Villain Retirement

886  Chapter 886: The Themarian God

886  Chapter 886: The Themarian God

"Aerith… Ross?"

The other parts of Riley's face that he hasn't used for a long time finally moved as he looked Seed in the eyes. The look of surprise in his eyes, visible for even Esme to see. There has only been a number of times that Riley has ever been surprised…

…and this was probably the most shock he had ever been in his entire life, even more so than when his favorite character died in Italian Mafia Reborn.

Several million thoughts quickly started to surface in his mind, and yet none of them could really give him any explanation as to what he just heard. And so, the only thing he could really do was take a deep breath and gulp the mug of milk in front of him.

"Aerith," Esme also grabbed a snack as she looked at Seed, "I only know of one that has that name, the Princess of Hel — she died in my world when she tried to save the children of Theran, only to be eaten by them in the end. And although my memory is a little hazy the time I was an undead…

…I am sure the Princess Aerith of your universe is your lover. Is that correct, Master?"

"A little complicated. But, yes," Riley nodded.

"A Princess of Hel?" Seed squinted his eyes, "Perhaps Queen Adel's child after the Prince?"


"Then she was not alive yet when I disappeared from my universe. But I suppose that doesn't matter…" Seed then once again focused his eyes on Riley, "...What matters is the identity of the themarian god. It is not impossible that there could have been another themarian with the same name as the Hel princess in the past, but her last name to be the same as yours is too much to be considered coincidental."

"No," Riley closed his eyes and sighed, "Whoever she is, and whatever this may be, I believe everything to just be coincidental. I was already told by Nothing and the Primordials that traveling to the past is not possible — as time is and will always be a line moving forward."

"Of course," Seed nodded, "That is what I thought too. But themarians have only existed for millions of years…

…but all of the Higher Gods have been in this domain for more than a billion."

"Oh," Riley squinted his eyes.

"Initially, I did not think much of it since she might have just been our great ancestor, or perhaps our god who had created us in her image…

…but after meeting you and hearing your story, I do not know anymore."

"Is there any way for us to meet this themarian god that carries the name of my beloved and me?"



"What—" Miss Pepondosovich, who was completely enjoying everything she was hearing, could not help but widen her eyes as she saw the three suddenly looking at her, "Why are you low ears looking at me now? I don't even know what a themarian is."

"You have been here far longer than I have, Miss Pepondosovich," Seed breathed out, "Do you perhaps know a way we could meet a Higher God, specifically Aerith'Ross?"

"...Why would I know something like that? I don't even know half the names of the Higher Gods," Miss Pepondosovich could really only let out a sigh as she noticed the disappointment growing in Seed and everyone else's eyes, "Shouldn't you know that? You have met with her once, after all."

"And only once," Seed also let out a loud sigh as he rested his back on his chair, "I have not really done anything else since I was brought into this domain but to travel aimlessly without purpose."

"You just described all the residents of this place, Seed," Miss Pepondosovich once again also sighed, "Gods… pft. More like prisoners just drifting along the wave of eternity."

"Aerith Ross," Riley could not help but whisper to himself, "Is it truly time travel? But even Van told me that it is impossible even for him to run to the past."

"Van…?" Miss Pepondosovich almost leaped up from her seat as she heard Riley's words, "Did you just say Van!?"

"Oh, you know him?" Riley blinked.

"Know him?" Miss Pepondosovich gasped as she pointed at Riley, "He has a city built just for him here! He was already long gone before I was thrown here, but the stories I've heard about him was… ack. You met him!?"


And as soon as that name traveled throughout the entire tavern, the other gods that were just previously minding their own business could not help but turn their heads toward Riley's table.

"You really met him…?" And so, Miss Pepondosovich just opted to lean closer to Riley and just whisper. Even Seed, who was busy thinking up theories, could not help but be sidetracked as he looked at Riley.

"Yes," Riley nodded, "I met him at the end of my universe, running in search of something while being chased by Death."

"That is… incredibly exhilarating," Miss Pepondosovich seemed to have trouble breathing as her excitement went through the roof, "Who even are you, Riley Ross?"

"Riley Ross," Riley just nodded as he answered Miss Pepondosovich's question, "Do you also happen to know the Eternal Child, Viel?"

"!!!" Miss Pepondosovich quickly leaped toward Riley to cover his mouth. It seemed to be already too late, however, as everyone inside the tavern was once again looking at Riley. Fortunately, none of them seemed to plan to do anything and just shrugged their shoulders before minding their own business again.

"You… you don't say that name here," Miss Pepondosovich loudly whispered into Riley's ear, "I heard this once, and this is way before my time—maybe even before Grea's time, but a Primordial had to come down here because of him since he was causing too much trouble."


"And get this…" Miss Pepondosovich gestured to Seed and Esme to also come closer as she lowered her voice, "...He wasn't actually pruned from his universe or sent to this place by anyone, he found the Domain of the Gods and forced himself in. You have seen Aulus, right? I heard Viel tied him into a knot, and when Aulus was finally able to set himself free after a few years, Viel said it was just a prank and bribed him with candy to pay for his silence."

"Goodness," Seed could not help but also gasp, "To play with gods, just what sort of being is he?"

"Van and Viel…" Miss Pepondosovich continued to whisper, "They are rumored to be as strong or even stronger than Primordials."

"You seem to know a lot for someone claiming that she does not know a lot, Miss Pepondosovich," Esme placed her hand on her chin.

"If you have been here for as long as I have, you are bound to pick up some things," Miss Pepondosovich just waved her hand, "You should—"

"I have learned a lot from this meeting, everyone." And before Miss Pepondosovich could share even more of her stories, Seed suddenly stood up, "I would like to continue my travels while the information is still fresh in my mind — I wish to know more about the themarian god."

"...I thought for sure you were coming with us," Miss Pepondosovich also stood up from her seat, slightly confused as she looked back and forth between Esme and Seed, "Don't the two of you want to spend more time together?"

"You are searching for a cosmic piece, yes?" Seed shook his head, "I am not interested in it. I could not even save my own planet, what business do I have in creating my own universe and becoming god? But, nevertheless, I am sure that your journey will also lead you to finding clues about Aerith'Ross."

"Hm," Riley nodded as he also stood up from his seat.

"I will come and find you if I gain more information, Riley Ross," Seed also nodded to Riley, "I believe that somehow…

…this involves you deeper than you know."


"Out of all the gods I will meet, I met you. The Primordials have probably noticed how bored I am of this place."

After bidding farewell to Seed, the three were now waiting at the seaside of the harbor, with Miss Pepondosovich letting out a very long and deep breath as she stared at the endless sea.

"As I recall, you wanted to steal my grass, Miss Pepondosovich."

"True, true," Miss Pepondosovich just shrugged at Riley's words, "But in return, you got me, the greatest guide you will ever need. I am even going so far as taking you to the realm of the mortals. They—Ah, there's our ship!"

Riley and Esme quickly turned to look at where Miss Pepondosovich was pointing, only to see a large wooden ship docking close to them.

"Can we not just fly, Miss Pepondosovich?" Esme could not help but squint as she looked at the boat from starboard to port side.

"No, a big no…" Miss Pepondosovich crossed her hands into an 'X', "To visit the mortals…

…one must act as a mortal."


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