Video through anime, edit ten explosive scenes

Chapter 084

Chapter 0084 – Qilin! Chidori and the tailed beast jade!!!

Land of Fire!

See the horrific attack of lightning and thunder in the projection screen! Both the weasel and the ghost mackerel were stunned in place! The furious thunder power roared non-stop!

Itachi nodded appreciatively and said, “What an excellent ninjutsu!” ”

“Was the previous fire also paving the way for this?”

“The power of nature is used, so only a small amount of Chakra needs to be consumed…”

“Use Thunder Ninjutsu for guidance, and then change the form of lightning.”

Itachi’s eyes shone with essence!

He could see the principle of Sasuke’s technique at a glance!

This kind of ninjutsu, which consumes very little on his own chakra, is very suitable for his appetite, while the oni mackerel on the side feels dry mouth!

This powerful technique surpassed all the previous moves in his heart! He had never seen ninjutsu that combined extreme speed and extreme effort like this.


“In other words, it’s me…”

The oni imagined the scene in which he was in! Instantly the scalp became numb!

That level of attack if it hits him!

I’m afraid that after being bombarded into slag in an instant, he will still wonder how I died in the Pure Land World?


World of Hunters! Four Dimensional Apartment!

The flickering light and shadow in the projection screen surprised everyone! Especially Killu!

Also a master of electricity, Sasuke’s shocking move made him stand in place!

“He, he…”

“How can he trigger the!!?? of lightning”

Qilu looked at the scene like divine punishment in amazement, he couldn’t associate this manpower with Tianwei at all!

Xiaojie also turned his head and asked excitedly: “Qilu! ”

“This move is very similar to your falling thunder!”

Hearing Xiaojie’s voice, many black lines appeared on Qiya’s head!

He cleared his throat in embarrassment and said, “Ahem…”

“Although it looks a bit similar, the principle is completely different!”

“My falling thunder is just changing thunder and lightning with my thoughts!”

“And Sasuke directly triggered the thunder and lightning in the sky!”

Saying that, he sat cross-legged on the ground, and countless question marks appeared on his head!

“What the hell is the principle!!!

“If you can develop this ability…”

“Am I invincible in certain weather!”

Just as he was thinking so!

Xiaojie said coldly: “Isn’t this the same as a lightning rod?” ”

Hearing Xiaojie’s voice, Qilu instantly opened! He stood up abruptly and pinched Xiaojie’s cheek!

“You guy, you’re really smart!”



Naka Shinobi Exam Venue!

The thunder and lightning unicorn that tore the nine tails in the projection screen brought them a different shock!

The visual impact alone far exceeds every ninjutsu before it! Kakashi naturally recognized the ninjutsu in Sasuke!

It is the thunder ninjutsu that has just been specially trained and taught to Sasuke-Chidori!

But he couldn’t figure out at all how Sasuke could use Chidori as a guide to pull such a terrifying thunderbolt!

I can’t even figure out how he changed the form of lightning in nature! Everything about this kind had to make him admit a fact!

That’s Sasuke’s talent far beyond himself!

Although in terms of achievements alone, his own age will finish Sasuke! But Sasuke was born in peacetime after all!

So such a comparison is unfair! Kakashi looked at Sasuke a little distracted.

Watching him and Naruto fight, his heart was also relieved.

For the secret of the extinction of the Uchiha family, he only knew a little about the wind.

I don’t know the full picture.

And after seeing Sasuke’s name heard Itachi’s name before, the violent reaction.

Kakashi also had some conjectures in his mind.

At first, he chose to open a small stove for Sasuke…

First, because of Obito’s relationship, he has some good feelings for the children of the Uchiha family.

The second was because he understood Sasuke’s pain of losing a loved one.

So seeing Sasuke who is so pursuing power…

Kakashi felt that if she didn’t help him again, something would go wrong sooner or later.

Therefore, he imparted Sasuke’s weakened version of Raich, Chidori.

Originally it was just because of these…

But now, after seeing these things happening in the future in the projection! Some decisions in my heart that I didn’t dare to make were all taken into account!

Since he is destined to fight side by side with the seventh class in the future!

Then it’s better to correct Sasuke’s mistakes as much as possible from now on! Kakashi knew that Sasuke might not be able to listen to himself.

But he believed that as long as there was Naruto! The seventh shift will never disperse!

The noise around them seemed to be far away from them at this moment! The whole world has become bright!

Only four people from the seventh class remained!

Their movements became extremely slow, as if time had frozen! Naruto and Sasuke were playing loudly! But I can’t stop the smile at the corner of my mouth!

Sakura was angry on the sidelines and dissuaded the two! Kakashi, on the other hand, watched them silently.


“Sasuke and Sakura…”

“I won’t let anyone hurt you!”



The purple Susanoo floats quietly in the sky.

The white mist on the surface of the lake gradually dispersed.

On the rough surface of the lake, a golden paw suddenly poked out from underwater!

That paw struggled to support the water.

The Nine Tails trembled and crawled out of the water.

Sasuke stood in the middle of Susano.

Looking at the back of the Nine Tails who slowly crawled out from the water, he slowly said: “If you have been passively beaten, you will die.” ”

Hear Sasuke’s voice.

Naruto struggled to get up surrounded by golden chakra.

The damage caused by the unicorn was far more than he imagined!

That incredible speed meant that he didn’t have time to build a defense! The feeling of paralysis is still flowing in the body!

Even with the immortal body, it would take time for him to slowly recover, and Naruto gasped and said slowly, “I… Don’t want to kill you. ”

What Sasuke had said here years ago resurfaced in his ears.

[For me…]

“You became my closest friend. 】

Naruto slowly straightened up, clenched his fists and said, “You want to change back to the lonely you used to be…”

“How could I sit idly by!!!!”

Sasuke was silent, and the eternal kaleidoscope in his left eye slowly rotated.

Naruto jerked away his right fist, and his gaze became more and more determined!

“Because of you, I understand that pain!!!”

“So seeing you actively seeking solitude…”

The purple-black and blue Chakra quickly mixes again in perfect 2:8 ratios!

The ultra-high-density black ball formed at the mouth of the Nine Tails with a destructive aura! See this scene!

On Susano’s left hand, dazzling thunder light bursts out with birdsong!

He didn’t hesitate!

Dive down towards the Nine Tails below!

And Naruto also controlled the golden nine-tails, jumping up from the surface of the water with the tailed beast jade!

“How can I…”

“Sit back and!!!!! idly by”

At the moment of their attack contact! The whole space became pitch black!

Only blue lightning and red explosion fluctuations collide constantly! There is no imaginary Big Bang!

Two different color fluctuations are colliding wildly! Meantime!

Naruto and Sasuke seemed to be out of this dimension! In a golden space!

The two flew towards each other!

Right the moment they touched!

The stalemate between Susanoo Chidori and Tailed Beast Jade is finally over! The colors of the whole world are gone!

Only dazzling white light!

The devastating explosion is like a blazing sun! Burn everything around you!

The earth-shaking explosion resounded throughout the sky!……

Land of Iron! In a conference room!

Three people in shadow robes crossed their hands and looked at the projection screen silently.

In the first seat, a samurai with a bandage on his head, a long beard, and wearing green hanging armor is also solemn.

Originally, they thought each other was just on the road.

But I never thought that they basically set off at the same point in time.

The water shadow that was the farthest away was the first to arrive because of the use of flying psychic beasts.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai suddenly spoke, breaking the silent air.

“That’s the way it is…”

“None of you want to encounter this kind of enemy in the future, do you?”

The third-generation Tokage two-day scale Onoki snorted coldly and said, “We are not like you, we have such a deep contradiction with Konoha.” Thunder Shadow. ”

Hearing Onoki’s voice, Ai sneered and said, “You won’t say anything next, form an alliance with them, right?” ”

He shook his head, and his face suddenly became hideous!

“Put away this boring means of negotiation…”


“We don’t have that much time to waste!”

Hearing this, Onoki said with disdain: “Being young is certainly a good thing…”

“But being young doesn’t have to be equated with having no brains…”

The anger of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow instantly exploded!

The furious thunder and lightning flashed on his body non-stop!

Darui also drew his saber and took a fighting stance! Onoki’s body suddenly floated in the air!

The red earth’s muscles skyrocketed and stood beside him! The atmosphere of the meeting room suddenly became tense!

When Terumi saw this scene, she suddenly got up, picked up her shadow hat and walked towards the door.

“It seems that there is no way to talk to you about things…”

Just when the meeting is about to break down!

Mifune pulled out his katana and stuck it on the table!


“You are in the Land of Iron now!”

His ancient eyes were not sad or happy, and slowly said: “Don’t forget the purpose of your coming here!” ”

Hearing Mifune’s voice, they all snorted coldly! Retracted the murderous aura released outside.

Terumi also returned to her seat.

Mifune was silent for a moment and said, “The old man will give you a stand first.” ”

Seeing that the three shadows were looking at him, Mifune continued, “You should know that the old man’s Iron Country has always been neutral. ”

“That’s why you chose to negotiate here.”


Mifune pointed to the projection screen in front of him and said, “If you really let these two ninjas in Konoha grow to this point…”

“The balance of the entire ninja world will be broken!”

“That Sasuke just needs a look, a movement…”

“You can instantly seal the nine tailed beasts of the Scourge Ninja Realm.”

Speaking of this, the third captain exhaled, calmed his mood and said: “Moreover, he still has ambitions that should not be underestimated!” ”

“Unify the entire ninja world…”

“The old man believes that no existing country wants such a thing to happen, right?”

Mifune’s eyes stared at them like an eagle falcon, and he said in a tough tone: “I hope you can all show sincerity!” ”

“Negotiation tactics and undermining of the conference system must not appear again!”

“Now you should think about it…”

“How can Konoha hand over these two!”

Pirate World!

Straw Hat Pirates!

Although Sasuke’s unicorn before did not bring them much shock.

Because in terms of appearance, it is not as good as the moves of Anilu at that time.

But after seeing the big explosion of the collision between the two, they were still stunned that Usopp’s jaw almost fell to the deck!

“This, this, this!!!”

“That’s an exaggeration!!!??

Franky’s eyes widened even more!

“This explosion!!!”

“Is it really manpower that can cause it!??”

For the first time, French observed such a powerful explosion head-on!

That dazzling white light and devastating heat! Let his heart pound!

“The previous attack by Frieza is said to have directly destroyed the center of the earth of Nami Nemesis…”

“But I really doubt its authenticity!”

“After all, anyone can say cruel things…”

Frankie licked his lips and said, “But…”

“After watching this big explosion, I realized that I was very wrong…”

The flames of the explosion reflected on Luffy’s face!

Make his smiling face even brighter!

“These two people…”

“It’s really strong!!!

Luffy’s heart surged with endless yearning! His eyes became more resolute and courageous!

“I must too!!”

“Can become a strong person like them!”

Speaking of this, Luffy raised his fists and shouted, “I must be a man who can protect my partner and family!!! ”

“I have to be a!!!!”

“One Piece!!!”


Naka Shinobi Exam Venue!

The previous battle also made Xiaoqiang feel excited! After all, Naruto and Sasuke were both people they knew.

There are back and forth discussions, and it looks quite lively! So they’ve been watching as hilarious as hilarity!

But now this big explosion has woken them all up, and they are only now realizing it!

The future Naruto and Sasuke are really fighting for their lives!

This kind of earth-shattering explosion, even if they get a little stained, will immediately disappear!

The entire grandstand fell silent!

They all looked at Naruto and Sasuke beside them worriedly.

Hinata was even more nervously grasping his clothes with his small hands, and his whole body froze! Sakura covered her mouth, her eyes moist.

Kakashi was also breaking out in a cold sweat!

Is there really a ninja who can survive such an explosion? Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other.

They all see fear in each other’s eyes!

The two swallowed their spit, and their entire backs were wet with cold sweat!……


The sharp sound makes people wonder if they are tinnitus! The dazzling white light of the explosion gradually dissipated!

But what is presented in front of everyone’s eyes! But it’s not the scene of the Valley of the End!

It was the strange space where Naruto and Sasuke collided before! The space is endless.

In the background is a starry sky intertwined with gold and white! Naruto in the Six Paths Immortal Mode floats quietly here.

The three Dao Seeking Jades behind him were suspended silently.

His golden suit is windless and automatic! Naruto slowly opened his eyes.

I saw Sasuke who was also floating in front of him! Before Naruto could speak!

As if he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction just now, Sasuke said with a frown.

“Don’t shout…”

“We’re not the same as when we used to fight here.”

He was silent for a moment and said, “I understand what you think. ”

“You too…”


Hearing Sasuke’s words.

A nameless fire ignited in Naruto’s body!

“You understand, but you still want to fight me!????”

Sasuke’s black shredded hair is windless automatically.

His two eyes bloomed with two completely different kinds of light!

“Because it’s you…”

“So you have to kill!”

Naruto could hear the meaning of Sasuke’s words.

Just like Sasuke said a few years ago, when they fought here.

[For me…]

“You became my closest friend. 】

Naruto didn’t say that.

His expression was serious, and the special majesty of the Six Dao Immortal Mode gradually emanated.

“You are trying to cut off everything in the past and reopen the world…”

“It may not be repeated.”

As if he had known Naruto would say this, Sasuke retorted, “So I will spy on the world.” ”

“In case it goes astray again!”

Hearing this, Naruto suddenly shouted angrily, “Less nonsense!!! ”

“Five villages now…”

“It was hard to unite!!!

Sasuke shook his head helplessly and scoffed, “That’s just because the five villages have a common enemy!” ”




Against a pitch-black background!

The figures of Payne, Madara and Kaguya gradually appeared, and then slowly faded again.

The scarlet chakra eye and the purple six-hook jade reincarnation eye slowly appeared from the darkness.

“If you want to bring them down, in addition to putting aside the hatred between the villages and uniting…”

“There is no other way to survive!”

Sasuke’s face gradually revealed.

The picture returns to that golden space.

“But there is no common enemy left.”

Sasuke’s eyes radiated an icy temperature, and he looked straight at Naruto in front of him!

“One day.”

“Confrontation between villages will begin!”

Naruto clenched his fists tightly and shouted at Sasuke, “So this time you come to be this enemy?” ”

“Then what should you do when you are gone!!”

Sasuke’s expression still didn’t fluctuate at all.

He slowly spoke: “The points so far have finally become a line…”

“I started by writing the eye of reincarnation, and now I have gained the power of the eye of reincarnation…”

“Rebirth, immortality…”

“There is a way.”

Sasuke’s eyes were like knives, as if he wanted to penetrate Naruto’s body entirely!

“And what is needed in the future is not the same kind of fighting as before.”

“It’s the management of shadows.”

“As long as you control the shadows…”

“You can control all the ninjas!”

(Author’s note: Actually, I wrote that there is a bug here, that is, Thunder Shadow they can’t get to the Iron Country so quickly.) But this plot must unfold as soon as possible, so it can only be completed directly with the setting here. You can default to the fact that they used special psychic beasts and quickly reached the Land of Iron. The same was true of the other ninjas who rushed to Konoha.


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