Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 260: Who sacrificed?!

"Well, not like that, come back to time, the oracle can turn you back to the time to give you a chance to defeat your fate and start a new life but it needs the sacrifice of a person who loved you selflessly."

Her words continue to run in my mind and when I blinked my eyes I saw that Cassius was jerking me with a worried face and Shui was sleeping in the corner.

"Did something happen?" he asked and I nodded, there was no way he could not see the sheen of sweat on my body.

But who? Who would have given his life to save me, to bring me back to the time? No matter how much i thought, i did not find a single person doing that!

Was it my mother? Or father? Or Jamie? Who would have loved me so selflessly that he died because of me. Or would that dead person be back to the time with me or would have stopped existing? But then again, did the person know about these people?

My eyes moved to them. It had been years but I never knew about their existence.. Then how?!

"Marianne, what has happened, why are you behaving so oddly, tell me i will make every month alright? Speak up, will you? '' he said jerking me further and I winced as the pain hit me hard.

"I. I apologise, but I have only touched your left hand. Is there pain in this hand too?" he asked as he took his hand back.

"I.. I am fine. I just had a very bad dream and it was so real that I got affected by it. ``I saw as I felt everyone's eyes were on me.

"Are you sure it is just a nightmare?" he asked again and I nodded.

He very gently moved and hugged me. His hug was so tender but it passed seconds, minutes yet he did not let me go as if he was afraid that the moment he would leave me i would disappear.

"Cassius,'' I called and the man finally moved and looked into my eyes.

You are looking better now" he whispered slowly and only then did I realise my heartbeat was normal now and I was not trembling anymore.

I nodded as I finally let him go.

"I have always thought Shui and Caleb are the most famous love birds here. Looks like they have got a big competition." said a man and all chuckled.

"I think i accept defeat, i need to take further training from my brother in law to stand a chance against him" he replied chuckling and i finally learnt his name.

"Come let's have some water for you all and eat something." They spread a pallet of fruits and berries and a pitcher of water on a cloth and everyone circles around it.

They were laughing and cracking jokes as they ate. Mostly are centred on Caleb and Shui, occasionally teasing Cassius as the one who was lost in love too.

Suddenly the place did not feel as bad as it was before.

After eating food they packed the rest of the rings in their bundle of clothes and sat down.

"We will start our journey in fifteen minutes. Go and rest for a while you all did a good job" said Kai as he sat down. I looked out and only then did I notice it was already close to sunset.

It had been more than a day since we were lost, I hope they all were fine and were not much worried about us. Though it was impossible, I could only hope.

Cassis held my left hand and squeezed it lightly as he gave me an assured look. How has he changed so much these days?

"Walk in pairs. Caleb holds Shui in your arms. She is not in condition to walk." ordered the old man, looking at Caleb and he nodded gleefully.

I must say they were all quite explicit and free minded when it comes to relationships.

I walked further a bit when Caleb looked at us disdainfully and I furrowed my brows.

'What happened to this man now?' i avoided him and kept moving, my brain already have so many things to deal with, who cared what they thought about me.

I moved to walk but before I can take a step further. Cassius swept me from the floor and took in his arms again. "You are injured too." he said looking at my enquiring eyes.

"Sister you sure behave like a young maiden even after being married for so long." said Caleb and I furrowed my brows.

"It's not even one year since we got married" I replied in confusion and his steps halted. He looked at me and then at Cassius but said nothing.

"This is not the time to talk Caleb. We need to meet the oracle too." said Kai and they finally started waking again.

It was not a long journey but a narrow one. I could see the stony and muddy path as we walked.

But soon they stopped in front of a carriage.

The carriage was not the closed one as we had in the palace.

It was an open carriage connected with 4 black horses. It had two seats on both sides but they did not have any leather but only wood. There was a good space in between. They all loaded bundles there, it was a whole lot of things. But the problem was there was not enough space.

Kai went to the place of coachman and sat there. Three men took the left side and then the other two men took the right side. Only Shui, Cassius and I stayed standing. What kind of gentleman is that? 

"You go and sit, I will manage walking," said Cassius and they all laughed.

"You would not be able to catch the speed of the carriage brother. And my sister would not be comfortable among us men. Would she be?" asked the youngest.

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