Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 993 The Mourning Undead Legion is dispatched

Ange quickly produced different marks and kept hammering them into the hammer. If any mark moved, Ange would hit it, just like whack-a-mole, forcefully smashing back the mark that was about to move.

This is actually a very abnormal thing, because the power attributes of each mark are different, including strong and weak electromagnetism, etc., as well as dark elements. No one can master so many kinds of power at the same time, but Ange can easily Switch, not even transform.

Nigris looked at Ange's movements and asked in astonishment: "What did I do? Why did it react so loudly?"

Ange still had the energy to say: "Activate the power, the spell."

"Pfft...can a spell activate its power? So low-level?" Nigris wanted to vomit blood. This hammer is obviously intelligent. Although it is not fully conscious, it is probably damaged before. A conscious weapon can do it. Count it as an artifact, a soul weapon, or a spiritual weapon, such as the little angel's hammer of the earth.

The Earth Hammer is the most typical artifact. Although its demon spirit has too much personality, it is impossible for this artifact to activate its power with spells. It is too low-level.

Well... I'm not sure. If you threaten the Earth Hammer and soak it in farmyard manure, you can stimulate its power, but that's not a spell.

Only very low-level weapons require low-level activation methods such as spells, which are not suitable for weapons of this level.

Ange shook his head and said with some distress: "Spell, lift, original seal, power, activate, break, my seal."

"You mean, the spell can lift its original seal? Is it a bigger seal?" Nigris opened his arms and gestured to the entire underground space, saying in disbelief.

This is even more ridiculous. There is a millions of times difference in volume between a hammer the size of a human head and a hammer as big as the entire space. Such a huge enhancement can be achieved with just a spell?

Although it is incredible, this is the fact. Because the original seal was lifted and the power was activated, the Wan Yin Shen Hammer wanted to return to its original huge size, but Ange filled in the marks one by one and sealed it again.

If the Wan Yin Shen Hammer had complete consciousness, he would definitely be shouting curses now. Who is doing this? He can even make up for you the seal that has been lifted.

Now it has two layers of seals on its body. The first layer is its own pattern mark. These marks shrink it from a giant hammer to a sledgehammer. Originally, this seal was lifted by Nigris, but was replaced by Ange.

The second level was cast by Angle, changing it from a large hammer to a small hammer.

The two seals were firm, and the Wan Yin Shen Hammer could no longer break free. There he shouted feebly: "You talk too much... die... die..." I don't know who talked so much that it formed such a strong obsession. read.

Anthony and Duroken also searched the entire plane and reported back: "Nothing else was found, but the main structure here seems to be very solid, and the smell of death is strong, and the soil and stones have traces of being infiltrated."

"I also found that some black crystals have traces of deformation due to heavy pressure. Is it possible that these black crystals were not black crystals originally, but they became black crystals after being soaked here for a long time? What if they were black crystals from the beginning? Crystals, they will only break, not deform," Duroken said.

The hardness of black crystals is very high and they will basically not deform but only break. However, many black crystals have traces of deformation. The most likely reason is that they were squeezed first and then transformed into black crystals.

Nigris nodded: "It's possible, otherwise it would be too scary to smash the black crystal."

Compared to smashing the black crystal body, Nigris is more willing to believe this guess, otherwise it would be too scary. Who threw this hammer? What kind of existence is the other party? With Lao Immortal regaining his full strength, can he defeat his opponent?

With these doubts in mind, Negris took stock of the gains from this trip.

A plane that is almost made of black crystals. It may have been squeezed by the force of devouring when it was formed, so it is very tight and solid. The outer surface has become loose due to time, and one layer can be peeled off, but the inside is not. Keep it strong, even a sledgehammer will only crack a circle of spider veins.

According to Duroken, it is best to transform it into a void fortress. In this way, even without the barriers of the heavenly fortress, its defensive power will far exceed that of the heavenly fortress.

"It's easy to transform it. Remember the energy tower in the bridgehead? I've already reverse-engineered it. When I build two of them here, I can move this plane." Duroken said.

Because of its size, this black crystal plane is less difficult to move than the bridgehead, so one energy tower can also move it, but two are built because it is very strong and can withstand greater acceleration without disintegrating. .

Then there is a brand new mark, or text. A spell can activate the power of the Universal Hammer. Let's go back and continue to study it to see if it has any other effects.

Finally, there is this hammer. Unfortunately, it is sealed. I don’t know what it can be used for. The Earth Hammer can also loosen soil. Can this thing be used to loosen soil?

With random thoughts, Duroken threw down a stone slab of the teleportation array. Ange dug up a pile of black crystals, then rubbed the teleportation array with his hands and teleported it back directly.

You need to fly slowly when you come here, but you don't need to fly back when you come back. The delivery array is prepared for the next time you come over. If you want to come over next time, just deliver it directly.

Not long after returning to the bridgehead, Anthony received a message: "The Undead Army of Mourning has been dispatched. They flew over, and the eyeliners can't keep up."

In the void, more than thirty mourning undead soldiers were 'jumping'. They first kicked the void with their feet, and then their whole bodies flew forward. There was no resistance in the void. Their speed was very fast. Waiting for them to slow down. After adjusting his posture, he kicked hard again and his speed increased sharply.

Because there was no resistance, the speed of each of their kicks was superimposed, and they did not stop accelerating until their flesh and skin swelled.

The leader of the mourning undead soldier was a middle-aged male human with a square face. He should have looked like a wrinkled zombie, but as his speed became faster and faster, his flesh bulged and flattened his skin, making him look like a zombie. Like a middle-aged man with dry skin who doesn’t know how to take care of himself.

He looked at the only spot of light in the darkness in the distance, frowning and feeling uneasy.

The companion behind him sensed the fluctuation of his soul and couldn't help but send out a soul message and asked: "Lord Fyodor, your soul is fluctuating. Is there something wrong?"

Fyodor shook his head: "No, I was thinking about other things."

"Something else? What?" asked his companion.

Feodor hesitated for a while and then slowly said: "I'm wondering if this light point fortress might have something to do with the Speaker? All of us know that the last place where the Speaker appeared is Infinity. The big hole, now there is a light point fortress popping up in the vast empty hole. Is it possible that it belongs to the Great Speaker? "

"Ah?" The companions were all confused. They didn't expect that this was what Fyodor was thinking: "It seems that this possibility is not ruled out, so what should we do? The order of the council is for us to break in and capture the Light Point Fortress. If it is true What should we do if the Grand Speaker gets angry if we break in the things belonging to the Grand Speaker?"

"What should I do? Humph..." Just as Feodor was about to say something, the bright spot in the darkness suddenly went out.

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