Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 222: Cassius, you lost!

Cassius pov contd

"Fine, let's get over it then" I said as I took my position and he smirked.

"You have become braver. Close combat or fencing?" he asked tilting his head.

"You choose, since you are the one to propose it." I asked , though I wished he would choose fencing. 

"Alright then close combat it is. Choose your weapon." he said and I sighed.

"You know fencing is also a close combat fighting style." i said as he looked at the spears now.

"Of course it is. But we mostly don't count it because it can be done sitting on horse too and it did not give the enemy a chance to use the full force of his body." it was clear that he wanted to fight with daggers now.

He held a dagger and asked me to choose my weapon.

I took the stance, keeping my Both left-to-right and back-to-front feet, i kept feet diagonal from each other. This will lessen the likelihood of getting knocked or pushed over at least.

He moved towards me with a smirk on his face and without even warning he loved straight towards me and attacked my solar plexus. This man was here with the killing intent.

I bent down and forwarded a leg as he was coming with speed. There were chances he could fall, but he jumped and then turned towards me trying to attack my back.

I flipped at the end but my leg was still extended, which he caught between his both legs making me fall on the ground.

I fell on my back so it did not affect more than his smirk that was increasing every moment.

I put pressure on my legs and jumped as I stood straight. He played with a dagger as he looked at me and in the next moment he attacked my torso which I tried to cover with my hands.

But he changed its target to my hand and slashed my shirt with s quick motion.

I glared at him but he just shrugged as he took the attacking position again and suddenly I felt like his punching bag.

He moved and tried to attack my eyes as if he was trying to gauge them and I held the dagger up to protect myself when he slashed the shirt of other arms with a minor scratch from his dagger.

"Brother i think it is enough." I heard Marianne shouting. Was there worry in her voice!!

"Why, was it enough when he did fencing with you?" he asked, tilting his head and I was surprised. I thought she had never shared this incident with anyone.

And then he turned to look at me. "I also want to see how a wound on neck make people laugh at" 

I gritted my teeth as my grip on the dagger tightened. This time I was the one to attack his ribs but he bent and flipped. Moving his leg and i had to jump high to save myself but he attacked the feet and slashed my pants too.

"You all can leave. '' I heard Mari shout again and all the maids and servants left the area.

"Try harder, Cassius , why does it feel like I am attacking a kid? '' I gritted at his mockery and aimed at his torso but just as he moved to protect it, I attacked his hand and hurt him. The blood seeped out in a second and his white shirt started turning red but that was not enough and drops started falling in the ground, making the brown ground redder but the smirk of the man did not fade.

He tilted his head and looked straight into my eyes as if mocking me and suddenly I felt guilty.

He moved toward me with slow steps as if assessing me and I took a few steps backward. He stood in front of me and I moved the dagger in between us but then I noticed there was none in his hands.

He held my head from both ends and I used a dagger to attack his torso.. Blood started coming out from there too but his grip did not loose. He held me tight there and then pulled me towards his knee and used his knee to hit my groin.

My eyes widened as the pain hit me.

"Brother are you okay?" she shouted again. Could she not see I was hurt too.

I tried to stand up but the man kept holding me and then I felt him slashing the back of my shirt too and it fell down loose making me shirtless but surprisingly there was just a minor scratch on my back.

He finally let me go but in no time squatted and extended his leg making me fall face first. As the dust entered my mouth and nostrils.

He put his feet over my back further pressing me down the ground when I noticed Marianne standing in front of me.

I was literally on her feet. I tried to move but the man was making sure that I could not move. I could feel his blood dripping on my back from his torso so i put all my strength and he staggered.,

I freed myself and stood up looking at the stubborn man who smiled indicating that the fight was not over yet.

"Let it end now, broth. Let me take it to the physician." said Marianne as her worries had completely changed direction now.

James shook his head as he one again jumped towards me moving his right leg in the air attempting to kick me on the torso. I copied him and moved my left leg in the air that got interlocked on his and we both stood on one leg to make the balance and try to unlock the way the other person fell down. 

We both used full force and in an attempt to make the other one fall we both fell down. 

I slashed low trying to attempt his stomach again, but he took a big step back and moved his forearm, pointed down and slashed down with his blade at my wrist and the dagger dropped down,

"You lost, Cassius"

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