Video guide to the world of elves: taking stock of the top ten mythical beasts!

Chapter 89

This girl named Hina.

Everyone only felt that there was a fog on her.

In this day and age, it is very simple to look up information about a person, especially a behemoth like the Elven Alliance.

In each region, all people are registered to the Union from birth.


Just now, the alliances in various regions have checked, but they have not found this girl named Xena, and they have not found a trace of information.

This kind of person is a black household.

Not recorded.

They can't enjoy any services of the alliance, even the elf center can't enter, and the poké ball can't be purchased.

Strictly speaking, it is a black household.

Generally speaking, only some primitive tribes that are isolated from the outside world and still maintain the ancient style will exist such black households.

With the development of the times, this kind of recalcitrant tribe is becoming less and less.

Look at Sheena's retro outfit.

This Hina should be the existence of the primitive tribe.


Subspace... Reverse the world...

Palukia, Diya Luca, and Latina finally know why this Hina can summon Diya Luca in the first place.

The so-called power of superpower is the power of Arceus, or in other words, the power of Arceus.

They were created by Arceus, so it's normal for someone with Arceus power to be close.

Palukia, too, wondered.

Human beings, since ancient times, have been synonymous with weakness.

If not all the pokemon lost their huge size, but not humans slowly invented something that could control the pokemon.

It is simply impossible for humans to dominate the world.

Even now, traces of humans are all over the world, trainers can drive elves into battle.

However, in the eyes of the divine beasts, human beings are still weak, and a third-level divine beast can cause heavy damage to human society.

Just such a weak race, there are actually people who have the power of Arceus.

And it's not just Sheena...

They recall in their minds the story of Hupa, and the traveler and the descendants of the traveler also possess the power of Arceus.

Their eyes were a little confused, what the hell was going on, why so many humans had the power of Arceus.

Could it be that they were also created by Arceus?

Soon they vetoed it.

They saw the birth of human beings, who are naturally derived species of the world and have nothing to do with Arceus.

In the video...

The narration sounded, bringing all attention back to the stocktaking video.

[Ash knows Arceus from the mouth of the girl Hina, but they are full of doubts and do not understand what kind of elf this is]

[The girl is leaving her hometown for the first time, and the power of superpower can sense good and evil, and she does not feel malice in Ash's body]

[So, in order to answer Ash's mind about Arceus]

[The girl Hina decided to take Ash's tribe with her]

[The girl's hometown is called Midina]

[It is a completely isolated ancient village tribe]

Hearing this, the eyes of the alliance leaders of the Pokémon world froze.

Sure enough, it was the same as guessed.

This Hina is a member of the primitive tribe.


Midina tribe??

The group of people were confused, and searched this tribe in their minds, and there was no match for it.

A tribe they don't know.


The picture flickered...

Hina takes Ash and them to a gourd-shaped valley with a towering mountain wall at the end of the valley.

Vines hang down and cover the entire mountain wall, and the stone wall rises high into the clouds.

It's a dead end.

"In my name, here is Chaoke!"

Hena's supernatural power appeared again, and her body bloomed with golden light.

The unthinkable happened.

As the golden light shines, the valley undergoes incredible changes.

Under the light of the stone wall, a hole was opened, and the white light was pervasive, like a spatial passage, the entire crack was ten meters wide, and one led to the inside of the stone wall, splitting the entire stone wall.

The golden light dissipates.

"Let's go, take you to Midina. "

The group walked in, and their eyes were filled with white light, as if they had come to a white space.

Through the long crack.

Suddenly brightened...

The sun shone down, and the harsh white light made Ash and them couldn't help but close their eyes.

A gentle breeze blew through, and the aroma of air came from the tip of the nose.

After getting used to the light for a long time, they opened their eyes.

The green space in front of you is lush and flowers are blooming.

The elves live freely on the grass.

It seems like spring all year round, and even the air is sweet and delicious.

In the distance, there are very dense complexes of buildings, scattered and lined up one after another.

All the buildings are antique in style.

【This is Midina】

[Midina has enchantment protection, completely isolated from the outside world, ordinary people cannot enter and exit at all]

[Only those who have the power of superpower can leave Midina and go to the outside world]

[And the power of super-grams, only Xena's vein has it, and it is passed down from generation to generation]


[Insect Catcher Kid]: Lying groove, shrouded in enchantment?

[Osi Naruya]: No wonder the region has never heard of Midina.

[Dan Di]: The enchantment is shrouded, this is completely isolated from the outside world, and it takes super power to come out, which means that only Xena can come out.

[Dragon Crossing]: It's completely isolated from the world.

Everyone in the Pokémon world sighed.

But at the same time, I also wondered in my heart, why is there an enchantment shrouded in this place, who set up the enchantment, and for what?


The picture continues to change.

[In order to take Ash to know Arceus, Hina took Ash to the temple]

In the picture, Xena takes Ash and them to the foot of a mountain, in front of which are long stone steps, and a staircase leads to the mountainside.

A majestic building can be seen faintly on the mountainside.

Directly hollow out a mountain, and then build this building, under the sunlight, exudes a sacred aura, making people dare not desecrate.

Ash and they walked up the long stone steps and came to the buildings on the mountainside.

Ash, in front of this gate, describes them like ants.

Rushing to the face, full of the breath of time.

Directly in front of the gate stands a sculpture.

Brought to life, the sculpture looks like an alpaca-like creature.

Looking at it, you can feel a coercion across the screen.

- Arceus!

Everyone recognized who the sculpture was, after all, it appeared at the beginning of the video.

Why is there a sculpture of Arceus here?

However, Hirona, these archaeologists, looked at the majestic buildings in the picture and couldn't believe it.

"Temple? This is a temple?"

Temples are buildings built by humans for sacred beasts.

The sacred beast buildings that have not been buried by history and are still guarded are called temples.

Buried by history, no one knows, relying on human excavation of sacred beast buildings, called ruins.

What makes these archaeologists feel incredible is that.

Creation god Arceus actually owns a temple?

Only when human beings have appeared, or have blessed human beings, will there be records and temples.

If the creation god Arceus has a temple, this also means that Arceus once appeared in Midina?


[Hina is the saint of the Creation Temple]

[People in their lineage, Generation Guardian Creation Temple]

"This is the sculpture of Arceus, which created the existence of the world. "

Hina looked feverishly at the sculpture of Arceus, introduced Ash, and then led Ash towards the temple gate.


A roar came.

It looks like a turtle, and part of its body is composed of rock, and the other part is a creature formed by magma.

A pair of eyes stared at Ash.

Again a pokemon that the trainers of the Pokémon world have never seen.


【Patron saint of the Creation Temple】

【Level: Level 2 Divine Beast】

【Attributes: Fire, Steel Properties】


Second-level divine beast!


Another mythical beast appeared.

However, everyone also felt normal, this is the temple of the creation god Arceus, guarded by a second-level divine beast, which is normal.



Under Sheena's leadership, Sidorann did not harm Ash, but opened the door to the Temple of Creation.

The whole temple is large, and when you walk in, the torch inside is automatically lit, and the fire illuminates the entire temple.


Came to the core of the temple.


An altar appears in the picture.

The dome above the altar is semicircular in shape and covered with glazed tiles, and the sunlight shines down as if water were flowing through it.

The altar is very solemn and sacred, and the ground has ancient words and patterns.

There are two sculptures on the altar.

One is Arceus and the other is human.

The human half-kneels in front of Arceus, holding a lotus flower in his hand, but the flower/bud is closed.

The dome here is semicircular and made of glazed tile-like material.

The sunlight poured down through the dome, reflecting the entire altar in a sacred piece, solemn and solemn.


Look at Arceus in the picture and the human sculpture.

Everyone's hearts froze.

Sure enough, yes, Arceus appeared in front of humans, so there was a sculpture of it.

The enchantment shrouded in Midina should also be the masterpiece of Arceus.

Why did Arceus show up in front of humans, and deliberately create an enchantment to envelop Midina?

Who is this human being?

According to the narrator's explanation when it created the world, Arceus is not going to interfere with the development of the world.

The next second...

Sheena's words sounded faintly.

"This is Arceus and my ancestor, Dharmos. "

Everyone's pupils widened.

This man is Hina's ancestor?


The picture continues to flow.

"In my name, here is the super. "

Hena's body once again bloomed with golden light, shining brightly.

Golden energy emerged, and the entire altar seemed to be activated, and the words and patterns on the ground lit up.



The human sculpture, the lotus bud held in the hand of Sheena's ancestor, bloomed.

A sense of greenery illuminates the entire altar.

The pupils of everyone reflected a green orb.

This green orb is full of brilliance, and some golden energy is swimming.

Simply priceless.

"This is the life treasure of Arceus. "

"Made from the five stone slabs of Arceus. "



Everyone's eyes are going to be kicked off.

The five stone slabs of Arceus were fused together??

Arceus' stone slabs are all transformed by the origin of one law, this life treasure jade is actually cast with its five law origins?

People in the anime dimension of the heavens have numb scalps.


Palukia's eyes were also fierce.

The stone slab is the source of Arceus' power, why would it condense into a life orb with five stone slabs?


Their confusion was quickly solved.

As Sheena's voice slowly floated, everyone knew the origin of this orb of life.

A long, long time ago, Midina was deserted, when humans were still constantly fighting each other.

A man named Damos hates war, and he came to this desolate Midina alone.

That's when ...

In the sky, countless meteorites fell, and the meteorites that smashed into the world were shattered.

And at the same time...

A figure also fell on the ground.

It was Arceus, who rescued Arceus, who had lost his power, and helped Arceus find the stone slabs scattered around.

Arceus awakened.

In gratitude, it fused its five Origin Powers into one Orb of Life to Damos.

Arceus needs to go back to heal his injuries, and after agreeing that his injuries are healed, he returns to retrieve the Orb of Life.

Although Arceus was injured and the power of the origin was not one in ten, even so, this orb of life condensed by the five origins also possessed this terrifying ability.

Under the influence of Arceus' Orb of Life, the barren Midina gradually became richer.

More and more war-haters migrated to Midina.

Later, Damos used the Orb of Life to build an enchantment, isolated from the world, no longer affected by external wars.


After listening to Sheena's story.

Everyone sighed, so it was, no wonder Arceus, who was above the world, appeared in the world.

It turned out to be to block the meteorite, but he was seriously injured and was saved by Hina's ancestor.


No, according to Neklozma take stock of the picture in the video.

It should not be meteorites that Arceus stopped.

It's a planet that smashes into the world.

And at that time, human beings were not yet born, or there were no living things in the world.

The small planet that smashed into the world is a test for the world, and only after withstanding the test will creatures be born.

The audience of the heavens was a little puzzled.

The only ones who knew the details were those first-level divine beasts.


Palukia, Tiya Luca, and Riding Latina were stunned when they heard what Xena described in the picture.

No wonder this Hina has the power of Arceus, it should be the subtle influence of Arceus slate.

As for the other people in the anime dimension of the heavens, they wondered: it was a planet that was obviously smashed into the world, why did it become a meteorite.

These first-level divine beasts of them know.

That was what happened later, and Arceus had indeed fallen into a mortal sleep with his injuries and had not yet woken up.

In this way, all doubts are solved.


In the picture...

Xena turned to Ash, "This is the story of my ancestors and Arceus. "

"That's where our Midina comes from. "

"As for the spatial cracks that appeared continuously just now, it is because the sleeping Arceus is about to wake up. "

Hena's voice was full of excitement: "Arceus' injuries are healed, and it is about to awaken, so the world wall is unstable and cracks appear. "


When Palukia of the subspace heard this, he was also ecstatic, and Arceus was going to wake up.

Because of its awakening, it will lead to spatial cracks.

But they seem to have thought of something.


The aura of those two spatial cracks permeated with energy filled with tyranny and destruction.

The awakening of Arceus will not cause turmoil in the framework of the world.

After so many years of development, unless it is a first-level divine beast melee battle, there will be no problems with the framework.

Such a tyrannical aura tears the space, it is more like anger!


【When Ash was in Midina】

[Beyond the World Wall, in a Chaotic Space]

[The existence that has been terrifying has awakened]

As soon as the picture turned, the camera disappeared from Midina.

The camera came to a void space, and the black and red aura was constantly shaking.

In the center of the breath, a figure is located at the core of the terrifying aura.

As the camera pulls in.

- Arceus!!

[Arceus, who had been sleeping for many years, woke up]


It opened its eyes.


In the anime dimension of the heavens, countless people were once again kicked out of the immersive viewing mode.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and their faces turned pale.

Although they were kicked out, Arceus' eyes were deeply imprinted in their minds.

Filled with tyranny and destruction, as if to destroy everything.

Like a messenger of vengeance crawling out of the abyss.

They hurry into the dimensional platform and use the page to watch.


Arceus was filled with a terrifying aura, and his eyes were scarlet, as if coming from the Nine Ghosts.

The whole universe is trembling.

"Humans... Damos... Die! I want you to die!!."


A terrifying shockwave raged and crushed the surrounding silent planet into powder.


Everyone's scalp was numb, and it was also extremely unbelievable.


This killing intent is directed at humans and Damos!?

Didn't Damus save Arceus!!


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