Villainess’s Sweet Everyday

Chapter 38

Lesson 38

I’m already hungry, and when I tried to get up to go to the library, someone like a chef lowered his head to me and Master Calcirust and entered the room.

Is something wrong? You came here to tell me how sorry and nasty I am to eat? I was watching the head chef, who was afraid to walk over.

I stretched my spine and pulled the chair forward with the expression I thought was elegant. This is like, “I don’t know how to eat fancy desserts!” etc., they yell at me, I guess.

This is what the chef told Master Calcirust. It’s a bright voice. Malice doesn’t even feel fine dust. The tip of the white hat is slightly shaken.

“Dear Calci Rust, I just received a fancy melon that I can’t get… What about Maricana? It tastes absolutely delicious and confident to roar. Guaranteed.”

Master Calcirasto was thinking a little, and then he looked at me chilling and asked. He’s got a neat face. Though I know.

“Do you also eat fine melons, maricana? I’m also the only one who can eat once in a while…”

I was like, “I want to eat!” and instant answers. I wonder what it tastes like. When the chef pampers his hand, Mr. Cock brings a melon on the plate.

When I arrived by my side, there was a fragrance that seemed unlikely to be a regular melon. I change the color of my eyes and gaze at the rare melon placed on the tree table.

Is it good to eat? and look around at those around you. Master Calcirust is nodding, and the chef smiles, so I head to Mellon, where I cut the fork into my hands.

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