Villain Retirement

Chapter 840 840: A Different Genre

Chapter 840 840: A Different Genre

"She was trapped in a universe that did not form… and she's still alive?"

"Yes, Dr. Caitlain."

"I guess I just really have to get used to living with gods now."

"Miss Hera could have also survived it."

"Because that is literally my ability!"

[Perhaps we should let Chihiro Prime rest?]


It has been a full day since Riley rescued Chihiro from the fractured universe, and yet she has remained completely unconscious the entire time and is resting in one of the many empty rooms in the space station.

[I believe she just needs time for her abilities to 'cool down' and she will be fine.]


[The others are all strong, they will find a way to survive even in the harshest of conditions — perhaps the only one that will have a hard time would be Gracy Gray.]

"Who…?" Hera raised an eyebrow. The three continued talking as they left Chihiro's room, casually discussing the traits of everyone that were still trapped in a universe completely different from the rest.

Aerith, Diana, Delivery, Cherbi, Pirate Queen Xra, Gracy, Bard, Nannah, and Hannah.

Aerith would have no trouble at all, except if it is a universe much like Caitlain's which was decimated by a million cherbis. Diana was the same, but she would probably find a way to harness the cherbis if given time.

Delivery Man will probably just loiter there or return to whatever domain he belongs to — Riley was not really truly knowledgeable regarding the extent of his ability. He had tried ordering from him, but his website and phone app were still unavailable.

Cherbi… he was probably expediting the process of a dying universe.

Pirate Queen Xra is a true immortal, so there really wasn't something to worry about with her.

Gracy… was probably dead.

Bard would surely find a way to survive. As for Nannah and Hannah… they will survive, surely.

And as the four continued to discuss the chance of survival of everyone else who was forcefully warped away, none of them realized that there was now actually someone else walking with them; lightly tugging on both Hera and Riley's shirt.

"...What is this?" Riley could really only halt his steps, blinking several times as he looked down to see Talia holding his coat, "I thought you have already found a universe to live in, Talia?"

"That's… I guess I need to tell you something, Riley," Hera closed her eyes as she was the one to answer, "The kid is asking to be adopted by me…

…and you. It—"

"Okay," Riley just shrugged as he continued walking.

"Okay…? Okay what?" Hera also blinked as Talia dragged her forward.

"Okay, we will adopt her together," Riley casually said; not even glancing at Hera, "I am already aware of the procedure since I was adopted by Father and Mother. I have also signed Karina's birth certificate after she revealed herself."

"...You did all that?" Hera could not help but look at Riley's face to check if he was serious.

"Of course," Riley nodded, "It is illegal and immoral not to take responsibility for my offspring even if it is unwanted."

"...You are so weird," Hera almost snorted as she laughed. And after she rolled her lips, she gently removed Talia's hand from her shirt and held it instead, "Hear that?"

"Hm," Talia tried her best to hide the smile that was slowly crawling on her face as she looked down, "T… thank you."

"Save your thanks for later. You still have no idea what sort of man your… adoptive dad is."

"I do," Talia nodded, "My mind might be that of a child, but I know things—and I know that the safest place I could ever be is on Dad's side."

"...Cheeky brat."


An entire week had passed, and yet the still unconscious Chihiro was still the only one they had found so far. There weren't a lot of Hera variants left, only 20 of them — these 20, however, did not seem to want to find another universe to live in and wanted to stay in Riley's universe.

Of course, Hera did not really like that idea, but she couldn't really do anything since the group was actually Hera 2 and the other Heras that approached them for help. They wanted to return the help — Riley did not really need it, as he already had his clones and even himself traveling across the multiverse.

And so, the Hera variants were just left doing some odd chores around the space station. As for Hera, she was teaching Talia some stuff she needed to know; even giving her a script so that if any paparazzi happened to put her on their radar, Hera wouldn't have to do damage control that much.

As for Riley…

…he was currently on an Earth that was completely different from the rest. The difference between this one from the Earth they met the emaciated Dr. Caitlain is that the people know their world is ending. There were also no supers here…

…but there were still superpowered humans, and they were preparing to face and fight the end.

The end being billions of asteroids of varying sizes hurtling across the universe faster than the speed of light. A literal cosmic storm that plowed through the expanse of space, destroying everything within its path.

Riley knows this because he expanded his telekinetic… radar. And with the speed the asteroids are going, it would probably reach Earth in a couple of days. The people know their world is ending, but they don't know it will be happening soon. Riley could probably stop Earth from being destroyed, but he wanted to see what these superpowered humans could do.

"People of Earth! We urge everyone who could fight to fight! Let us all gather our energies together!"

"Do not listen to the Ohio Sect! If you wish to save the world, then it is only possible with the Golden Hollywood Sect!"

Riley was currently walking across a street that did not really exist anywhere on his Earth. It was similar to a street market, but they were selling body parts of animals that did not exist on his Earth.

There were also swords, large swords, and even larger weapons being sold everywhere — not even a single sign of modern weaponry. But with what Riley has seen of these superpowered humans, they don't really need such weapons.

Riley, however, also knows that none of them could actually save their Earth. None of them were strong enough.

"Fetus New York Sect! We are the biggest Sect in New York!"

There were also people standing on top of boxes, carrying large banners as they promoted their so-called sects. Riley would have probably already left this universe a few hours ago, but he actually found something interesting here.

"I wish to join your sect."

"Ah, a wise choice!"

Riley approached one of the people promoting their guild. The man was slightly taken aback by Riley's appearance, but he immediately stepped down from his box and handed a piece of paper to Riley.

"What level is your cultivation right now?" The man said as he looked at Riley from head to toe.

"Probably zero," Riley immediately answered.

"W—Then why are you joining a sect?" The man wanted to snatch the piece of paper he just gave to Riley, but found himself unable to even move it a single millimeter.

"Because I wish to join the sect," Riley blinked as he looked the man in the eyes, "This is the Thundering Tears of the 13th Dragon Mega Sect, correct?"

"...Look," the man let go of the paper as he sighed, "Even though our sect is just new, we don't just let anybody in. You can take the entrance exam if you want to, but don't expect to—"

"Okay," Riley shrugged, "I will take the entrance exam. Where do I go?"

"...You're really persistent," the man looked Riley in the eyes and squinted, "Fine."

The man then grabbed something from his pocket, some sort of talisman, and placed it right on Riley's chest. And as soon as he did so, a strange light veiled Riley… and teleported him to a courtyard filled with people falling in a line.

Riley was at the backmost end of the line, with people not heeding him any mind as they seemed to be meditating and waiting for their turn to step onto the marble stage that was in the center of the courtyard.

"..." Riley tilted his head to the side to see exactly what they were doing in the courtyard, but all they seemed to be doing was placing their palm on some sort of large slab of ebony. But as the line grew short and Riley grew nearer to the stage, he finally saw the small dents and cracks of the stone.

And finally, it was his turn.

"What cultivation level are you?"

"I do not know, Examiner." Riley was once again asked the same question. This time, he gave a different answer so as to not be suddenly kicked out.

"Okay, just place your palm on the stone and try damaging it with your energy. We will know your cultivation level then." The examiner did not really even turn to look at Riley as he just waved his hand before writing on a piece of paper.

"Okay," Riley nodded as he stepped onto the stage and carefully placed his palm on the slab.



But as expected, nothing really happened.

"W—are you even a cultivator?" The examiner finally looked at Riley, "Stop wasting our time and step d—!!!"

Riley may not have the so-called energy of the people of this world… but he does have several other things in his arsenal…

…like his raw strength.

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