Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 105: apologising her

"Let her decide, Ian. She had suffered a lot" I told him but he shook his head.

"So as you, your highness, you have suffered a lot, you both need solace and you can find it in each other." he put a hand on my shoulder and I sighed.

"Now, come let me, dress up all your wounds and put some ice on your face, otherwise the whole palace would know that your wife had beaten you," he said with a chuckle. We walked to the sofa and he treated my wounds.

"Have you taken all the parchments, you are going to the palace right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"How can you be this irresponsible, don't you want to be permanent at your post?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It will be fine, I have enough experience to give the exam," he said and I sighed, then my eyes fell in the black box, which was on the sofa

"What is this?" I asked as I knew this box but I couldn't believe he had this.

"I don't know my lord, her highness had gifted it to me," he replied, looking confused.

I took the box and opened it. And as I had thought, it had all the rare notes of marquees Baringstone.

"You got the gold to pass the exams, Ian," I replied, chuckling.

"Her highness, do care about me a lot, your highness. Now I feel guilty to keep a spy on her,'' he said in a guilt-ridden tone and I nodded.

"Ask Daisy to leave her chamber, or tell her that you don't need her services anymore," I said and a smile of relief came on his lips.

We kept talking all night, and I taught him all the notes he had bought. I wondered even if Marianne somehow knew that he had an exam, how did she know what was his weakness? All the notes were tailor-made for him, just when and how did she prepare that.

These were the things that made me suspicious all the time.

She knew everything perfectly as if she had the power to see the future or read minds.

"So tell me about the new law of the Forchestire empire about the monarch?" I asked him for the last time, closing all the notes he had and putting them back in the box properly.

"Whole Vistertina continent is divided into three empires: Forchestire, Wunsustan and Rowan empire, all three are still following the monarch system but they have adjusted a few things according to the changing world.

All the counsellors will be appointed by exams.

Justice will be served not only by the noble head but by the bench of the jury. And each party will get a chance to represent their point by a lawyer.

Women doing business are still in debate but there are chances that it would be denied at the end of the year." he said and my eyes lit up. I got the perfect way to serve my penance.

"I know I have given every answer right," he said with a smile but I shook my head, his brows furrowed.

"Which one was wrong?" he asked, trying to open the notes again and I shook my head.

"You have given every answer perfectly, but I was smiling because I have a solution to get her apology," I said and he smiled like a Cheshire cat.

"So, you are still thinking about her highness." The rising brows were so irritating but I nodded silently.

"She wanted to get her properties back, it meant she wanted to start a business. Why not give her all the properties I have in my name and let her open a business? ``I replied and his brows furrowed.

"But your highness, everyone in the empire knows that the emperor was going to deny the request of noblewomen doing business," he replied in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"I know, but I can change the decision," I said and his mouth opened wide.

"You are going to use the promise his majesty had given to fulfil your one wish in exchange for hiding the truth behind our family's death?" he asked and I nodded.

"Your highness, you had kept this promise saved for killing Isabella and her father," he asked shocked, even I could not believe that I was ready to give my long-awaited revenge for just an apology. But that was what I wanted to do now.

"I can find other ways to punish them, just keep your spies alert, once Isabella would find a way to hurt Kilian or Marianne we have to find a way to get her red-handed. And then everything would come to an end.'' I replied and he nodded with a big smile.

"But why would you give all your properties to her highness, you can even give a few and keep some for your future," he asked and I shook my head.

"I had never loved money or properties, Ian, you know that. I was keeping an eye on her expenditure before because I don't want to find my properties and valuables sold in the market once again. It was not a loss of properties but betrayal that hurt me." I said and he sighed

"Why don't you yell her truth then?" he asked and I shook my head.

"She would not be able to hide it, and if words leaked out, our year's long wait would be wasted. Moreover, I am sure there are still moles in the palace, what if anyone would hear us.`` I reasoned and he nodded his head.

"Alright, your highness, now you should get ready, I will organise a bouquet and then we will go and apologise to her highness" he replied and I nodded.

"Clara sent the maids for a bath." ordered in and a few maids came in, I dived into the water as they started rubbing me. I hated this procedure most. Just the way they touched me made my skin crawl all the time. I could smell their lust from the distance. All the women around, wanted to bed me, not out of love but to reap gains, that was the most important reason I started to believe that no one could love me without benefits. 

"You can go now, I will dress up myself '' I added and they nodded and went away.

[a quick question and answer-

1.Does Cassius love Marianne now?

Ans: No, but he had felt her pain, and realised he was wrong, he felt more than that, but it's not at the stage of love. In the future maybe…

2. So, Cassius was cheated, but what does it have to do with Marianne?

Ans: It was not her fault, the problem is Cassius, was smart, intelligent, handsome, and with the highest post after the emperor plus he was a very warm-hearted and caring guy, still Elizabeth betrayed him,(and did much more) so it had affected his thought process, that anyone who is close to him is for benefit. Then Marianne came into his life, so he could not believe that a young maiden, who was just perfect, could love him without benefit, so he was suspicious of her.

3. Why did he treat her badly?

Ans, it would sound strange but he did not want to take the innocence of the girl with whom he did not want to spend the life.

4. How did he use her as a pawn?

Ans- He was sure that Isabella or her father would try to hurt or attack Marianne to get rid of her then he would catch them red-handed and later would divorce her.

5. Is Cassius a male lead

I can only say trust your author,since you have enjoyed this much then end will also satisfy you.. 

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