Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 209: ripples of rebirth

Marianne pov

"There is some misunderstanding, Marianne. I am Sylvia. Do you remember me? We have met before in the town. I saw your carriage here so I just stop by to give my regards. I hope i am not disturbing you" 

I furrowed my brows as I clearly knew the voice, I could recognise it even in the crowd!

"But your..'' my words halted as I looked at her eyes who were looking at the people behind me and only then did I notice she was not wearing clothes of an empress. Was she in disguise there? But since when was she allowed to move freely? That was an improvement!!

I stood up straight as I smiled, "it is very kind of you, Sylvia. Would you like to have a tea with me, i can book another room near by"

"Mari, I thought you are going to stay here with us," said Jamie through gritted teeth.

"It would not be a problem, your highness. I am here to give company to the lord. Take your sweet time in returning" said Rebecca as she gave me a sweet smile, but I must say the girl was fast.

I felt bad for my brother and myself too as i was sure i was going to be beaten again by his sword.

"I would be back before you even blink your eyes, I promise," I replied as I held her majesty's hand and left the place.

"Why are you here in disguise. Is everything fine?" I barged in with a lot of questions as I looked at her face that was still hidden.

"I am fine. I wanted to meet you because i need your help"

"Oh, tell me your majesty, I would try my best to serve you." I said as I bowed my head.

"Marianne, I wanted to tell you that I am not aiming for a child anymore. I want to gain enough strength to stay strong when the new emperor is born, and I want trusted allies that could not be easily bought by his majesty and his first wife." said Katherine and I did not need to ask the reason for her decision.

That trash must have rejected her, just like his brother rejected me. They both did not know the value of real gems, let them rot together in hell for eternity. Though I felt guilty too, but I was just following the past. Katherine had two children from Charles in the past, while Rosemund never got pregnant till the end!

How much ripples had my rebirth created to change the whole history, now that Katherine had decided not to get entangled with his majesty. Would there be any ruler or the empire would stay barren?!!

"Marianne, are you even listening to me?" asked Katherine in a sharp voice breaking my reverie.

"Oh, yes. I was contemplating about the staff for you.`` I replied and she nodded.

"I went to Damien, and he had given me some lawyers and a new assistant for help. I even went with Sir Richard to the knights training and chose a new batch of knights for me. Now i want some personal staff for me as i had dismissed many from the past"

"That would not be a problem. I have good staff in both duke palace and marquees palace. I can give you a few of my trusted staff and then they could help you in keeping an eye on others and train to new staff"

"Good, I even want some details about the working of the town. I am here to observe more things. I am thinking of taking over the business of my empire that was started here"

"You are thinking of taking over the work given to your brother?" I was surprised, that was not something that had happened in the past. He was going to be accused of treason in that work! What would happen if Katherine would do that, what if she was accused!

"I don't think that would be a good idea, your majesty. It would create friction in your family. Why don't you take part in my work? We both can start from scratch and create our own business." I offered lucratively but she shook her head.

"As an empress I can not start my work, Marianne. But you are right, i can not take over my family business, since that is not my family anymore. Then I have to gain the power to rule. I will ask for more if needed. But i promise your help would not go unappreciated, i swear on my family name that i would support you when i would be strong" Katherine held my hand and gently squeezed it which made me further guiltier.

I had messed up her life but how? How and why the past is changing and how could I stop it or shall I let go and see what the new future would bring for all of us!

"Now, i have to go. I will write a letter to you. By the way i did not see your carriage out there"

"Oh, i am living in marquess palace for a few days" 

Katherine raised a brow instantly at my reply and I sighed.

"I did not know that a married woman could leave her family for more than a day"

"Ah, my brother has the power to do anything. My husband just respects him too much, ``I said, scratching my hands, and she laughed.

"I guess your brother truly had that power over your husband. Hope he gets a good wife soon, that was what he was trying to do, right?"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Good then enjoy your days of freedom, i will see you later" 

Katherine turned and left the place at once, while I ran back to the private room where my brother was still with the lady.

"I think we had spent enough time to know each other, my lady. It's getting late, why don't we leave?" said James trying to create some distance between their chairs that was almost overlapping.

"Oh, but we have not finished our tea my lord and I have sufficient staff to stay late. You do not need to worry"

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