Villain Retirement

Chapter 822 822: Luxury

Chapter 822 822: Luxury

"You reacted to those words. Now the only question is…

…which one?"


"Bernard Ross, Supers, Themarians, King. Whiteking — you reacted again."

"Wouldn't you react if you heard a bunch of strange words too?"

There was a certain sense of intensity in the air. It was light, but everybody in the room could feel it — especially Miller and Rob who were standing near the door with the broken lock. They were part of the CIA, and they already had more than enough secrets to last an entire lifetime, each.

One could not imagine just how many more the Secretary of Defense of the entire country has.

"I would, but I would be confused," Hera continued to stare into Secretary Kent's face.

"...Can you read minds?" Kent squinted his eyes as he slightly looked away.

"No," Hera smiled as she finally leaned back, "But I can read the tiniest minuscule emotions your face gives. No matter how trained a human is, their body will always find a way to react to something…

…You have 10 seconds left to make us stay."

"We will just send men after you," Kent's old voice finally stuttered as he glanced back at Rob and Miller, "The two of you are already the biggest person of interest the country has ever seen. You have to understand that we need to go after you."

"Then you'd know where to find us if you're ready to talk," Hera shrugged before standing up and tapping Riley on the shoulder, "Let's go, whitey. Let's wait for these… humans to decide what is more important to them."

"But what about our beverages, Miss Hera?" Riley blinked a couple of times as he looked around.

"Forget about the milk!" Hera grabbed Riley by the arm and dragged him away. Once again, however, she found themselves surrounded as the agents pointed their guns at them. Rob also quickly pointed his pistol at the two. Miller, on the other hand, just quickly pulled Rob's hands down, almost swatting the gun away.


"Bro, are you fucking stupid? These aliens are literally bulletproof, they are literally superman!" Miller whispered loudly as he suspiciously stuck his lips too close to Rob's ear, "If you haven't noticed since earlier, I don't wanna die yet."

"...Listen to the short dude," Hera let out a small but very deep sigh as she glanced at the agents with their weapons out, "I don't kill civilians and non-supers even if they're villains. But this guy beside me? He will kill you in front of your family, but not before killing your family in front of you first."

"She is right, everyone," Riley nodded.

"Let them go," Secretary Kent once again ordered for everyone to stand down, "Rob, Miller. Place someone to watch the two, make it your highest priority."

"Good," Hera then clapped her hands together, causing the agents to flinch and almost point their weapons again. Fortunately for them, Hera and Riley were already walking away and did not even bother glancing at them as they left.

Suffice it to say, everybody in the building was looking at them like they were aliens. In a sense, of course, they were. The fact that they were from another universe entirely, and from a version of Earth where humans gain powers from a virus.

"I guess they're really not stopping us." And as she and Riley took the elevator, they saw Rob and Miller following them from a short distance — rushing toward the stairs so they would not lose them. And as the elevator went up to the ground floor, they saw the two gasping for air in front of them,

"Good job, boys."

"..." Riley and Hera passed by the two, with Riley glancing at them for a few seconds before letting out a small breath, "I do not think I have been followed this closely before — I wonder if this is what would have happened if my identity as Darkday would have been discovered instead?"

"Don't even mention Darkday to me ever again, gives me goosebumps," Hera slightly shivered as they continued to walk out of the building. And once again, all the people were staring at them. And seeing as there was not a slight sense of fear in their eyes, only curiosity. It would seem not everyone in the building knew about them.

"What do we do now, Miss Hera?" Riley asked, "Should I just start killing and destroying everything until something happens? In my experience, something usually happens after I kill a lot of people — maybe things that are hiding would reveal themselves."

"Don't worry, they will reveal themselves soon." And as the two finally managed to step out of the building without anyone blocking their way, they found themselves in the middle of a vast lot; only several buildings around them,

"You think this is some sort of military base?"

"Maybe, Miss Hera," Riley looked at the large armored cars that were traveling from and to the buildings. Soon, however, a car much more casual but more luxurious stopped right in front of them.

"We'll bring you guys to a hotel of your choosing, or wherever you want to stay," Rob walked from behind and immediately opened the door for the two.

"You boys are really intent on watching our every move, huh?" A smirk crawled on Hera's face as she looked at Rob, "Has it ever occurred to you that we could just fly away from here?"

"The defense secretary is completely aware of that. But you haven't yet and the two of you seem to welcome diplomacy," Rob stood straight as he gestured to the two to enter the car, "Please."

"Hm," Hera looked at the luxurious car for a few seconds, before shrugging and just casually entering it, "I do miss the life of a star. Take us to the most expensive hotel near here, preferably with a casino and a nice large bath."

"..." Rob glanced at the driver and nodded. He then slightly stepped away as Riley entered the car. How couldn't he, when Hera just told them of how violent Riley could be?

"Ack, finally…" Hera quickly made herself comfortable inside the spacious car, even opening the liquor storage and helping herself with a seemingly expensive bottle of wine,

"...Hello, civilization. If you ignore that we're in a completely different world, and are currently being followed by a bunch of men in black, it almost feels like I'm back to being a celebrity. And suddenly, all the stuff about that multiversal conqueror seems like a dream."

"..." Riley only glanced at Hera, before also opening all the beverage storage inside the car trying to look for a bottle of milk, or perhaps maybe even a vanilla soda — but there was none. The two did not really talk for a good while, with Hera just letting out deep breaths here and there as she enjoyed her drink and the view outside.

They stayed like this for several hours, until they finally entered a familiar city.

"Isn't this… Manhattan?" Hera quickly looked up through the car's moonroof as her eyes reflected the slightly dim sky; instinctively trying to look for anyone flying or jumping across the buildings,

"I know you said this world is as violent as ours… but it's quiet." Hera raised her glass; the alcohol in it, veiling the car in a color of sepia as she did so, "It almost feels like this is how life should really be…


"Hm," Riley also looked at the people walking around the streets — it was not hard to, as their car was barely moving due to all the traffic lights scattered in every block, "There…

…are too many people, Miss Hera."

"...Why even go there?"


"A soft bed! Oh my god!"

True enough, the government brought them to a large, and obviously incredibly expensive hotel. One could not really find such an establishment back in their universe—as supers have a tendency to destroy infrastructure. But in this world, it would seem they don't spare any expense to make luxurious things truly luxurious.

And as Hera felt herself being swallowed by the large bed beneath her, she turned to look at the view outside the large windows. And once again, no sign of a person flying there — just a view of buildings and the setting sun…

…as well as Riley's silhouette.

"What the—why are you in my room!?" Hera quickly got up from the bed and she pointed at Riley, "They literally got you your own room just now… and why are you only wearing a bathrobe!?"


Riley, who was seated on the sofa near the windows, just calmly glanced at Hera as he drank a glass of milk,

"You said it yourself, Miss Hera. We should not separate, no matter what."


Hera could not even say another word as the sound of Riley sipping his almost empty glass resounded in the air.

"I know you're doing that on purpose!" Hera pointed at Riley again.

"Seriously…" Hera just once again let herself fall down the bed, letting out a breath of exhaustion as she buried her head in a pillow,

"...Why do I always seem to get stuck with you?"

"Perhaps it is because of your abilities, Miss Hera?"

"Of course, it is!" Hera quickly threw the pillow she was resting on at Riley, who just let it hit him in the face,

"You are the most dangerous being in the entire multiverse, that means I am also the safest with y—Ack!"

And before Hera could finish her words again, Riley flicked his finger as he returned the pillow she threw at him with force.

"Someone is outside the door, Miss Hera."

"I know," Hera lightly tapped her cheek before getting up from the bed and walking to the door, "I told you… they will reveal themselves soon."

"Secretary of Defense, Miss Hera?"

"No," Hera opened the door, "He wasn't the one who reacted when I opened up those words, it's him."

"..." Riley leaned his head to the side to see who Hera was pointing to, only to see one of the agents from the CIA standing there,

"Special Agent Miller."


…might have something you want to see."

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