Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 274: I am cold

I walked towards the carriage behind them.

But before I could take further steps down the stage I fell back. I frowned and tried once again, but no matter how many times I tried I was not able to leave the stage, as if an invisible wall was stopping me.

Then I saw both of them entering the carriage and leaving the place.

"Darn it" I cursed and hit the wall. 

I looked back at my body. I wonder if it was because my soul was tied to the body that I was not able to leave?! Was Cassius with Isabella in the last life.

Being here has increased my queries rather than decreasing it.

I went and sat there on the stage. Thinking about what I should do now?

After a while I heard footsteps walking towards the stage. I turned to see it was Kai. he came on the stage with a few of his clan members. They held my limp body and took it in their arms. My head was held gently to and with that they left.

The moment they left I felt the same pain again.

"Your time here has ended now. Go back where you belong" i heard a strange voice but no one was there,

But with that voice as a trigger was hit, It was like my soul was leaving my body.

It pained so much as if I was dying. My heartbeat turned slower, and soon my eyes closed. 

I stood up with a start. My breaths were shallow and fast. My whole body was covered with sweat. My eyes were still hazy. I rubbed them and blinked a few times to get my vision clear. I looked around and I was not in the dark hut anymore. I was back in the palace but something was not right

And when I felt better I saw Cassius rubbing my hands like crazy. He was looking flustered. His eyes were looking around and I was not in the dark room anymore but in the open ground. 

"Wake up, wake up you dumb woman or i would kill you from my own hands" he shouted and then groaned frustatedly.

"I will kill that witch. Oracle my foot" he shouted again as he kept rubbing my hands and then moved to rub my legs.

What was with all the rubbing? That was when I felt my body again. Frozen would be the smaller word to describe it too.

I started shivering badly and he finally looked back at me. His eyes widened when he saw my opened eyes. But he did not move. He just kept looking at me like crazy. As if he could not believe that it was really me.

I tried to speak but when I opened my mouth only silence mocked me. I was feeling so cold that even my words were frozen, my mouth had turned dry. I just could not move. It was almost a death experience for my body.

Cassius slowly moved and pinched himself, but then he shook his head and pinched me hard.

"Aah" I finally shouted badly but only a whisper came out. But that was enough for man to believe that i was there in reality. He hugged me hard as if he was afraid that if he left me I would disappear again.

"Why the hell did you do that, Marianne? Why did you go to that witch? You know your heartbeat had stopped and your body had turned cold. You have almost died..!! You are a dumb woman always doing your will and never listening to others…" he kept on complaining and shouting but not a single word registered to my mind.

I was feeling cold like hell, I was in the open and I was still in daze with the turn of events.

It suddenly felt that everything I knew was nothing but a lie, and I was still far away from the truth.

But then when i was thinking about it i felt my cheek wet. My eyes moved and I found that Cassius was crying. His eyes had tears. He was crying because of me and it was not the first but second time that he was crying for me.

I closed my eyes and let the past go.. I still did not know what had Cassius done and which side had he stood, but now I knew one thing: that he cared for me now. And this life was not like my past life. It had changed, he had changed. And this clan was responsible for giving me a second chance. But why? 

Was there anyone who knew about this clan and sacrificed his life for me? One more thing Isabella was responsible for everything. I had to make sure that she died the same gruesome death. I felt the burn yet my body felt colder than before.

"I am feeling cold" I whispered and he nodded. He moved closer and hugged me, rubbing his hands on my back.

But that was not enough at all. I was still shivering and my teeth were chattering. He looked around helplessly as I kept leaning on his shoulders.

"Where are we?" I asked, as I looked around in the open area.

"That which started chuckling when you lost consciousness. I checked your pulse and it was dying and for a minute I felt that your heart beat had stopped. So I brought you out of the ether away from that witch. 

She just kept laughing till the end. But your body started turning cold so I could not take you far away. We are still in their abode. But everyone is busy with the marriage that is happening now. 

All i could do was to burn the fire and try to keep you warm" he replied and only then did i notice there was fire burning nearby. I could not believe I was still shivering like that.

"Come. let's go back to the hut that was allotted to us and take some rest there." he said as she took me in his arms and held me high.

I was too cold to argue. My whole body was feeling weak.

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