Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 164: could night get any better!

"And why is that so?" I asked as my suspicion returned.

"Because she has been working here for the past 2 years, and Killian is still attached to her. she is not Daisy or any commoner whom you can throw out of the palace anytime you want, you did not even leave Ian, who treated you so preciously. Have you ever thought that maybe we had done that to protect you from upcoming dangers, no.. you just acted as if we all are your enemies and want to take your life," he commented, his face told that he still could not believe that I punished Ian, instead of talking about it to him.

Could he not see that I had not punished Ian but helped him. I had sent him to claim his title as an earl, and I had just asked him to open my stores on his name so that no one knew I had that much power and property. And I did lose my life once because of now being careful enough.

I did not know why, but my gut feeling was telling me that I would need a lot of power in the future. Now that Cassius claims that he had never loved Isabella then there would be deeper traps than I had thought.

And if truth to be told, I still could not believe that the man just said that he had no relationship with Isabella but felt nauseous looking at her. As his reasons to keep her around was not justifiable.

Though I accepted that she was the aunt of Killian, she never cared for the child. Even if she did in the past at some point in time, she didn't do it anymore. And it was clear that she was vying for my position. But the question was she loved him or she wanted the power.

But then again, when had this man shared the power! My mother would have better access to her treasurer in the palace, this man kept a strict eye on every coin spent and each bill passed as if he was poor. Or did Isabella have a better way to access the things?

There was something that still did not fit well with me.

"What is it?" he asked, looking at me, as I was still sitting there.

"Fine, if you want to keep Isabella here, then I want her to work under me, instead of directly reporting to you. As you said that you did not love her, this should not be a problem with you," I asked and he looked reluctant, which made me even more suspicious of him.

"Alright, we can do so. But if you face any problem then you would come straight to me rather than facing it alone," he added in an authoritative tone.

"Why, have you taken me as a weak person. I am strong enough to handle this whole dukedom and all the properties of my father if you return them to me.'' I added and he blinked and then laughed. Had I even cracked a joke?

"Duchess, what would you even do with all that money or properties, do you have any lack of luxury here?" he asked with an amused smile.

Seriously this man was asking me that!! Since we were talking honestly to each other tonight, I would show him the mirror again.

"Your highness, shall I remind you how you check each and every bill of mine, and many times the bills are cut down. I am sure even a baroness would get a better allowance than me.

And the jewels you gifted me were only once, during our marriage. Anyways that also I gifted to my maids.'' I added, raising my chin, and he looked at me amazed.

"So the ruby set, I gave into your marriage you gifted it to your maids, and you are even telling me that proudly. What shall I do with this information? Shall I applaud for your bravery or scold you for this act." he asked though he was not looking angry at me.

"If you want to do something, give me the proper rights of a duchess, all the power that she had,'' I replied, since we were talking like mature for the first time, why not take advantage of that.

"And according to you what powers should a duchess have," he asked nodding his head.

I screamed in my heart, finally, I got the chance to know that Isabella has fed me lies and at the same time I could get more powers. Could the night go any better!! 

If I would have known this could happen, I would have tried to steal files from his study a long ago, I wasted so much time without any concrete result.

"Well, why don't you pass me parchment and ink so that we could write down everything and then you can sign it. I mean only written documents are valid in the future right?" I asked him, blinking my eyes and he looked at me like I had suddenly grown another head.

"Seriously! When did I say I am giving you powers? I was just asking you to tell me what powers should a duchess have according to you. How did you even deduce that?" he asked with startled eyes and I fumed.

"Since you would not give me the powers at the end of the day then why would I even drain my energy to explain it to you. I am going." I announced as I stood up.

"Wait, why don't we negotiate?" he said as he tried to stand up too.

I narrowed my eyes at him and asked, "what kind of negotiation?" 

As he pointed at the chair I sighed and sat again.

"Well, you tell me all the power you need and then I will scrutinize it, and the one I think is appropriate, I would give them to you," he replied and I shook my head.

"What if you say none of them is appropriate for me," I asked as the man could do that, he was a cunning man, after all, I did not get it why he was even prolonging the conversation. Either say yes or no. wasn't he the man of few words just a day ago?

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