Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 90 The Elves Are Crazy Looking For You (2 in 1)

"You guys have grown taller?!" Negris said in shock. Ziku, who was originally 2.78 meters, has grown a bit taller at this moment. It is estimated to reach 2.9 meters, which is a full ten centimeters longer.

I didn't feel it when I was kneeling, but now when I stand up, the pressure increases greatly.

"We have grown taller? Didn't you guys shrink? How can we grow so fast? I am two hundred years old and I can only grow to my current height..." Zi Mu had an expression of 'how is that possible', and he didn't believe Naig at all. In the case of Reese, it is more likely that Negris and others will shrink.

However, before the words were finished, some members of the clan said weakly: "Clan, patriarch, look at Dawu and them."

Ziji turned his head and looked over, the big witch who was a little shorter than her was now half a head shorter than her, not only her, but all the young people of the Ziku clan grew half a head taller, only the big witch and six or seven young people The long clan remains the same.

And the big witch and several older clansmen looked at these juniors who had grown half a head taller in shock: " did you grow taller? I...why don't we grow taller?"

"When you are old, you will not grow your body after puberty." Negris said.

Anger's magical skill is the halo of quick death, which accelerates not time, but the entire process of life, thereby speeding up the rush to death.

Although it seems that its effect is not strong, but just now Negris discovered its insidiousness. It can make you hungry in a short time. It only takes a few minutes to make the enemy hungry. The dirt was eaten.

Whoever dares to fight with An Ge in the future, wouldn't he have to hold a knife in his right hand and a cake in his left hand?

"My lord, do you mean that these children can grow up again?" The big witch suddenly asked expectantly after hearing what Negris said.

"Ah? It should be possible. You Tai...uh, the Purple Skeleton Clan, um, you should be able to, maybe you can awaken your bloodline talent." Negris hesitated, not knowing what to say.

These Purple Skeleton people don't seem to know their true identities, but they are hybrid Titans. Negris can only tell that they have the blood of the Golden Titans, which is the blood of the Thunder Titans, but the specific situation is unclear. Who knows what they are? What kind of creature's blood was mixed with it?

If it was a pure-blooded Thunder Titan, it would be powerful. It was the God of Titans, the Lord of Thunder, the God of Lightning, immortal, powerful, and terrifying existence.

Theoretically, if these Purple Skeleton people can awaken the power of their blood, they should be able to possess part of the Thunder Titan's ability, but how accurate is it? In theory? I am still the god of knowledge, and I am not being bullied every day.

"Great, you know the talent of the bloodline, so do you know how to make them awaken the talent of the bloodline? Great, we have stayed here for too long, the number is getting smaller and smaller, and the bloodlines are constantly degrading. The previous ancestors can still Occasionally there are strong men who awaken bloodline talents, but now there are none, and their height is getting shorter and shorter. The ancestors were all over three meters tall before awakening bloodline talents. Look, is it possible for Ziku to be longer than three meters?"

The big witch chatted with Negris in a rambling manner, and the matter that the juniors grow taller and they don't grow taller is directly forgotten.

"It should be ok, I think they are mainly malnourished, just eat more." Negris said.

Titan's power comes from the blood talent, awakening the blood talent, everything is easy to say, but judging from the situation just now, these guys don't have enough nutrition, let's talk about blood after eating.

Just as there is a proverb in the dragon family - a dragon that eats grass will not grow up.

The things that feed them are thriving. Ange discovered a problem. After the seeds that were buried deep were forced out by him, the root system was very deep, and the growth was very strong, and the food they produced was much more. , The yield per mu has broken a thousand catties.

I don't know if it's because the water and soil here are good, or because it's buried deep, so go back and try to bury it deep.

After digging out the footprints, lifting the sickle upside down to harvest, and bundled the grain away, Ange personally demonstrated a sowing, and then told them the skills of weeding, insect repelling, bird repelling, fertilization, loose soil, burning, heat preservation and so on.

Ziku and Dawu heard one head and two big: "God of Ziku, why don't you take us in, it's too difficult to grow vegetables, let's kill people, we fight bravely, even big black cats are no match for us , let’s kill people, just give us food.”

Hearing what Ziku said, Negris' heart beat wildly. Be good, a hybrid titan is also a titan. I didn't see that Ziku was tied with a junior sword master with his body alone. Others may not have Ziku's strength, but they also have great strength. Swordsman level.

Oh my god, can you support more than 20 great swordsmen and sword masters for food? Is it that cheap? If the feeding is good, the secondary development, the awakening of the blood talent, and then build suitable equipment for them, twenty Juggernaut-level Titans will open the way... It's exciting to think about it.

Negris was already imagining a majestic scene of a bunch of titans huddled in front of him, but Ange said, "No fight."

Zi Li and Da Wu sighed in disappointment.

Negris hurriedly moved Angra aside and persuaded: "Don't fight, let them pull the cart. Some land is hard and needs to be plowed deeply. These Titans are good hands. They are powerful and cheap. Let them take them in."

"Okay." Ang said.

The promise was so straightforward that Negris almost bit his tongue: "When it comes to plowing land, you promise soon!"

Ange tilted his head, and said puzzledly, "Don't fight, take him in." Ange just said he wouldn't fight, but didn't say he wouldn't take him in.

"You..." Negris was so angry that he was stuffed in his mouth. After thinking about it, he decided not to be angry, otherwise he would be pissed off by Ange.

"Ange promised to take you in, but there are already people in the fighting position, and you are not needed for the time being. If you are willing, you can pull the cart and plow the land after you go back, is that okay?" Negris asked.

Zi Li and Da Wu looked at each other, their eyes burst into surprise, and they knelt down on the ground in unison: "It's okay, it's great, you can do anything."

Titan Farmer +20.

Oh my god, what the adults said reveals a meaning, Lord Ange will take them away and leave this plane. Oh my god, as long as they can leave this place, they will do whatever they want.

Those who have not stayed here before cannot understand how strong their desire to get out of this plane is.

Barren, let them try their best to survive, malnutrition, stunted growth, unable to awaken their blood talent, the number of clansmen is getting smaller every year, vicious circle, if this continues, maybe they will become extinct in a short time .

This is a very cruel and realistic problem, as long as they can get out of here, they are willing to pay any price.

During the chat, everyone came to the foot of the stone mountain, walked up the slope for a while, and arrived at the cave where the Zishou tribe lived. While walking, An Ge suddenly stopped and looked up at the halfway up the stone mountain.

There was a large part sunken there, as if it had been bitten by something, and a large part of the whole stone mountain was missing. After the baptism of time, the traces faded. At first glance, it was thought to be formed naturally.

Anger was sure that it was formed by the impact of something, because he felt some aura, some dreadful aura.

"There's something there." Ange raised his finger and pointed to the depression.

"Go, go and have a look, is it there? By the way, where did you find your hand bones?" The latter sentence was asked to Zi Ke, and at the same time pointed to Ange's arm bones.

Zi Li pointed to the depression: "It's right there."

A group of people crawled and flew, and soon came to the depression. The closer they got, the clearer the breath Ange could sense was that it was indeed the breath of Rock, which was exactly the same as the one on the hand bone.

These breaths were left over a thousand years ago, and people can still feel them clearly today, which shows the power of the strong bone Locke back then.

The bottom of the impact crater is a huge pile of rubble, and Negris asked, "Have you ever dug it?"

"Yes, my ancestors once dug, and the wings and hand bones were picked up from here." Zi Ke said.

"Is there anything else down there?" Negris asked.

Zi Li and Da Wu looked at each other, and shook their heads: "Then I don't know, my ancestors failed to dig all of them, and to dig all of them, it would take everyone to dig for a month without eating or drinking. Remove all the rubble, but they can't do it, they need to hunt and gather to survive, so the digging stopped after a few days, and then we have fewer and fewer people, and there is no way to dig."

"That's really a huge project, so we have to think of other ways..." Before Negris finished speaking, he heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Turning his head, he saw that An Ge was constantly transferring grain out, and it quickly piled up into a hill. Then he pointed to the gravel at the bottom of the pit: "Dig for a month."

If you don’t eat or drink, you have to dig for a month. If you eat and drink, how long will you dig?

With food and drink, the Ziku clan devoted themselves to the excavation work full of energy. After eating and drinking, a large stone of several hundred catties could be picked up by any Ziku clan member.

Two or three people who are too heavy can go on it together, and three or five people can't handle it, so it's Anger's turn to do it.

Anger's strength is great, especially the golden skull, which is famous for its infinite strength. However, if three or five half-blood Titans can't lift a huge boulder, Anger must not be able to lift it, but he will have a special Practical magic - loose soil.

Continuously cast loosening soil technique on the huge boulder, hundreds if dozens are not enough, and thousands if hundreds are not enough, it will definitely shatter the boulder.

The mixed-race Titans only need to eat and work every day, sleep when they are tired, and drink when they are thirsty. Zi Li and her people feel satisfied like never before.

Don't worry about the next meal, work in a down-to-earth manner, don't worry about anything, this is the simplest happiness.

After a few days, everyone grew stronger, their complexions turned rosy, and Ziku even grew five centimeters taller.

Just like that, a month later, Zi Ke moved a big rock, and suddenly shouted excitedly: "I dug it, I dug it, I dug it! It's white, it's white."

It was a large white skeleton lying on its stomach, sunken into the cracked rock formation. The bones were slender and crystal clear, with an ivory-like luster. When the fingers were tapped, there was a crisp sound of metal percussion.

Ange and Negris have seen this kind of skeleton a lot. The skeleton of the angel skeleton looks like this, and the height of this skeleton is about 1.5 meters. If he hadn't just watched it dug out, Negris would have thought It's an angel skull.

Looking at its deformed scapula, Negris said: "This should be the remains of the seraphim, isn't it the seraphim? Why is there only one slot for the scapula? What about the slots for the other wings?" ? What about the other wings?"

Are there other angels who died here?

Under the command of Negris, the Purple Skeleton tribe continued to clean up until all the gravel had been dug up to reveal the complete rock formation, but they still did not find Locke's skeleton, nor did they find any other angel wings.

"Either another angel died here, or the seraph's shoulder blade only has one place, and the other wings are stuck on the first pair of wings." Negris speculated.

"Ow!" Ange turned his head and shouted out of the pit. What is the specific situation, just find the angel skeleton to check the body, the wings on its back belong to the seraphim.

But after Ange called, he didn't see it for a long time.

Negris sighed: "I definitely don't know where they went, Ange, it's dangerous for you to let them run around like this. Didn't they say that there was a big black cat in the forest? According to their description, It is likely to be a nightsaber, but it is too big, it can bite through Ziku's body in one bite, and the size of such a leopard is not smaller than that of a half-blood Titan."

While speaking, the forest in the distance burst into a flash of light.

Negris' eyes widened sharply: "Holy light shines! No, Angel Skull! Lightning, lightning, come quickly."

It is doomed to waste all its efforts, the lightning is not around here at all, as long as it is where Zi Mu is, there is no need to see the shadow of lightning, because Zi Mu likes this 'little horse' very much, and likes to rub it, hug it and stuff it.

Luthor still needs to sacrifice his fighting spirit to suppress it. Ziku doesn't need it, it's pure brute force. Once hugged, it can't break free. So now it sees Ziku like a mouse sees a cat. How far to run.

When the lightning did not appear twice, Negris suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Sure enough, his body sank, and Ange sat up.

What can I do, fly. Flapping its wings, it flew forward with Ange on its back. Disgusted by its slow flight, Ange also used pollination to help it.

Flying into the forest, you can see the rustling trees in the forest from a distance. After a while, a horse, a skeleton with drooping bone wings, a zombie, a sword master who stuffed beets into his mouth with one hand, Together they dragged a huge black panther towards this side.

The Ziku family who came running over with the Hula lacha guys were stunned, and said in disbelief: "Big black cat, big black cat, you killed the big black cat? How is it possible?"

This big black leopard has been harassing the Zishou clan for many years. Although it can be beaten away every time, it has never had a chance to kill it.

The four guys in front of me have accomplished what twenty or so mixed-race titans couldn't do?

Angel Skull saw Ange, ran over slowly, patted his ribs, and pointed at the big black panther: "Oh!"

It wasn't that the four guys did it together, but Luthor was carrying the attack of the panther, and the angel skull shot it in the stomach, and the two of them killed it.

That night, the Purple Skeletons and Luther, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time, ate their mouths full of oil. Ange asked for the remaining skeleton and stuffed it into the Palace of Rest. The skeleton of the monster +1.

After working hard for a month, only one holy skeleton was found, but neither the wings nor Locke's skeleton was found, so he could only go back home disappointed.

Before leaving, Negris bribed Lightning and led him to the depths of the crater, where he urinated beautifully in the dent made by the angel's skeleton.

"This is not Locke's grave, what's the point of you asking me to pee here?" Lightning couldn't understand Negris' logic.

Negris pursed his lips and snorted disdainfully: "He can only perish with his opponent, but I can pee on his opponent's grave. Who is better?"

"No, you can't." Lightning curled his lips and snorted disdainfully, "I'm amazing."

The urge to cut off the horns of this 'horse' rose again in Negris' heart.

Everyone teleported back one by one through the teleportation array, and as soon as they left the teleportation array, Anna couldn't wait to run over to greet the little sapling, and after playing for a long time, she suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, my lord, those elves are looking for you like crazy. "

Thank you Buji, Ning Qionglou, White Wind, Little Taoist Chasing Wind, Ziyue who doesn’t spend money to read books, luck and luck, reader 1336646619099594752 , for your tip.

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