Villain Retirement

Chapter 804: A Sign

804  Chapter 804: A Sign

"My sweet baby boy, why are you so cute?"

"Come, come to mommy. It's alright."

"Did you wear your sunscreen?"

"Why are your eyes red? Stop watching TV too much."

"Are you alright? Does anything hurt? Please, don't tire yourself too much—it's okay if you don't want to talk."

"..." Riley took several steps back as several Dianas started to approach him with their arms opened wide; some of them, even having their lips pouted as they looked at Riley,

But after a few more steps back, his eyebrows started to lower as a katana longer than his body emerged from his palm. And without even any hint of hesitation, the water beneath and behind Riley's feet burst as he rushed toward the Dianas.

He then swung his sword — but as soon as he noticed that the one he was going to hit suddenly closed her eyes, the sharp edge of his blade instantly halted in the air, only inches away from hitting Diana's face.

"...It's okay, sweetie," the Diana illusion smiled as she gestured to Riley to continue, "You won't be able to hurt me, never."

"..." Riley quickly leaped back as the other Dianas slowly made their way to him. He then looked at each of the 4 Dianas one by one before shaking his head off of the unnecessary thoughts he was having.

This situation made him realize something — never once has he actually fought Diana before. He had fought with Bernard, with Hannah, and with Alice. Even fully knowing that she was a themarian who might be stronger than Aerith, he was still having a hard time trying to dissociate her from the… silly and dramatic mother he once knew.

It was weird. He didn't really think it would affect him this much.

"I'm pretty sure Diana's feeling a little teary-eyed right about now," Paige scratched her chin as she saw Riley having a hard time trying to hurt Diana, "She was telling me that—"

And before Paige could finish her words, a pulse suddenly rippled across the lake—causing the 4 Dianas to suddenly fall on their knees.

"I suppose an EDP illusion is effective against an illusion of a themarian," Riley nodded his head. Paige was about to say something, but Riley once again snapped his fingers; this time, summoning a reinforcement of his own — a group of Bernards.

Except the Bernards was when he was still at his prime — lean, cut, and extremely muscular; with a face chiseled like an action star.

"Diana, isn't it about time we address what's going on between us?"


"Pf… pft! Fuck! That's disgus–Ugh!"

The laughter that wanted to grow in the air was instantly stopped before it could flourish as Hannah was… lightly hit on the stomach by Diana.

At first, the people who were watching Riley and Paige felt slightly awkward, as they weren't really fighting at all and just talking about themselves and their relationship — but as they started their bout, their mouths started to open on their own one by one.

Riley Ross, the creature that just moved and destroyed an entire galaxy, was now unable to do all the godly things he had done throughout the tournament—no. In a way, he was still doing it, but there were now two of them.

Of course, it was a relief for everyone who was there that everything they were creating was just illusions — because if it was not, then they would all be drowning in a sea that Paige created. Even though Hannah and the others were a thousand kilometers away from the battlefield, Paige's illusions still reached them.

"..." And while most of the champions were amazed by this, Chihiro and the others who had heard her concern could not help but look at each other. It was already evident that Paige's illusions weren't just normal ones — and not in the way that she could interact with them, no.

The fact that everything moved on its own, the fact that her illusions react to other people even though they can't touch them was… abnormal.

All the fish and aquatic life that was swimming around them were moving as if they were real and had consciousness of their own. Perhaps it wasn't even right to call them illusions, no.

Paige was truly creating and warping reality, it's just that it wasn't real for everyone else.

"That…" But while everyone was focused with Paige's abilities, Bernard and Diana were currently staring at each other, with Hannah looking at them while clutching her stomach.

"What's… with you two?" Hannah asked.

"The first words one of those Bernards uttered…" Diana quietly breathed out as she seemed to be scouring deep into her memories,

"...Your dad said those words to me the day we decided to be together."

"...No fucking way," Hannah raised an eyebrow, "That's just coincidence. That's a common line in romcoms."

"Dear?" Diana just pushed her daughter's head away as she looked at Bernard.

"Hm," Bernard nodded, "It's not only that."

Bernard continued to listen to the illusions that Riley made. He then looked at the aquatic life around him, even trying to catch one of the fishes but failing to do so — some were even eating the smaller fishes.

"I think we've already established that Paige's creations are not drawn from memory."

"She's powerful, insanely so," Aerith joined in on the conversation, "She even made a replica of Theran — complete to the tiniest detail even though she hasn't even seen 99.9% of the rest of the planet."

"Okay, I think we've also already established that the girl is a wizard," Queen Adel also joined in. There was, however, a weird smile on her face, "And we've also established that she is the only person who could stop Riley Ross. We may not be able to stop Riley, but we can force that girl to do so."

"There are too many variables here to consider," Chihiro shook her head, "If Nannah and I are right, then whoever that woman is, she's not Paige Pearson. She may not know it herself, but she's not supposed to… exist — the same as Riley."

"Are you saying that she might also be… a new primordial? Or whatever the fuck my brother is?"

"We don't even know if Riley truly is something like that," Chihiro sighed, "Bernard's guess is highly convincing, and honestly really possible — but until Machina's family actually confirms it, then all we have are speculations."

"Are you able to contact Machina?" Diana once again slightly pushed Hannah to the side so she could speak directly to Chihiro, "How much connection do you have with Machina as her avatar?"

"Machina can't be contacted, it will contact me if it wishes," Chihiro once again sighed, "For some reason, however, I can't really feel Machina right now. I could still access the System, but Machina's presence is absent…

…the mysterious group that was here earlier, Machina might actually be one of them."

"Are you saying…" Queen Vania, who had been taking notes of all the conversations the others were having, could not help but let out a small gasp as she heard Chihiro, "...That there's a chance that we fought against the Primordials?"

"Fought is not the word I would use," Queen Adel rolled her eyes, "You were handled like a defective newborn."

"No," Chihiro turned to look at Queen Vania, "The fact that you were able to damage a Primordial's hand, even if it was dramatically weakened and in human form, is a feat that no one would be able to easily replicate, almost impossible, even."

"Heh, you hear that?" A wide smirk crawled on Queen Vania's face as she looked down on Queen Adel, "I bet if it were the themarians put in our position, then all of you would have been wiped out."

"No, we would have won," Queen Adel scoffed.

"Uhm, I don't think any of you actually comprehend how strong the primordials are," Chihiro slightly chuckled, "They are almost Outerversal, but not quite. They are beings that could destroy several universes with just a thought; the only reason why they can't and don't is that they do not see the point in it."

"..." Queen Adel did not really say anything and just gestured to Chihiro to continue. And it wasn't only her, everyone was listening; especially the norinlads.

"They do not only exist outside the multiverse, but they exist over it. They could watch several universes at once — and the fact that they have chosen to show themselves would mean that… we truly are at the Point of something," Chihiro closed her eyes, "The Primordials follow a set of rules. Rules that they don't break, no matter what, and one of them is not to involve themselves in any of the universe — that is the very reason why I exist, why avatars exist…

…Riley, Paige, the Primordials. I think something is about to happen."

"...We need to find the Primordials," Diana breathed out before turning to look at Bernard, "Can you do that?"

"Find beings that could exist outside the universe?" Bernard could not help but laugh, "I might be able to access all the security systems of the Known Universe, but reaching through something that we don't even know exists is… well, a challenge."

"What if you had the help of someone else?" Nannah raised her hand to speak.

"I'm not being arrogant, but I don't really know if anyone could help me with figuring things out," Bernard shook his head.

"I know, my dad also used to say the same thing," Nannah chuckled, "The only person that could help you think is yourself."

"Wise man."

"Well, Dad's mostly stupid."

"Fuck right he is," Hannah quickly agreed, "Wait… are you about to mention—"

"The Council of Ross," Nannah looked Bernard in the eyes,

"I would like you to visit them and share all you know…

…the fate of the multiverse rests upon it."

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