Villain Retirement

Chapter 833 833: You Neva Get Tired of Hera This, Do you?

Chapter 833 833: You Neva Get Tired of Hera This, Do you?

"Remind me again what we're doing here?"

"I told you, we bought this just now! The girls and I practically raked up all our savings this morning and bought this entire island for us!"

"I see."

Hera, Riley, Caitlain, Hera 2, and the other Heras were now on an empty floating island, completely empty. There was not even a single sight of grass, not even a pebble. It was just a flat island with nothing but dirt. But perhaps the most notable part of the floating island was its size…

…there were about twenty of them there, and if just one of them took a single step in any direction, then one of them was bound to fall.

"Why did you even buy something like this?" Hera could not help but once again pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "How are we even going to use this plot of land?"

"We… we were hoping to create Hera Entertainment here," Hera 2, and the other Heras nodded, "You've made it before, I am sure you won't have trouble building it from the ground up again."

"Forget about the effort aspect of how I built the company," Hera was trying her best not to wave her hand as she feared someone might fall, "Let's talk logistics. You want me to build it here?"


"Here? In this very land that could barely fit all of us?"

"...We can make a tower?"

"A tower as thin as Tempo's dick!" Hera screamed out in frustration. As soon as she said those words, however, the others all let out gasps of shock.

"It's not that tiny! Average, yes. But not tiny!"

"You know how much he hates that!"

"Wait, you guys have seen Tempo's dick? Wait, don't tell me most of you guys dated Tempo?"

"...I was married to him."

"Divorced, I found out he had another family in the Philippines and Whiteking was helping him hide it."

"Wh…" Hera did not really expect her words to cause a chain of reaction. She wanted them to stop, but was also slightly curious how Tempo was in the other universes. Fortunately, she was able to stop the natural gossiper in her and heavily clapped her hands,

"Stop! Stop! This plan is ridiculous. I do not even know how things work in this place and you want me to create an entertainment agency?"

"You do not have to worry about the minor stuff, Hera," Hera 2 suddenly wore a pair of glasses, "I'll handle all that as your personal secretary. I hired myself if you don't mind."

"I told you, this is not going to be possi—"


And before Hera could finish her words, she felt her feet very gently leaving the ground.

"W… woah."

"We're… flying."

"Oh my god, this is so weird."

And it wasn't only her, every single one of them except Riley was now floating in the air, even Caitlain who was really just happy to be there.

"What are you doing, Riley…?" Hera, on the other hand, did not seem very pleased with what was happening, "Wait, you're not thinking of dropping them, are you!?"

"Why would he drop us?" Hera 2 blinked a couple of times, "This feels oddly comfortable, our abilities aren't really reacting to it."

"I can't wait for you guys to realize what sort of monster Riley really is," Hera let out a sigh as she just focused on Riley again, "What are you doing?"

"This, Miss Hera," Riley breathed out as he kneeled and placed his palm on the ground. And as soon as he did so, the floating island that was the size of a small bus slowly started to expand.

"Crap… I forgot you could do that," Hera batted her eyes several times, and with each opening of her eyes the island just grew wider and wider. And soon, it was the size of a football stadium,

"...But I did not know that you could do it to this extent."

"I could not, Miss Hera," Riley shook his head, "But ever since I started stretching my telekinetic abilities to the point of me dying several times, it would seem it also affected how much I could endure the stress of my other abilities."

"This…" Riley then stood as he very gently lowered Hera and the others, " nothing to me now."

"Ah, this is great!" Hera 2 and the other Heras started cheering and hugging one another as the plot of land they bought instantly turned bigger, "Even if we're not successful with our plan, we could just sell this island and live like queens!"

"..." Hera quickly glared at the other Heras, causing them all to collect and calm themselves down, with some of them still high-fiving each other sneakily, "That solves one of our biggest problems… and now we go onto the next one."

Hera looked up and the others did the same as they all imagined a tall building erecting directly where they stood.

"Is it just me, or are we getting closer to the sky?"

"...Which sky? We're surrounded by the sky already."

"I meant I feel like we're going up!"

The Heras quickly all looked down, only to realize they were actually already high up from the ground.

"So like what, you're a literal god now?" Hera, on the other hand, could really only just let out a sigh of exhaustion as he watched as Riley truly did erect an entire building where they stood. And soon, four walls and a roof covered their heads.

"This I could do for a very long time already, Miss Hera," Riley then said as the interior of the room started to resemble Hera's office back in their world. Riley then removed parts of the wall, creating a thick glass window so that they could have a view of the entire island,

"As for the other furniture and the color, I am afraid we would have to acquire it somewhere else."

"Yeah, no. This…" Hera looked around, "...This is good."


"It's done!"

"I can't believe we did all of this in just 6 hours!"

"...All we did was bring paint."

"And most of the 6 hours was us bringing furniture from our houses!"

And as the Heras said it, 6 hours had passed since Riley erected the building, and it almost truly resembled Hera's building. Hera also helped, of course, by pointing to Riley the certain details he needed to do.



"...Now what?" Hera 2 and the other Heras all turned their attention to Hera, "Do we just start operating or something? We do need staff, we could start hiring some girls, but for now, I guess it's just us?"

"You guys are not staff. Seriously, how are you guys even Hera with that kind of self-loathing and confidence?" Hera let out a small scoff as she looked at Hera 2, "You guys bought this land with your money so you're basically owners of the company."

"O… oh," The Heras all looked at each other, seemingly proud of what they had achieved.

"But still…" Hera 2 sighed, "We still need staff to—"

"You don't need to worry about staff, we already have them," Hera smirked as she looked at Riley, "Thousands of them. All we need right now…

…is to set up auditions."


"Please, you need to fall in line! Those who did not apply online, you have a separate line at the back of the building!"

A week had passed since Riley and the others built Hera Entertainment, with the Heras even legally registering it where it needed to be registered. Even the rest of the island was now terraformed into a beautiful and vast garden — there was even a large pond.

As for their staff, well… there were currently more than a thousand Riley running and flying around. Some were even taught to hold a camera by Hera herself.

They all initially thought that no one would really audition for them, but as soon as Hera 2 purposely started to spread the news that Hera was actually truly a chairman of an entertainment agency back in her world, the people dove in like flies; either to see her, or to audition.

"People, we can't assist you if—"

[Please all go home. This is an unauthorized gathering!]

Soon, however, the line was suddenly disrupted as several helicopters started descending from above and landing right in front of the building. Several guards and soldiers stepped out, gesturing to the people to all go home.

"Hey! What do you mean not authorized!?" Hera 2 adjusted her glasses as she stomped her way toward the Hera soldiers, "This is literally private property! On whose authority do you think you're deciding that we are not authorized here!?"


And as soon as that little voice whispered into the air, the atmosphere that was descending into chaos instantly faded away as everyone either turned their heads down, or looked at Talia, who leaped from the helicopter and slowly made her way toward Hera 2.

"I do not think this place is healthy for everyone's mind since—"

"And what do you know about a healthy mind, girl?"

And before Talia could finish her words, Hera suddenly stepped outside the building; wearing sunglasses and a fur coat; heels almost half a foot tall. Suffice it to say, she stood out amongst all the Heras there.

"O… of course I know," Talia crossed her arms as she looked up at the approaching Hera, "I was the first to get here, I know everything."

"Girl…" Hera literally looked down on Talia,

"…you haven't even had your period yet."

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