Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Life Experience 2

Chapter 88 Life Experience 2

He Xiuqing is a female educated youth from the city. She is young, beautiful and literate. Her style is completely different from that of the girls in the village.

To these uninitiated people in the village, she is like a fairy from heaven.

When she first came to the village, people chasing her could line up in a long queue.

Ruan Aizhou was still a young man at the time. He fell in love with He Xiuqing as soon as he saw him. Except when he was working, he chased after people all day long.

Jiang Chunshui also liked He Xiuqing at first, and when Ruan Aizhou married her, she was quite happy.

Even if He Xiuqing could not work, she felt that she could understand.

After all, she’s a girl from the city, so she definitely can’t compare with the girls in their village.

Anyway, she is still young and can teach slowly.

Tang Hongxiu also came from the city. At first, he could not do any work, but gradually he was taught it?

However, Jiang Chunshui soon discovered that He Xiuqing could not teach him to work no matter what!

She’s not a fool, so why can’t you see that He Xiuqing did it on purpose?

Even a fool can work, but He Xiuqing is not a fool, so why can’t he learn?

If it is said that the cooking is not seasoned, and the heat cannot be controlled, it makes sense, but He Xiuqing can throw the bowl even after washing it.

Let her pick vegetables in a mess, so let’s wash the vegetables, they can never be cleaned.

Can’t do anything!

Just when Jiang Chunshui hated her and wanted to force He Xiuqing to study and work, she found out that He Xiuqing was pregnant.

This person is pregnant, she can’t force He Xiuqing to work anymore.

She thought that He Xiuqing was pregnant with a child, and in a few months, her youngest son could become a father, and she couldn’t help but feel happy.

Even if life at home was not easy, she tried her best to make up for He Xiuqing.

Who knew that this child was only seven months pregnant and was born prematurely!

At that time, He Xiuqing’s belly was not very big, so she thought it was really premature.

But when the baby was born, she realized something was wrong.

It’s not that she has never given birth to children, and even has several grandchildren in her arms.

Where would you not know what a child looked like when it was just born?

She has seen children born at term and children born early!

When He Xiuqing’s child was born, she knew that the child was definitely not a seven-month premature baby, but a full-term one.

This hateful woman had only been in the village for more than eight months at that time, and she had only been married to her son for seven months.

Actually gave birth to a full-term child!

What does this mean?

It means that she is not a good thing at all. She slept with someone before she came, and she was made big by someone, and she took her son as a victim!

She used to think it was strange that He Xiuqing was in a good condition. She only came to the village for a month, how could she marry her son.

When Tang Hongxiu came to the village, she stayed in the village for a year before marrying her son Ruan Aihua.

Originally, she heard that she liked the girl, and she always wanted a granddaughter.

But for a wild species, how could she like it?

It’s just that she couldn’t do anything about throwing a young life away. Seeing that Ruan Aizhou liked that little girl so much, she could only recognize it with her nose.

Just two months later, her eldest daughter-in-law, Tang Hongxiu, will also give birth.

I didn’t want to, but it was bad luck. I encountered a difficult labor and the child couldn’t come out.

Seeing that he was about to die, Ruan Mingcheng suddenly picked up a little girl from outside and came back.

That girl was frozen when she picked it up. She thought she was dead and felt unlucky, so she wanted to throw it out.

Who knew that at that time, Tang Hongxiu, who had been struggling to give birth, suddenly gave birth to a child!

(end of this chapter)

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