Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 189: throwing cold water

Katherine pov 

The girl though had a good IQ, her EQ was very low. When it comes to wits, there was so much to learn from Marianne, but she was still naive when it comes to matters of hearts.

My eyes fell on the gulping knights who were standing like a human wall between her and Philip. It was clear they were afraid of both of them, yet they were taking their stance. The duke must have scared them enough to lose their life for not completing the task.

Then I looked at my brooding brother whose face was darkening every passing second, and I shook my head.

"Sorry brother, you don't have any chance here." 

"Did you say something, your majesty?"

'Ah, did I say the last line out loud' my face flushed as I shook my head.

"No, Sir Richard. I was just complementing the view. This place is very beautiful." 

"Oh, yes. Your majesty. You can see the complete from here. And the waterfall is so high that even clouds are below us" he praised this place like a guide and I had to stifle a laugh.

I still remember how the man used to be. Even a word brought out from his mouth used to be so much hard work and now he speaks without even asking.

"This place used to be open for everyone to travel but now only nobles are allowed to come here,"

"Why is that so?"

"Because of its height, your majesty. This place is accidental prone if now dwell carefully. Nobles mostly have a group of knights protecting them and taking care of them." he explained as he stood at the corner of the cliff.

"From this height, if a person fell there are very low chances that he would survive." he said as he looked down.

"You must be paid for your extra services, Sir Richard. You do know how to frighten beautiful girls. It is not that life threatening as you are depicting it to be." said Philip as he sat on the chair and sipped the wine under the temporary gazebo.

The servants had done a good job in providing all the facilities. 

"Sir Richard, Lord Philip is right, I did not remember any case of death from here since long," said Marianne as she took a bunch of grapes and ate a few from it.

"Your majesty, would you like to take a walk with me. I will show you more to this place." she asked and I nodded.

But as she stood up all the other knights stood up in unison too.

"We are just taking a walk, there is no need for so many of you to follow. Only Sir Roselia would go with me" she instructed and they all looked at each other.

"I apologise for the insolence, your highness but we were given strict orders that you were not left alone." they shouted, making her face darkened.

"Try to follow me and I will make sure the story Sir Richard was telling turns  into reality as I would throw each and everyone of you down there." she growled and i could feel them shivering.

They could not touch her, so if she wanted to throw them, except trying to stay away from her, there was nothing much they could do. Poor knights were in a dilemma, whom to listen! Both husband and wife were no less than tyrants for them.

I smiled as I started walking around. It was not like I was not happy for her. But the care her husband showed him even when he was not present made me suffocated.

Had Charles shown me a bit of care, our relationship would not have turned so sour.

"Your majesty, are you not waiting for them?" asked Sir Richard as he saw me walking away. He signalled one more knight to come with him and the man stood up reluctantly.

See, that was the difference. All I had was forced responsibility. My mouth suddenly felt dry as I kept thinking about it.

"Sir Richard, I am ashamed to ask but would you help me in bringing a glass of water, please." i asked as it was not the duty of a knight especially at his level to serve me like a servant. 

I would have asked others but the man was looking too reluctant to even move.

"You should command your majesty. Requesting is for humble servants like us." he replied with a bow then he looked at his junior knight with reluctance, "pay more attention to the protection of her majesty, i will be back in a minute" he ordered as he moved towards the gazebo.

The place was beautiful with all the flora covering the land completely. I could see the small bunnies playing around. I lifted my dress a bit as I walked towards a bunny who was laying in the grass lazily.

Just as I was close to it, I bent down and held it. But the little creature was not happy that i dusturbed its sleep. He opened his mouth ready to cut my finger but if I moved my hand he would fall and run away.

I sighed as I was about to leave it when someone took it from my hand rather abruptly.

"You should be careful, your majesty. These are wild rabbits' ' said Sir Richard as he jerked his hand from the blood that was coming out like a stream was finally left open.

The rabbit ran away after getting free of the grip and I looked around but found nothing to help.

"I apologise, Sir Richard. Let me help you" i offered as i took my  handkerchief out but the man just looked at me wide eyed and took two steps back as if i had suddenly developed a contagious disease.

"Your majesty, i am truly grateful for your kind gesture, but as your servant i could not accept this help, and i would again apologize for my insolence but i want to remind you that you are the empress of the empire and i am just a knight."

I smiled bitterly as if I was thrown by cold water. I took a deep breath, blinking my blurred eyes as I moved from there toward the shade of the tree.


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