Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 291: Grateful for another chance!

3rd pov

"Tell me Marianne, do you feel nothing when I did all this to you?" or even if you feel a bit, Marianne, ``Tell me you want me to touch you," he whispered, pulling down her hands. His eyes were like hypnotic dark crystals, and it was impossible for her to escape. "C'mon, I want to hear it…" he said again as he continued looking into her eyes, alluring her towards the world of pleasure, she was already lost in his touches and his words doing the rest of the work. He was sure she would soon give in, and she did.

His hands weren't on her body anymore at this point but his breaths, his voice and his eyes were doing their work and she couldn't resist.

She didn't know what he did to her but when he wasn't touching her, she wanted his hands all over her so badly. When his warm skin left her, she longed for it… it was strange. Her body was slowly becoming like a stranger to her.

And before she knew it…

"T-touch me, Cassius…" she uttered. No!

Marianne's eyes widened as soon as she realized what she said. How could she say those words? Did she just accept that she wanted him to touch her! That was so embarrassing, so shameless. How could she do so?

But it was too late because Cassius immediately bent down and kissed her passionately as his hand freely roamed all over her body under her flimsy gown. He was barely holding on to his self control as he tasted her sweet lips. When he did not know her taste it was a different situation but now that he had tasted her lips, heard her moans and seen her withering under his touches he wanted more. He wanted all of her. He wanted to enter in her and be one with her but he knew this was not the time.

He had to wait till she had feelings for him as strong as he had for her. He would make sure that she would forget everything about that lawyer and would only remember him, his husband. and he would make her soon, he would develop the feeling he was having in her too, and would make sure that she would be the one to beg him to take her.

Just as Cassius was about to move his hands lower, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Marianne felt like ice cold water was poured over her the moment she heard a knock on the door. She pushed Cassius off of her and she looked at him with wide eyes.

And then, before the man could register why had suddenly pushed him, Marianne slipped away from under him like a swift knight. The man could only blink and his brows knotted in a hard knot as he looked at the girl who just escaped from his grasp.

Marianne moved as if the room was on fire. She ran and opened the door as if she was afraid that she was a thief and would be caught red handed. She was not sure why and what happened but she felt like she was caught doing something she was not supposed to do.

When she opened the door in a haste, she saw Killian was standing there rubbing his eyes. He was still in half sleep and his eyes were still hazy and was not able to focus on her, yet when he saw her blurry figure, he pounced on her.

As if he had seen her after ages, he was not ready to let go.

"Mother, where were you? Do you have any idea how worried we were? How worried I was? How can you leave me like this alone? How can you be so careless?" he continued scolding her in his angry and disappointed tone as if an elder was disappointed with his kids.

There was no tears and child insecure but anger and disappointment towards the careless attitude of the young generation.

Marianne did not know whether to laugh or cry looking at his aggrieved face. So she hugged him back and caressed his cheeks. His last words when she died in her past life rang in her ears and soon tears started flowing from her eyes.

She kneeled and hugged him back with all her might surprising both men.

Even Killian who was angry at her felt stunned and then guilty to make his mother cry.

He had never thought that she would be this emotional. He was sure he had scolded mildly and his mother was not that emotional person. From the back he glared at his father., completely sure that he was the cause of her sudden outburst, but Cassius was looking as confused as him.

Even Cassius who was about to touch her further was shocked to see her sudden crying as the tears were not normal at all.

"There, the elders do not cry like a kid. You're a lady mother, why do you keep forgetting it? Now come on, be brave and stop crying. Tell me what happened? I promise I will punish everyone who made you cry?" Killian tried to assure her but the more he spoke the more she continued to cry.

She still could not believe that the young boy could love her so selflessly even when she was nothing but a vile creature.

"I am a bad mother Killian, I am a very bad person. How can you love me. I have always been a disappointment son. I deserve your hatred. I will not mind but accept every punishment that you give me. But I beg you to forgive me son. I will never be able to return the love and selflessness you had shown on me. I am very grateful that you gave me another chance. I promise that I will be a good mother in future. I would teach my son. I love you a lot." she mumbled in between her tears, her voice was filled with sobs leaving the both man baffled

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