Villain Summoning in an Eroge


Waiting in the Tent for a moment, Babner returned with a figure wrapped in a white robe from head to toe while the ambiguous contours of the figure's body already disclosed the gender of the Village Shaman.

"Please don't mind my friend's appearance. She is a great doctor and a natural healer. I'm sure, she can help your friend."

Since Lucifer had shown nothing but goodwill to him, why wouldn't Babner help a person in distress? He hadn't become cold enough to leave someone to their death while they begged for their lives.

"Thank you for everything, Head."

Lucifer stood up and bowed while he didn't even glance at Shayna.

"I'll be taking my leave."

Babner nodded and left the tent while the eerily dressed white-clothed figure didn't waste her time and moved towards Layla, who had been lying unconscious on Perenna's thighs.


Lucifer's eyes glowed as all the demonic energy in her body converged in a single point while the transformation of her body slowed down. But even if they were slowed down, Layla was no longer a human as half of her body was already infected by Infernal transformation.

Placing her hand, Shayna finally revealed a part of her body.

A Brown-skinned arm that held a natural luster, enticing Perenna and Lucifer alike.

A green glow flashed through her hands while Shayna inspected Layla's body. Even though Shayna had no Cultivation, she could still use various skills granted to her by her lineage.

Just like Lucifer and Perenna, Shayna was a Non-human. But compared to them, her race was welcomed by the society for the benefits they brought to the nation.

Elves, Mermaids, Beastmen, Werewolves, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres and even Vampires!

All of these species were intelligent lifeforms that actually lived in harmony with the Human Society. Neither could do without the other.

Yes, some centuries ago, these Non-human intelligent lifeforms were treated as a threat to be removed and there were many wars that harmed the Humans and the otherwise.

After a long warring era, the factions decided to solve this matter peacefully while they had already stopped looking for reasons to continue the war.

Grudges... Enemies... These things will remain as long as there are people, be it humans or non-humans. So the world decided not to enter in inter-factional war ever while the opportunities of trade finally emerged.

Gaining benefits from each other, the world had already forgotten about the war!

But still, there were two races still hunted in this plane.

Unintelligent Beast Lifeforms aka Monsters and,

Demons or Infernal Creatures.

These two race never reciprocated and only knew how to 'take'. This reason was enough to have almost all the Infernal Creatures to be hunted down like dogs but Monsters survived due to their high birth rate.

Gazing at the green glow, Lucifer finally let out a wisp of crimson mist that easily penetrated Shayna's body without her notice.

But Lucifer didn't continue this practice and stopped after a small sliver of mist.

"What happened to her?"

A raspy voice emerged from beneath the covered face as the glow finally retreated into her chocolate-coloured palms.

"We were adventuring near the borders hunting monsters when she suddenly ate something strange to curb her curiosity."

Lucifer explained as he sat near Layla and looked at Shayna with a frown.

"Please, tell me she's going to be alright."

Hearing his tone, Shayna fell silent for a while before shaking her head.

"I don't know what kind of unholy thing she ingested. I suggest you get rid of her, if not, she will soon turn into an Infernal Creature and harm you guys."

Shayna stood up and but Lucifer's expression turned into a panicked one and he immediately grabbed her clothed arms and looked at her covered face with a desperate expression.

"Please, please help my friend! You cannot do this!"

Stunned by the sudden physical contact, Shayna didn't have time to register the vast amount of Crimson mist flowing into her body through her white clothes and immediately struggled.

"Leave me, now!"

She slightly raised her voice and Lucifer finally let go of her arm.

"I apologise for my sudden outburst."

He sat back and looked at Layla sadly while Shayna simply snorted and walked out. Unknown to her, she was already an open book to Lucifer.

Druid Elf or not, she had no Cultivation which allowed Lucifer to easily gain control over her while she didn't even know it herself.

Walking out, Babner was waiting for Shayna's return and promptly questioned her.

"So? Did you find anything strange?"

Shayna shook her head and replied in her signature raspy voice.

"They are fine. No need to worry about them."

With that, she left while Babner didn't pay any attention to her behaviour.

As she walked towards her home, Shayna suddenly felt weird as if she was forgetting something important. But this thought didn't last long as she encountered two cute little kids jumping in her tent excitedly as they played around with a cheerful smile.

"Jeanne, Jet, I am back."

Her voice finally turned melodious and motherly while her eyes hidden by her clothes shone with a gentle glow.

"Ah! Mother!"

The blonde girl immediately widened her blue eyes in happiness and hugged Shayna's waist while the Blonde boy also followed quickly and hugged Shayna.

If Lucifer did see this scene, he would have the urge to immediately rip these two into shreds and that is also the reason he didn't personally visit them.

Sure, even though the Hero and Heroine were still kids and defenceless, how can extinguishing their path before their rise be so easy?

After all, they both are blessed with Fate Goddess' smile and if Lucifer did dare to directly harm them, he would have to go through a lot of obstacles!

Even though they were merely some tents apart, but even then, Lucifer wouldn't be able to kill them and that is why he chose to remain silent and focus on his own schemes.

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