Villain Retirement

Chapter 889 - 889: Payment

Chapter 889 - 889: Payment

"They are selling some good sweet and spicy carrot cakes somewhere here, they glazed it with some sort of dried honey or something that cracks once you bite into it and melts once you chew it."

"Is that why you brought us to this city, Miss Pepondosovich?"

"Oh ho, I am glad you asked, Miss Esme. No, that is not the only reason why I brought you here — they also have the thin carrots fried in truffle oil with a creamy mushroom sauce. And their shop is over here—!!!"

Riley, Miss Pepondosovich, and Esme were walking around a somewhat busy city, with Miss Pepondosovich expertly leading them as she seemed to have already visited the place before. But alas, as she pointed at her favorite restaurant to eat, the only thing that welcomed her finger was… a dubious facility with a couple of half-naked men standing outside.

"Oh, were you talking about a different carrot, Miss Pepondosovich?" Esme blinked a couple of times as she looked back and forth between Miss Pepondosovich and all the men flexing their muscles even in the cold night, "I did not quite get that as I am not versed in figurative speech."

"Hm," Riley nodded, "I am afraid I will not indulge in this carrot meal of yours, Miss Pepondosovich. My carrot is now only for Aerith."

"Wh—no!" Miss Pepondosovich quickly leaped in front of the two and started gesturing her arms into an 'X', "That place is supposed to be a restaurant! I don't remember there being a brothel here!"

"No one is judging you, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley sighed and shook his head, "I heard stories of Greek gods fornicating with everyone and everything as long as they have a hole to offer. Come to think of it, are the Greek gods perhaps here? I heard that one of Van's parents is one."

"Wait… really? What—no! Wait! Stop misunderstanding!" Miss Pepondosovich violently shook her head and waved her hands, "This is supposed to be a restaurant!"

"When were you here last, Miss Pepondosovich?" Esme asked.

"A… A couple of thousands of years ago," Miss Pepondosovich's head quickly lowered along with her voice, "Ugh…"

"A thousand years ago," Esme squinted as she started looking around the rest of what the city had to offer, "And I would assume that they're infrastructure has not changed or evolved, since you were truly confused, Miss Pepondosovich?"

"That is the case, yes," Miss Pepondosovich sighed.

"The level of their technology was stagnant for a thousand years?" Esme blinked, "All of their establishments still have lanterns lighting up their wooden buildings. The only hint of electricity I have seen are the lamp posts we passed earlier."

"They don't really have the chance to do so," Miss Pepondosovich shook her head as she also turned to look at the busy city, "This might look peaceful to you now, but there are a lot of monsters in this place — monsters that we created. And most of the people that are smart enough to progress the world, use it to search for a cosmic piece."

"They… are aware of the cosmic piece?" Not only Esme, but Riley turned to look at Miss Pepondosovich.

"The gods back then were desperate for a cosmic piece, and what better help than the humans we have created and—"

"I knew it!"

And before Miss Pepondosovich could finish her words, a boy suddenly leaped from the shadows and pointed at them; his breaths, almost heavier than the busy atmosphere of the city.

"I knew the three of you were…are gods," the boy clearly wanted to whisper, but his excitement was causing his words to just be heard everywhere, "And don't lie! I have been following you since earlier!"

"Do you know him, Miss Pepondosovich?" Riley tilted his head to the side as he stared at the boy, "I did not even realize we were being followed."

"Same," Esme nodded, "They all somewhat look the same to me."

"My name's Ray, remember it!" Ray thumped his chest as he looked each of them in the eyes, "And do not deny that you are gods, for I have heard everything!"

"...Anyway," Miss Pepondosovich only looked at Ray for a few seconds, before just turning around and walking away, "I saw the salted apples still being sold there, we should get that instead so that we wouldn't have wasted our time visiting this place. We—"

"You want the place that sells carrot cakes, right!?"

And once again, before the three could even take 3 steps, Ray blocked their path.

"I know…" Ray looked Miss Pepondosovich in the eyes,

"...I know someone who can make them even better than you remember."


"Where… did you adventurers say you were from again?"

"Lindwen, Madam. And I have to say, these sweet and spicy carrot cakes are better than the ones I've tasted before."

"Oh my, thank you. They are the children's favorites, so I try to make them better than the last. And… Lindwen…? What are you doing all the way here?"

"Psst, Mother Leticia. They're gods."

"Ray, can you not!?"

Ray brought Riley and the others to the orphanage, and true enough, he did know someone who could make the food that Miss Pepondosovich was craving. And judging by the way Riley and Esme were eating the said delicacy, she also did not lie about it being delicious.

"Oh, we…" Miss Pepondosovich looked at Riley and Esme as she let the cake melt in her mouth, "...we were on our way to the harbor to pay respect to the gods. And we specifically stopped here so we could eat this."

"Well, then I'm glad you liked it," Leticia chuckled. The group continued their conversation while having a meal; with the children of the orphanage sneaking glances here and there, all of them staring at Riley's paper-like skin.

"What… is this for?" And as soon as Miss Pepondosovich had tasted and devoured everything that Leticia had prepared for them, she handed her a small bag filled with silver coins.

"Payment for the food, Madam," Miss Pepondosovich nodded in satisfaction, "I would make sure to return here as soon as possible to eat them again."

"That—this is too much," Leticia could really only take in a small gulp as she saw all the shiny coins inside the bag, "And you don't need to pay for anything. You're guests that Ray brought here."

"Then consider it a donation, Madam," Miss Pepondosovich chuckled and pushed the bag back to Leticia, "Please, take it. That will be offered to the gods anyway, I would be more glad if it's with you since you can actually use it."

"Well… if you insist then. But let me offer you—"

"Gods!" Ray once again interrupted the conversation as he pointed at Miss Pepondosovich, "Only gods can throw that much money just for Mother Leticia's bread!"

"What's… wrong with him?"

"I… I apologize," Leticia awkwardly chuckled as she quickly tried pushing Ray away, "He was dropped as a child."

"Hm," Riley, who had just been quietly observing from the side, nodded his head as he stood up, "I was lucky someone adopted me despite my condition, it would seem Ray was not offered the same luck. Miss Pepondosovich."

"Oh, right," Miss Pepondosovich and Esme also stood up, "We'd best get going, Madam. We still have a long journey ahead."

"We have empty rooms, that is the least we could do after giving us so much," Leticia gasped.

"Trust me, Madam…" Miss Pepondosovich gently held Leticia's arms, "...I would have paid you more for the carrot cake if I had more money…

…that's how good they were."


"Wah! Can you imagine she even gave us more to eat during our travels!?"

"That is a welcomed gesture, Miss Pepondosovich."

"It sure is. Anyway, I don't like the two of you thinking I only actually brought you to this city for food — our actual purpose is this place."

Riley and the others were now walking across a lush forest, just a mile away from the bustling city.

"I do not mind if it was truly only for the food, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Same," Esme nodded her head at Riley's words.

"Right!? These carrot cakes are, ack!" Miss Pepondosovich's entire body trembled as she continued to lead the two deeper into the forest, "But I digress, I brought the two of you here since I am sure there should be a god resting here somewhere — he might have a clue about the cosmic piece."

"A god?" Riley blinked a couple of times, "Are you talking about him, Miss Pepondosovich?"

"Hm?" Miss Pepondosovich slowly turned her head to where Riley was pointing, only to see a large tree that looked like it… has a face on it, "Well… I think so?"

"Try poking it."

"Wait, let me—"

"What are you people doing in my territory?"

"!!!" And before Miss Pepondosovich and the others could approach the mysterious tree, all the other trees suddenly disappeared into the distance; leaving only the giant tree with a face on it standing in front of them.

And the tree was, indeed, opening its mouth to talk.

"That looks disgusting," Riley squinted, "I suddenly remember Hera."

"What do you people want!?" The tree repeated its words, causing the leaves resting on top of it to tremble and shake.

"We want information on the cosmic piece!"

"If you want information, then I want something in return," the tree did not waste its words, "I want the human you brought with you."

"Human…?" Miss Pepondosovich looked at Riley and Esme, before turning her head back…

…only to see Ray standing there with his legs trembling uncontrollably.

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