Villain Retirement

Chapter 931 931: Messy

Chapter 931 Chapter 931: Messy

"I do not need to steal your cosmic piece to make you or your universe suffer. Once I get out of here, I will torment your universe first. I promise you that…

…and I usually do not break my promises."

Kravos really only stared at Riley's eyes as he continued to step back toward the portal back to his universe. He hated to admit it, but this entire thing was a mistake — he should not have tried to provoke the young god in front of him.

Perhaps he should just truly go all-out and try to kill him here and now? He could probably win, but what if he doesn't? As long as there was a chance that he could probably lose, then it was best not to fight at all, especially since they had an audience.

As the oldest of the Higher Gods, he had a reputation to keep. He was already not the strongest among them even though he was the oldest, if he loses to Riley now in front of all these people, then he would just become a laughing stock… and the Higher Gods, much like him, have egos bigger than their universes.

Like most of the rules in the Domain of the Gods, the Higher Gods also had a quiet rule they made for themselves — not to invade each other's universes. It was mutual respect. The fact that he was fighting a young god was already an act that might cause the other Higher Gods to shun him away, if he loses, the other gods might deem him unworthy…

…and invade his universe and make him force to give up his cosmic piece.

"Wait…" And before Kravos disappeared back into his universe, he once again turned to look at Riley, "You know Aerith'Ross… Does that mean she planned all of this?"


"Does she plan to start another Cleansing!?"

"What do you—" And before Riley could even ask what Kravos meant by his words, the portal disappeared along with him, leaving Riley just staring at an empty space, "What was that all about?"

Riley then started looking around, causing the other people there to slightly back away as soon as he strayed his eyes at them. How could they not back away, when they just saw Riley make a Higher God retreat? Granted, it was obvious Kravos was not even using all of their powers, but the same could be said for Riley.

And so, the other gods did the only thing they could do in this situation — walk away.

And as Riley saw they were no longer interested in wreaking havoc and fighting each other, he just sighed and shrugged before just walking back to Grandarena City and climbing it again.

Fun for him, not so much for the other combatants. Although Riley was not really feeling it, the Nectar actually had an almost insane effect on him — this was, after all, the very first time he had actually drank alcohol, and entire bottles of it.

But his mind wasn't muddled at all, no. It was as clear as his speech. And perhaps because of that, his thoughts were even clearer than before…

…and his unmatched violence and brutality were allowed to resurface like never before, perhaps even more unhinged than ever before…

…and his clone millions and millions of miles away could feel that.

"I probably shouldn't have done this. I wonder if the Boss would get mad? But then again…

…he is the cause of this too."

In the mortal world of Manirosa, Darkday was currently strolling through the city he created, or whatever was left of it anyway. Although it wasn't at full force, Darkday could feel the alcohol that was flowing through Riley's veins.

Unlike Riley, however, Darkday was not really created with the same restraint as his creator. Riley made him completely free to do whatever he wanted even without reason.

And so, even if it wasn't at full effect, as soon as Riley started drinking the Nectar, Darkday also became intoxicated…

…and the result of that was carnage, undiluted carnage.

Darkday had not even bothered fixing his helmet, which was already exposing half his face as he walked through the city of red. The sound of blood pattering with each of his footsteps, perhaps the only sound beside his breaths.

"I thought the gods here are immortal and undying like me," Darkday let out a very long and very disappointed sigh as he looked around, only to see a mountain of corpses littered everywhere. Some of them were gods, and some of them were the so-called heroes who wanted to stop his so-called evil reign in the lands of Manirosa,

"I worked hard to collect the gods too. Ack, this one has an interesting ability."

Darkday looked like he lost strength in his legs as he dropped to the ground; the pool of blood beneath him, rippling as it revealed the face of a woman… whose only remaining body part was her face,

"Boss would have wanted to lobotomize her," Darkday sighed as he grabbed the woman's face, only for her eyes to be left behind on the ground; the sound it made, almost visceral, "I spent so many days trying to capture her too, such a shame. A shame. The ability to instantly and casually teleport to long distances without pause… would have made us disgustingly even stronger than we are now. Ah, this one too!"

Darkday crawled toward another corpse, revealing a child.

"An offspring between two gods," Darkday embraced the little girl, "Although I don't know what her abilities are yet, but I know she's strong. Why did you have to die—Wait."

Darkday suddenly stood up and carried the corpse of the little girl with him as he thought of an idea.

"Surely…" Darkday then turned to look toward a certain direction; the little child in his arms, very slowly being encased in a prison of ice,

"...Boss wouldn't mind if I give Mr. Randall a visit in the Domain of the Gods?"


"Riri! How many times are you going to climb the tower!?"

"I suppose I can climb it one more time — is the final lineup for the championships happening anytime soon? I feel like it is unnecessarily taking a very long time."

"Does it matter!? Stop climbing the tower again and again and just join us."

Riley was finally back on the 91st floor again. This time, however, he found the resort almost completely empty aside from Miss Pepondosovich and the others. They were also not drinking anymore, and judging by the way they were all standing up and away from the banquet, they seemed to be going somewhere before Riley just suddenly appeared again.

"Where are the other gods, Miss Pepondosovich?" Riley asked as he looked around while making his way to the group, "Are the finals actually being held right now?"

"No, stop asking so many questions and just come!" Miss Pepondosovich could really only groan as she rushed toward Riley before dragging him to the rest of the group.

"Wow," Marleen's eyes quickly widened as she saw Riley, "You've already met with a Higher God and even made him retreat, that is very impressive, Riley Ross."

"What…?" Miss Pepondosovich raised an eyebrow, "And you did not even bother inviting us? That is highly traitorous behavior, Riri."

"You fought with a higher god, Master? As expected," Esme just nodded her head several times, "Did they know anything about the Higher God that bears a resemblance to Princess Aerith?"

"He definitely knows her," Riley nodded, "But I am afraid Mr. Kravos left before he could reveal anything to me — such things tend to happen, so I am quite used to it already. But where are we going?"

"The other folks have decided to roam around already. Marleen's ex already also went ahead," Miss Pepondosovich groaned as she gestured to the group to hasten their pace as she hopped and leaped forward, "We were actually also about to leave without you, so you're just in time."

"And where are we going?" Riley repeated his unanswered question.

"Where else? To the city, duh," Miss Pepondosovich rolled her eyes.

"There is a city here?" Riley blinked a couple of times as he looked around. He thought this resort was the entirety of the 91st floor.

"Riri, it's called Grandarena City for a reason, City," Miss Pepondosovich raised stretched her arms to the side and turned back to look at Riley while still hopping backward, "There is a c—"

And before she could finish hearing her words, Miss Pepondosovich just suddenly faded away — not teleported, but faded. Riley and Esme looked at each other as they saw this, Marleen, on the other hand, just casually continued to walk forward… before also fading away in the very same position Miss Pepondosovich disappeared.

Riley and Esme once again looked at each other before just nodding their heads and following the two… and as soon as they passed the area where Marleen and Miss Pepondosovich disappeared into…

…they found themselves in front of a large metropolis filled with noise and colors.

"Welcome, newbies…

…to Grandarena City!"

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