Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 718: Police

Chapter 718: Police

The warehouse was buzzing with confusion and frustration as the Blood Hunters gathered in small groups, exchanging hushed conversations. Luis Ortega paced in front of the remaining gang members, his brow furrowed in thought. The dim lighting of the warehouse gave the scene a gritty, tense atmosphere.

Javier Morales, the gang's enforcer, scratched his beard thoughtfully, piecing together the recent events. "This doesn't add up, Luis," he muttered, his voice low. "We had those two girls right where we wanted them, and yet they slipped right out. It's not some random hero who saved them."

Sofia Delgado, ever the sharp strategist, chimed in, her piercing gaze scanning the others. "No, it wasn't luck. Whoever it was knew our patterns, knew the layout of this warehouse. It's someone who's familiar with how we operate."

Luis stopped pacing, turning towards Sofia. "What are you getting at?"

She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "This was Wang Jian."

A murmur spread through the gang members, a mix of excitement and tension. Wang Jian. The name carried weight-he was once one of them, a skilled and ruthless operator.

"I knew it," Javier said, his voice laced with anticipation. "We came all the way to Ohio for him, and now he's here. He's close."

Luis grinned, a slow, predatory smile spreading across his face. "Then it's time we finish what we came for. We find Wang Jian, and we get that damn camera."

Meanwhile, in the safety of the hotel room, Emma and Jessica sat on the edge of the bed, their eyes fixed on Wang Jian, their emotions a mixture of confusion and curiosity. The room was dimly lit, a contrast to the chaos they had just escaped from, but tension still hung in the air. Wang Jian, standing by the window, looked outward as if expecting something.

Emma finally broke the silence, her voice soft but insistent. "Wang, who are those people? How are you connected to them? And why do they want us?"

Jessica, who had remained quieter until now, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Wang. This doesn't make sense. They knew you were coming for us. What's going on?"

Wang Jian turned to face them, his expression calm, almost cold. He didn't answer right away, instead moving closer to the two women. He sat beside them on the bed, his hand reaching out to caress Emma's cheek before sliding down to her waist, his touch firm but gentle.

"I'll explain later," he whispered, his voice low and soothing. "But for now, I need you both to trust me. I won't let anything happen to you."

Before they could press further, Wang Jian leaned in and kissed Emma deeply, silencing any more questions. His other hand slid to Jessica's thigh, pulling her closer. His movements were smooth, confident, as if this was all part of his plan to keep them distracted. Emma let out a soft moan, her body melting against his as she surrendered to his touch. Jessica, not one to be left behind, leaned into Wang Jian, her lips finding his neck as he continued to take charge of the situation.

Their bodies responded to him in kind, but beneath the heat of the moment, Wang Jian remained completely in control. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to get them out of Ohio and away from the Blood Hunters. Even as his hands roamed their voluptuous bodies- Emma's large breasts pressed against him and Jessica's curvaceous hips responding to his every touch-he knew time was running out.

As they broke from their passionate exchange, Wang Jian whispered again, "I'll protect you both. Just follow me."

Back at the warehouse, the Blood Hunters were already regrouping. Javier, armed with a detailed knowledge of Wang Jian's past movements, had begun to track him through the city. He knew how Wang Jian thought, and he was piecing together a profile that he hoped would lead them straight to their old comrade.

"Check the hotel districts," Luis ordered. "He's smart, but he'll need a place to rest. Send out teams to every hotel, motel, and cheap inn in the area. If he's got those two women with him, he'll be moving slow."

The Blood Hunters sprang into action. It wasn't long before their network of informants was working for them. The bartenders, cab drivers, and even the homeless-every one of them had their eyes and ears open. If Wang Jian was moving through the city, they'd know soon enough.

Back in the hotel, Wang Jian had already anticipated the Blood Hunters' moves. He stood by the window, watching the quiet street below, knowing it wouldn't be long before they came for him. He needed to act quickly.

"Get dressed," he told Emma and Jessica as he pulled on his jacket. "We need to leave now."

The two women scrambled to comply, still shaken but trusting Wang Jian's authority. As they gathered their belongings, Emma spoke again, this time with a bit more urgency. "But where are we going? We can't keep running forever."

Wang Jian smiled faintly, his mind already calculating their next move. "We're not running forever. Just long enough to make them think they've cornered us."

He knew that the Blood Hunters would anticipate his movements. After all, Javier knew him well. But what they didn't know was just how much Wang Jian had changed during his time in the other world. He wasn't the same man they used to know. His instincts were sharper, his combat skills honed to near perfection, and his ability to stay one step ahead of the game had only grown.

They left the hotel and made their way through the narrow streets, Wang Jian guiding Emma and Jessica with precision. He led them through back alleys and side streets, avoiding the main roads where he knew the Blood Hunters would be watching.

As they approached a small, run-down motel on the outskirts of town, Wang Jian stopped, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. He motioned for Emma and Jessica to stay close as they entered the motel. Inside, the old, dimly lit lobby was empty, except for a bored- looking clerk behind the desk.

Wang Jian approached the clerk and quickly paid for a room in cash, making sure not to leave any trace of their presence. He knew that the Blood Hunters would soon be on their trail, but he had a plan.

Luis, Javier, and Sofia had already narrowed down their search. Their informants had reported sightings of a man matching Wang Jian's description with two women in tow. They were close, but Wang Jian was always just one step ahead.

"He's playing us," Sofia muttered as they drove through the darkened streets, her sharp mind racing. "He knows we're tracking him."

"Doesn't matter," Luis replied, a wicked grin on his face. "We'll catch up to him soon enough.

He can't hide forever."

But Wang Jian wasn't hiding. He was setting the stage.

Inside the motel, Wang Jian knew the Blood Hunters would be closing in. He had already anticipated their movements, and now it was time to use that knowledge against them. He positioned Emma and Jessica near the back exit, ready to move at a moment's notice.

"Stay quiet and follow me closely," he whispered to them, his voice steady. They nodded, trusting his calm demeanor.

As the Blood Hunters neared the motel, Wang Jian remained one step ahead. He led Emma and

Jessica out the back, slipping through the alleyways as they moved deeper into the city. But just as they reached a busy intersection, Wang Jian saw flashing blue and red lights. Police.

He grinned. This was exactly what he had hoped for.

The Blood Hunters were professionals, but they were not above the law. As Wang Jian, Emma, and Jessica blended into the crowd, the police intercepted the gang members, blocking their pursuit. The clash Wang Jian had orchestrated was now in full swing.

As he guided the women to safety, Wang Jian couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had outsmarted them, used their own tactics against them, and now they were caught between the law and their own desperation.

The chase was over-for now-but Wang Jian knew this was only the beginning.

The streets of Ohio were anything but calm as the police converged on the Blood Hunters. The red and blue lights flickered in the night, illuminating the grim faces of the officers. They had no idea what they were up against. The Blood Hunters, armed to the teeth with rifles, pistols, and years of ruthless experience, had no intention of being stopped by a few police cruisers.

Luis Ortega led the charge, his rifle slung across his chest as he barked orders. "Take them down fast! We don't have time for this!" His voice was sharp, cutting through the chaos as gang members unloaded their weapons at the approaching police force.

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