpot, dig out the sapling and transplant it into the flowerpot. Since it does not need water and soil, another method is needed to plant it.

Hold the young sapling to the center of the area, place it on the ground, and place a footprint next to it.

Countless crops are scrambling to grow. Originally, the crops that only grow opposite leaves quickly grow true leaves, stems and leaves, bloom, and bloom...

Force - force - long - long - long - boo.

The young sapling sent out a cheerful and enthusiastic message, and the two small pairs of leaves fluttered in the wind. Finally, there was a sound of something 'squeezing', and the taller sapling squeezed out the first pair of true leaves.

Long-long-long-, which made it more cheerful.

Dig out the footprints, drag the sickle and run, harvest the mature crops, come back and count, hey, this time the halo only cost 1,500 soul flames?

Was it because of the small sapling that the soul flame was saved? Ange picked up the flowerpot from the ground and looked at it curiously. Is it so easy to use?

The little sapling that had grown its true leaves tried hard to turn its true leaves to face Ange: "Strong-grow-force-grow-do not grow...?"

It is easy to use, but it is too stupid, stupid than a little zombie.

The sapling needs to encourage other plants to grow before it can grow by itself, so it is most suitable to follow Ange.

Lifting it out of the Palace of Dormition, Angeto was in the left hand, which was somewhat in the way, and then switched to the right hand, which was still in the way. After thinking about it, Ange put the flower pot on his head.

The bottom of the flower pot is a little sunken, which just fits the helmet, and the top fits perfectly, and it won't fall off without shaking it too hard.

With a thought, the armored ghost on his body extended a belt from his back to frame the flowerpot.

"500,000 magic crystals for a sapling? Are you kidding me? This is a world sapling, not Chinese cabbage. Your offer is not sincere."

In the teleportation array, the bargaining between Negris and Gaillard also became intense.

"However, we already have a sapling. The second one can't be more expensive than the first one, right? You don't want these business franchises, permits, tax exemption and other certificates. The first friend who sold the saplings to us, He likes these supporting documents very much, and he doesn’t even want our money.” Gaillard said distressedly.

"I'm not going to your elf country to do business. What do you want that thing for? You elves have so many good things, why trade them for good things, such as the elf bean seeds that can fill you with one, the moon well, the essence of life, the spirit of the forest. The spirit, the heart of the druid, and the elves who are full-time pollinators can be exchanged." Negris said.

Gaillard was silent for a long time before asking solemnly, "Who the hell are you? Why do you know these things?"

Negris was taken aback, didn't others know? It asked World Tree back then. Could it be that these are the secrets of the elves?

Quickly corrected: "I am asking the God of Knowledge."

"The God of Knowledge?" She didn't expect to get such an answer, and Gaedla over there was also confused. She didn't know who the God of Knowledge was.

After asking someone around, I finally asked: "Is that stupid brass dragon? Is it still alive?"

"You..." Negris exploded on the spot, what's so stupid? You are stupid, your whole family is stupid, are you speaking human words?

He wished he could teleport over there and blow the opponent's dog's head, but when he thought that the opponent was a dragon hunter, Negris thought about it, and forgot it, and whispered a few words: "For your young age, I don't care about you. "

"Of course the God of Knowledge is still alive. He is omnipotent and told me that the elves have a lot of valuable things, and they are absolutely capable of paying the cost of cultivating the World Tree seedlings. We also believe in the strength of the elves, so we spend huge manpower and material resources Come to cultivate the saplings, otherwise the saplings would have been shoveled away. If you want it, please make a price sincerely, or I will shovel it away."

Negris thought bitterly: Dare I say I'm stupid? Look who's stupid.

As soon as he heard that it was about to be shoveled, Gaillard became anxious, and quickly said: "If you have something to say, talk about it, if you have something to say, we have a lot of good things, and we have a lot of good things."

After a final discussion, the elves exchanged 500,000 magic crystals, one elf bean seed, and two moon wells for a world sapling.

After determining the exchange price, Gaillard felt a bit disadvantaged, because the exchange value this time was significantly higher than the first sapling.

Although silver coins like those qualification certificates, they are essentially just a few pieces of paper. Even if you get them, you need to work hard to make a profit.

But this time it's not, the half a million magic crystals of real gold and silver are fine, the seeds of the elf beans are the most valuable.

It is a kind of high-energy food. The elf bean grown is only the size of a thumb, but it can provide the nutritional needs of a living person for a day, and it also has enough satiety. One can provide the food needs of a day, it is simply A strategic logistical supply artifact.

Because of this kind of elf beans, the elves have never had any logistical concerns. Even if they travel thousands of kilometers, each person can carry dry food for hundreds of days with him, and it is no problem to go home after hunting for supplies.

Secondly, there is the moon well. The silver coins took away only fifty liters of moon springs, but what Negris wanted to leave were two wells that produced moon springs.

"Damn the God of Knowledge, who leaked so many secrets about our elves, he killed it when he came across it, and replaced my title by the way, God Killer sounds better than Dragon Hunter." Gaillard said through gritted teeth.

The two parties made an oath and began to exchange things. The small sapling is okay, it takes up a small space, and the two moon wells occupy the most space. Now this teleportation array can only teleport one at a time, and there is a risk.

The moon well is bigger than a person, what if the dragon hunter is not the one teleported over from the moon well?

Just in case, Negris called Luther and Angel Skull back.

As soon as the angel skeleton and the little zombie came back, they immediately looked for Ange, ran over slowly, and stretched out their hands to poke the flower pot on his head.

Ange opened its hand.

Angel Skull and Little Zombie realized that it was untouchable, and put away their hands obediently, but their curiosity remained undiminished. Angel Skull flapped its wings and flew up, curiously looking at the small sapling inside.

The little sapling was startled by the big face that suddenly appeared in front of it, and the two true leaves turned around and gestured, sending out a warm message: exert force—grow—force—grow—.

Angel Skeleton observed for a while, then suddenly turned his head to look at the little zombies who kept jumping around, jumping and looking at the flower pots, and confirmed that they were of the same type, so he lost interest in the saplings and flew away.

Only the little zombie was still bouncing around, so the little sapling turned the true leaf around and gestured towards it, and then sent a blank message: the things here are not long——.

The exchange process went smoothly, and the elves did not take the opportunity to surprise them. After receiving all the things, Negris also sent the saplings over, and the two parties got both goods and money.

Relieved, Negris turned his head and found Ange's new shape.

"Who made you a new shape? Why put a flower pot on your head?" Fei Fei took a closer look, and there was actually a sapling inside.

"What kind of sapling is this? Huh? It's alive? I feel like it's saying something, isn't it? This is the sapling of the world tree? Has it awakened consciousness?" Negris became more and more shocked as he spoke, and finally exclaimed up.

Ange nodded, and the flower pot and the seedlings inside followed his movements bit by bit.

Negris took a deep breath: "My God, I also said that a tree without consciousness is not qualified to be called a world tree. Good guy, this tree is qualified."

As soon as he finished speaking, Negris thought of something, turned his head to look at the teleportation array, and said excitedly: "With the real world tree, we can sell those big trees to the elves. Second-rate."

PS: I wanted to update ten chapters in a row, I overestimated myself, I turned around and continued to be a salted fish.

Thank you book friend 20200805162833296 for the 50,000 rewards, thank you evil deeds, the sycamore tree on the road to happiness, the fat rabbit of Xiao Baozi, Regis I, lianqinruo, the captain without torpedoes, angry cotton, pandas love to drink coffee without sugar, Skeleton wants to build a foundation, Y hee, Skeleton Death Mage, lucky luck, tip a reward.

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