Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 171: Time to get married

"Riding is super fun, and when you're first learning, it's easy to get distracted. You are dealing with a living, breathing animal who might behave unpredictably. You'll learn to understand "horse talk" better as you progress, but keep your eyes open and be aware of your horse, other horses around you, and the surroundings." said Cassius as we walked towards the horses. 

"Have someone hold your horse for you while you get on. Always check your girth! If it's not snug enough, the saddle can "roll" when you try to get on. Stand on the horse's left side. Hold the ends of the reins in your left hand, just in front of the saddle, but keep them loose. Put your left foot in the stirrup. Make sure the ball of your foot is on the stirrup vs. sticking your foot all the way through to the heel."

"Put your weight on your left foot and "step up" to a standing position. Swing your right leg up and over the horse's rump, being careful not to accidentally kick them on the way. Sit deep and relaxed in the saddle, and keep the reins slightly loose. You don't want to pull back on your horse's mouth as you ask them to move forward."

"Give your horse a gentle squeeze, not a kick with your lower legs to signal he should begin walking. If you have a very quiet or lazy horse, you may need to give him a couple of soft bumps with your heels. Sit up tall, hold your head up straight, and look between your horse's ears. Try not to squeeze repeatedly with your legs once the horse is walking. Keep your legs long, quiet, and with weight firmly down in your heels." he continued with so serious expressions as if we were discussing the tactics of war and how to attack enemy tonight.

This was the biggest lecture I had ever seen him giving. For a minute it felt like we were back to the class where we had been taught how to ride a horse.

"If you are still not comfortable, you can share the horse with me" he offered me at the end of the lecture.

"Ah, no i am fine." I wish I could have told him that I know horse riding but the way he was explaining to me, he was sure that I did not know. It only meant one thing, he had finally investigated me. Now I understood why his many questions were right in the party.

I had learnt horse riding later in my years when I used to go for rides. Since i have not learnt it in this life, i could only act to take his lecture seriously.

"Alright, then try, we both will mount after you." said Cassius and Killian nodded, they were looking at me like I was going on  a war. I rolled my eyes when I turned to the other side. They were making it such a big deal.

"Your highness, lady Isabella is here." said the maid, just when I was about to mount, and my steps halted.

I should give credit to her for her persistence. Only yesterday was she dragged out from the palace and in the morning she got the courage to come back. I wonder why her father did not stop her after all he would also be humiliated by this act!

"Your highness, her highness" she bowed more than usual and her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had cried a lot.

"I am here to apologise for my mistakes, your highness, her highness. I am ready for punishments too. But I could not bear my  banishment from the duke estate. I would miss Killian and my work that I have been doing since years." she added with a wet voice.

I was surprised, didn't Cassius say that he could not dismiss her from her work. And here she was saying that she got banished. Even Killian was surprised as his eyes set on his father.

"I beg you my lord, please be considerate of our past relationship." she said looking at him like a lover that was abandoned suddenly.

If it would have been two days ago, I would have been deceived, but now that I know that she was acting, it only made me feel nauseous. Did she think it would work in creating a rift between us?

"Lady Isabella, I agree that you have served the palace for 3 long years, that is the only reason I think you should take rest and then help your father in his business. I heard that another store is closing down, due to lack of proper funding and management." I must say that he was getting better at insulting her, now that I see, he had never praised anyone.

Her fists clenched and she bowed her head low, "my lord, i know. We are looking a lot of business deals these days, that is more the reason that i should serve here."

"Why, do you mean to say that you need a salary to survive for now, at the end of the day, you are still a noble lady Isabella." he replied  further insulting her, and I could see Killian getting a bit agitated, he did care for her. What should I do to show him, her reality!

"That was not what I meant , your highness, I mean, I need to learn more so that I can help my father better. I do work in his office in my free time too." she added, with a sweet smile.

"Why don't you get married, Lady Isabella, I have a few men who are young and progressing in the empire. You are working too hard these years. Even you deserve a life of peace and luxury now." he offered her, and as if not satisfied by his words, he added,

"i will send marquees a letter with all the details of eligible bachelors of the empire. I even met one, earl Ronald, you know him right?" he asked with a glint and her face paled, what, what was it, why did it sounded like a secret they were sharing, which I was not aware of. 

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