Villain Retirement

Chapter 866 866: I Will See You Soon

Chapter 866 866: I Will See You Soon

"Where is he!? Find him!"

Adoptive Mothe–Diana did not waste any time in scanning the chaotic battlefield. As soon as King's body started to show even a little sign of melting and withering away, she instantly realized that they had been fighting a clone and the real one was out there somewhere.

She knew, Diana knew that she was being eaten by a rage greater than she had ever felt before. But she did not really care — Bernard meant more to her than anyone could actually ever know. He had his flaws, he had so many.

But Diana has too. And for someone who had lived for so long, her sins far outweigh Bernard's. There wasn't really anything special in their relationship at all. If you take away their identities as individuals, their relationship might as well be the most normal one in the entire world.

Well, perhaps not.

Diana met Bernard when he was still just in High School, for a themarian, after all… age is truly nothing but a number. No, she did not just meet Bernard, she searched for him. She had heard of a boy, just 16 years of age, capable of solving equations and problems that were thought impossible to solve even after a hundred years.

But of course, as a themarian with superior intellect, Diana had already solved these problems. But Bernard, he just casually answered them, and when he was asked how he knew how to solve them. He told everyone:

How could you not?

That was the moment Diana became curious about Bernard. A creature carrying an intellect far greater than her, only limited by his laziness. She tried observing him from afar, but Bernard seemed naturally drawn to her — of course, there was also the fact that they were actually seated next to each other.

Of course, this was not predatory at all. Do not misunderstand, everyone. Diana did not approach Bernard with the intention of love… initially.

They became friends, and soon became lovers. And like most, their story was filled with tragedy and secrets; perhaps more than most. Bernard was flawed, and yet Diana could not help herself but just be drawn to him no matter what.

She was utterly, truly, and blindly in love with the man.

And King took him away just like that.

Diana was not going to deny that she was putting her emotions above all else… but perhaps she should have, she really should have.

"Retreat, everyone retreat!" Bard was already ordering everyone to retreat as they had already started losing people. Alice Prime and Dee, now gone just like that. Bard was beside his daughter and Hannah, forcefully pushing them away from the battlefield.

Or at least, that is what it sounded like. But as Diana saw the look on Bard's face — it wasn't an expression of defeat at all, but a sinister smirk as his hands, who everyone initially thought to be hands desperately trying to save his daughter, were actually gripping Nannah and Hannah by the neck.

"M… Mom?"

"Retreat… everyone, pft… Hahahaha!"

"..." Diana's eyes could really only widen as soon, Bard's form started to wither away, revealing King to be hiding inside; the smile on his face, uncontrollable.

"Everyone, stop fighting!" King then let out a roar, and as he did so, all of his people quickly flew away and left whoever their opponent was, "We… …have already won this fight."

"Let go of my daughter!"

"W…where's Dad…?" Nannah's head started to shake as she started looking everywhere, "What did you do to my—"

"I don't really need you."

"Nannah!" Hannah screamed as she watched as King just casually snapped Nannah's neck, before letting her go and giving her a little push; her body, now just aimlessly floating in the dark expanse of space.

Aerith was about to rush toward King.

"No, nuh uh uh," King wagged his finger as he lifted up Hannah, "None of you try anything or the Primordial's sister dies. And that includes you, Riley Ross."

"Hm…" Riley did not really do anything and just stared at King, resting his cheek on his fist as he truly did what he said he would do – just watch.

"See!?" King showed all of his teeth, almost growling as he smiled at Diana and everyone else there, "That is our true enemy! While all of us are fighting for our ideals, for the things we want…

…he sits on his ivory throne!"

"This is actually metal, King," Riley shrugged.

"See!? See how he mocks us!?" King looked Diana in the eyes, "From the very start, that man did not care for any of you. If only you were just not blinded by your silly little minds that I have set out to destroy the universe…

…I did not. I came to protect it!"

"You… you've already fucking said that!" Hannah gritted her teeth as her skin once again slowly became translucent. But even as King's armor melted away, his skin remained completely intact; his grip, growing even tighter and causing Hannah to just try and start hitting him with her elbows.

"Let go of her," Diana's eyes glowed red as she quickly, but very carefully floated closer to King.

"I will, none of us should die," King shook his head as his voice turned calm, "Just kneel and join my cause, and this will all be over. I have thought this long and hard, but with all of you by my side…

…do you know how many more we could save?"


"I lack a caring touch," King sighed, "But as I hold your leash, you will do the same for me and we can create a better utopia for the people that come next. I can't handle being the God of the Multiverse by myself, more so than Zeus can not control the realms by himself."

"M… mom," Hannah started shaking her head profusely, "Don't… don't listen to him."

"I am giving you a choice that you do not really have!" King waved his hand, causing Hannah to quietly groan in pain, "You are defeated! All of you are!"

Queen Adel could really only close her eyes as she floated toward Diana and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"The madman is right," Queen Adel shook her head, "This is already a lost battle. Look around you."

"..." Diana, however, did not stray her eyes away from Hannah, just focusing on her and her alone, "I will not join your cause, Conqueror."


"But I will not impede on it, as long as you promise not to harm my daughter and the people of our universe," Diana then looked King in the eyes.

"Diana!?" Aerith flew toward her, "What about the other universes!? All those—"

"The only universe that matters is ours," Diana shook her head, "We will do this, but you also need to ensure us that if we rescue people from the other universes, and once we get them to ours — you will no longer pursue them."

"That is a lot of requests for someone already defeated," King scoffed.

"You also need to return Paige to us," Diana floated closer to King, "If you do all that…

…then you can have my life."

"..." King squinted his eyes at Diana, before he just shook his head; a laugh, slowly escaping his lips, "Do you truly think you can demand something from me? I was just being nice. But okay, I will do all of that…

…but you will work for me. And perhaps maybe even along the way, you will also learn to love me."

"F…fucking creep. You—" Hannah wanted to say something, but King once again tightened his grip on her neck.

"And perhaps a thousand years from now," King's voice turned gentle as he closed his eyes, "We would create our own Hannah, a more superior one. Unlike this creature who only knows how to complain and cry. We could—

what's that?"

King could not really finish his words as he saw Diana raising something in her hand, an orb. Or more specifically;

"A Cosmic Compressor," Diana breathed out.

"...You won't," King's eyebrows quickly lowered as he started scanning the orb, only for him to instinctively back away.

"I will. Now let go of my daughter," Diana started gripping the Cosmic Compressor hard, causing everyone there to just look at her.

"..." King looked Diana in the eyes for a few seconds, before just quickly deciding to let go of Hannah, "Very well, I will grant your demands."

And as soon as he said that, portals started appearing behind his army, as well as behind him.

"But…" King very slowly started to back away into the portal.



And there and then, everyone watched as King just suddenly pierced his arm straight into Hannah's chest. The warmth that was forever governing her body, very slowly dissipating away.

"You really think you can threaten me!?" A maniacal laugh suddenly cackled in the air as King casually pulled his arm from Hannah's chest, "Not you, not even a god could stop what I am about to do next."

King then pointed at the cosmic compressor, "...Thank you for giving me an idea on how to end all of this…

…I will see all of you again soon."

King stretched his arm to the side, but before he could float into the portal… Hannah suddenly grabbed his arm.

"...You're still alive? You—" He looked at Hannah, but could not help but abruptly halt with his words as he saw the smile crawling on her face…

…a smile that very slowly reached from ear to ear.

"What…" King then quickly turned his head toward Riley, only to see no one sitting on the throne anymore—no. Even the throne was gone.


Diana, Queen Adel, Aerith… her entire army was gone.

"..." King's eyes widened as he saw this, before he very slowly turned his head back to Hannah…

…only to see Riley holding his hand; blood flowing from his lips.

"You are right, King…" Riley whispered as he looked King in the eyes,

"...I'll see you soon."

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