Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Chapter 86

I see, this supreme being that cannot be observed, cannot be seen directly.

Came to the world of nothingness that had just been created.

What is nothingness.

There is just no time and no space... There is only the shape of a world, and there is nothing in it.

This world is like a bubble, the moon in the water, the flower in the dream, there is no framework at all, if it is not for this supreme existence, with its own strength to stabilize this world, it will be shattered in an instant.

[The world has just been created, there is nothing inside, and there is no framework to support the world]

[According to the previous experience of creating the world, it integrates its own power into this void world, and interweaves laws with each other, thereby supporting the world]


[The first hundred times to create the world failed]

[The experience of a hundred failures, which makes it realize that with its own inability to build the world perfectly, it needs to let the world evolve and develop itself]

[You cannot interfere with the development of the world by your own will]

[Instead, let the laws of the world adapt themselves, develop themselves, self-adjust the proportions required between different laws, and achieve a perfect balance between each law]

[The previous 'it' went into a misunderstanding, thinking that to create a world, you must do everything in detail, everything, and everything must be controlled by yourself]

[If according to the previous method of creating the world, it has to constantly maintain the world, and it cannot leave for a moment, but there is a slight flaw, the world will have big problems]


Those who listened to the narrator's words were confused.

What framework... What nothingness... What has to let the world evolve on its own...

This is the Book of Heaven, the topic is too high-end... Do not understand......

But it's normal.

This is creating the world.

They can understand TM has a ghost.

The only one who can understand is the realm king god of the Dragon Ball world.

Dragon Ball Universe 7...

Realm King God Planet, Eastern Realm King God nodded, it is true, creating the world, not pinching a ball of mud.

Nor is it about building a house.

A world is not subject to human will.

It requires the continuous development and evolution of the world itself.

The realm king god holds the law of creation and can create planets in the universe, but why are the living planets so small that they account for a negligible proportion of the vast planets in the entire universe?

It is because this is the evolution of the planetary self, and some planets have evolved into living planets.

This TOP1 has created the world a hundred times before, all of them have made this mistake, with their own will, to interfere with the world, with their own preferences, to create the world.

This is a mistake, and the framework of the whole world is based on the power of this top1, and the framework is supported by its power.

The world is simply unstable.

This also means that the existence of this TOP1 must be like a perpetual motion machine, constantly sending power to the world, maintaining the world framework, and supporting the world.


The Eastern Realm King God looked at the existence of TOP1, and his heart was also a little shocked.

There are so many laws to master, and this is the real creation of the world.

When they create a planet, they just create a planet, just like generating it with one click, they don't understand why the planet was created, and they don't understand the principle of creation.

Just like 1+1=2, everyone knows, but they don't know why 1+1=2, and they don't know how this conclusion was reached.

The same is true of the Eastern Realm King God, who can create the planetary world, but only create, and does not understand the principle of creating planets.

It only takes to create, and then the will of the universe will build a planet and fill it with various laws.

The creation world of the Realm King God is countless times simpler than the existence of this TOP1.

They just need to build a world, framework... Law... These things, the will of the universe will automatically fill in, do not need them to worry about it.

So seeing the process of creating the planet by the existence of this top1 in the picture, he had a great understanding in his heart.


There is a mysterious energy permeating its body.

It turned into two brilliant energy light masses in front of it, and energy surged in it.

This supreme being, two chain-like things appeared on the body, this is the law!

The two laws were each integrated into one of the energy light masses.


Endless white light came.

The energy photophore is constantly condensing.

Then came the roar.

Two familiar figures were born in these two clusters of energy light.

Diya Lucca and Palukia.

At the moment of their birth, there was a concept of space and a concept of time in the world of nothingness, no longer like a two-dimensional plane, with nothing.

[It created Palukia and Diya Luca]

[A law of controlling space, a law of controlling time]

【Space as the core, time as the basis】

[These two become the framework that supports the world]

In the picture...

Palukia and Diya Luca knew their mission.

They leave the newly opened world and carve out a subspace at opposite ends of the world, clinging to the world wall.

[In this way, the world of nothingness has space and time]


[A new problem has arisen, it discovers that the framework of the world is not yet stable]

Although with Diya Luca and Palukia, there is time and space to build the framework on the basis.

But the world is still unstable and there is a shaky feeling.



Video streaming...

The supreme being let out a low roar.

Its shadow was stripped away from part and merged with a part of its mysterious power.

In a burst of white light, it turned into a completely new creature.


The people of the anime dimension of the heavens are stupid again.

Another familiar figure.

The king of the reverse world, the master of dark matter... Ride Ladina !!

Top 10-The strongest divine beasts ranked TOP5, and riding Latina was also created by the existence of this TOP1??

The entire Heavenly Anime Dimension set off terrifying waves.

That's probably terrifying.

Top 7 Palukia, Top 6 Diya Luca, Top 5 Riding Latina...

Counting the ten strongest divine beasts, three of them were only created.

If the most shocking thing is the Pokémon world...

A group of trainers.

The doctors of archaeology and elf research fell into a state of sluggishness, so shocked that they were numb at the first level, and they couldn't even speak.

Not to mention that the worldview was destroyed.

The existence of the whole world has been destroyed to the ground.

These archaeologists such as Shirona showed bitterness on their faces, sounding the previous research on sacred beasts, the exploration of the nature of the world and archaeology, it was simply a slap in the face.


[Riding Latina opens up a different world, located on the back of the world, leaning on the world]


[With time, space, and the world reversed...]

[The framework of the world has been completely stabilized, and there is no need for 'it' to maintain the stability of the world framework]

[Instead, the creatures in charge of space, time, and antimatter are in charge of maintaining the stability of the framework]

【Looking at the world that is taking shape】

[It injects all the laws under its control into the world]

[These are the laws needed to create the world]

[Since it intends to let the world evolve and develop itself, it injects all the things needed to build the world into the new world]

[Let the world itself compare the proportions between different law energies]


Countless energies spread out from the body of TOP1, turned into countless streamers, and poured into the world.


There is only a world of empty shells, and countless chaotic storms suddenly appear.

Countless laws are colliding, exuding Dao Dao

All the laws are intertwined and twisted into a ball, and the collisions constantly erupt into a terrifying impact aura and storm of destruction, raging in the world.

The newborn world trembled in the collision of countless laws, and the framework of the entire world was shaking, as if it would collapse in the next second.

[It watched a little nervously, and several times wanted to strike to calm the storm of destruction]

[But it endured it, because it knew that if it calmed down, it would go against its original intention and let the world develop itself]


Bang bang!!

The deafening sound continued to explode in everyone's ears, making people's eardrums swell and painful.

The world that has just been built is like a dangerous house with a magnitude 10 earthquake, struggling to support.

But what is very surprising is...

Countless times, the next second felt like it was about to collapse, but it was hard to resist.

"It's the credit of Palukia, Diya Luca, riding Latina!" someone shouted.

Indeed, the subspace of time, the subspace of space, the inverted world...

These three spaces are supporting the world, and these three law beasts are also roaring one after another, using their power to dissolve the violent fluctuations caused by the collision of these laws.

That's it...

They carried it down abruptly, and the world did not collapse.

[The collision of laws produces countless chaotic energy storms]

[The rider of the inverted world also found that he could absorb these energy storms, so it began to absorb these energies into the inverted world little by little, and then defused it with its own authority]

【The beginning of the world, the years do not count】

[In this way, for countless years, riding Latina has continuously absorbed the chaotic aura produced by the collision of laws in the main world]

In the picture...

Time once again condenses hundreds of thousands of years into one second...

The existence of TOP1 is quietly located above the world, observing the development of the world.

Riding Latina constantly dissolves the chaotic energy generated by the collision between laws in the main world.

The laws are still colliding.

Chaotic energy filled with destruction is constantly generated.

Because riding Latina constantly introduces chaotic energy into the reverse world, it does not let the chaotic energy continue to grow. , so the situation maintains a weird balance.

The energy of chaos is always below the level that will not destroy the world.

That's it...

The scene is deadlocked, and although the world framework is still shaking, the world has not collapsed.

【Time is passing and leaping rapidly】

[I don't know if it's 10,000 years, or 100,000 years, or thousands, nearly 100 million years]

[The world framework has become stronger under the continuous impact]

[Colliding with each other, the laws of fury are no longer as raging as they were at the beginning, although they are still twisted together, but they will not collide again, but slowly flatten and live in peace]

[There is no more new chaotic energy in the world]

In the world...

The whole world is still filled with the energy of destruction

However, no new chaotic energy is generated.

The riding Latina who reverses the world is constantly absorbing chaotic energy.

One trade-off...


[The terrifying energy generated by the collision of laws in the world has completely disappeared]

[All were sucked into the Reverse World and dissolved by riding Latina]


[The world framework, after an unknown number of years of knocking and colliding, has not been destroyed, and the entire framework is extremely stable]

[Their frameworks are a hundred times more stable than the worlds created a hundred times before]


[The laws of the world are twisted and intertwined]

[I don't know how long it took, this twisted law began to coexist peacefully]

[The empty world seems to be missing something...]

[On this day, among the laws... Two creatures were born]

There is movement in the picture...

Everyone stared at it, and two familiar figures were born from the countless twisted laws.

One is red throughout.

One is blue throughout.

Gurado and Gaioka!!

The god of the earth, who rules over the earth, and the god of the laws who rules over the sea.


It's a familiar scene again.

The empty world appeared earth and sea.

In the end, the two divine beasts started a big war.

[If the world wants to continue to develop, it cannot let them continue to fight]

[As a result, the world itself evolves and thinks it needs to stop them]

Then everyone saw that in the twisted law, another creature was born.

The world appeared in the sky.

[The Rift Empty Seat was born, the authority to control the sky, and the mission is to suppress the earth and the sea]

[It suppressed Gurado and Gaioka]

[But because its ability is too strong, during the suppression, it sank a lot of land]

[As a result, the area of the ocean in the world is much wider than the earth]

Looking at the picture...

The Gurado and Gaioka who were beaten by the Rift Hollow Seat.

The audience of the Heavenly Dimensions mourned in silence, it was so miserable that they didn't know how many times they had seen them being beaten violently.

Pokémon World...

Gurado and Gaioka looked at their beaten selves, and their faces were dark.

In particular, how to get hurt always has themselves.


In the picture...

[The supreme existence of TOP1 is also surprised to look at this world where there are more oceans than land]

[Because the world was created a hundred times before]


【Sometimes the area of the earth and the ocean is the same】

[But this... This is the first time that the ocean is wider than the territory of the earth.

[And this time, it is the choice of the world for self-development, and the world has chosen that the ocean is wider than the territory of the earth]


[Earth, sea, sky in the world]

[Under the development of endless years, forests, mountains, lakes, snowy mountains, swamps have also been born...]

[Subsequently... With the light... Daytime...... Night...... Order...... Flames...]

[In the process of self-evolution of the world, a divine beast with only a priesthood was born]

All the viewers see the picture flowing.

Neklozma was born and ruled the light.

Solgaleo, at the helm of daylight.

Lunaiyala, in charge of the night.

Kigeld, take charge of order, let the chaotic world have order.

The Phoenix King, who wields the power of fire and resurrection, can be resurrected from nirvana.

There are also familiar divine beasts born.

[In this way, the world is created, and a new world appears]

[This time, the world did not collapse]

[Everything that derives is the choice of the world itself]

【Perfect ratio between all laws】

In the eyes of everyone...

Not long ago, it was a silent planet, but now it is so beautiful that it has turned into a blue planet.

【World New Life】

[Successfully created a world, and there is a mysterious power feedback to itself, although it is injected into the world's Dao laws and integrated into the world]

[But the world feeds back the origin of the law to it]

Everyone's pupils widened.

I saw that the origin of the countless laws, after returning to the body of TOP1, actually did not enter the body, but turned into a dreamy stream of various colors, constantly rotating around its body.

Each streamer of different color represents a different source of power.

There are seventeen colors in total.

This Law Origin Light Mass finally condensed into a token on its body.

A total of seventeen slate-shaped tokens rotated around it.

The figure of TOP1 has also been completely revealed.

From the state of non-observability and non-direct sight, it is revealed and can be observed by the audience of the heavenly dimensions.

This is a creature covered in gold with a golden wheel on its back.

It looks like an alpaca.

It bloomed with golden light, shining throughout the universe, and 17 tokens constantly rotated around it.

Incomparably sacred.

The moment they saw it, the people of the Heavenly Anime Dimension all gave birth to a sense of worship and worship, and they couldn't help but want to kneel.


Looking at this figure, countless people's eyes widened.

These 17 slate tokens, if put a hundred times, are not in the inventory video of TOP2, which blocks small planets and hits the direct slate tokens??!!

And also...

This hoof, this golden light...

Isn't it in the second play, Hoopa, in the outer chapter.

The last appearance of the most video, the golden light and hooves that calm the multiple chaotic time and space!?!



Everyone was completely numb!

Many mysteries in my heart have finally been solved.

【Its name】


【Creator God】

【The supreme existence that created the world】

The people of the anime dimension of the heavens finally know the name of the existence of this TOP1.


Creator of the elven world!


Pokémon World.

Dr. Ohki, they looked at this great figure, this is the origin of their world.

This is the existence that created the world.

The existence of countless laws is controlled.

They breathed a complete sigh of relief.

Creator God!!

Explain that the future elven world, which is not in danger, will not be destroyed.

How can the world be destroyed by hard work.

In the previous inventory video, it also blocked small stars that crashed into the world, and also calmed multiple distorted space-time.

So Dr. Ohki is sure that the Creator God will not destroy the world.



[For a long time in the future, Arceus will destroy the elven world]

[To be precise, it is the destruction of humans in the elven world...]



[Illustration]: Arceus who created the world in the universe.....

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