Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 329: Can i come with you!

Marianne pov

When the morning arrived the bed was cold and empty. I roamed my hand on the blank area with longing. I had been habitual of him being around all the time. 

I shook my head as I realized his roots had taken a deeper place in my heart than I had expected.

"This is going to be difficult this time" I mumbled as I left the bed.

After getting ready in a plain dress and simple make up to show that I was upset, I walked out of the room.

The whole palace was silent as if someone had died. The whole hustling and bustling that was there from the past few days had gone. The chattering and laughter of Killian and mother was not there. The training and noise made by the knights, Jamie was training was gone too.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Lina, who was also silent like other maids.

"Sir James has sent the knight back and they are also packing. They will leave the palace after breakfast. His highness had left for the royal palace and lord Killian had denied breakfast telling he was not feeling hungry." she reported and I sighed.

I turned to go towards Killian's room. I knocked on the door instead of entering directly.

"Come in."

He was sitting on his desk and painting something when I entered. When I moved closer I saw it was Elizabeth's portrait he was making. He was standing holding her hand and Cassius was standing behind them holding them with a proud face.

To say that i was not hurt would be a lie, but i was the one who had hurt him first. I closed my eyes as I tried to gain my strength back.

"Killian, are you angry with me?" I asked and he turned back, he tried to hide the portrait that pained me further.

"You must have your own reasons, mother. I understand." he said with a sigh. 

"And" I probed. 

"I am just hurt that you don't even think about me once before taking such a big decision. Only two days ago, you promised me that you will be a better mother and you will never leave me alone. 

I have so much hope now. I don't even know where our relationship stands after your divorce with father. I did not know anything anymore. 

I just want to ask you why you have made so many promises when it was so difficult to fulfil them?" he asked looking down and i did not know what to say.

"I will not break my promise, Killian. I will be a better mother and take better care of you ``I assured as I kneeled to reach his height. But he shook his head.

"I will not leave my father, mother. He needs me." he said and I nodded. 

"We will find a way. Didn't I ask you to trust my decisions? Give us some time to think about it '' I said in a pleading voice and he nodded, but I could see it was just for formality though I could not blame him.

"Are you coming with me or staying here?" I asked again, though I was sure Cassius had convinced him but I could not show him that I already knew.

"For two weeks. Then I will come back here." he said and I nodded.

"Mother and brother are leaving after breakfast. Since Cassius is not in the palace, shall we also go with them?" I asked softly and he nodded.

"What does it matter anyway." he said breaking my heart again.,

"Then I will inform your maids to do the necessary packing. Come let's have breakfast till then."

"I am not hungry, mother," he said, shaking his head.

"But I am, and I need your company." I dragged him out of the door, toward the dining table.

My mother looked at me and continued having her meal as if she didn't even see me. While Jamie, he passed me a knowing smile making me frown.

I sat and passed the food into Killian's plate forcing him to eat.

"Since you are coming back with us, I have appointed a new knight for you. I do not want you to keep the knights assigned by the duke's palace." said Jamie, breaking the silence. 

His face was that mischievous smile that he always had when he played some trick. I looked at him in confusion when i heard the clinking sound.

Killian, who was hardly having a meal, stopped again, and I glared at Jamie. 

"I have Roselia as my knight and she did not belong to the duke palace. I have hired her personally." I cleared in a no nonsense tone and he pursed his lips.

The whole breakfast passed in silence and we finally left the palace. I turned to look at the palace one last time when I saw Philip walking towards us with a frown.

"Are you already leaving, Marianne?" in a single day he had come back to taking my name instead of my lady or duchess.

"Yes, I will live at Marques palace from now on." I cleared and he looked at both of them.

"Ah, the great businessman.'' He turned silent as I continued to look at him.

"I was wondering if he had some time to help me. I mean Cassius mostly stayed busy and trade was not even his forte. He only tells me laws related to it. Though I want to know the intricate details of how it works in this empire and some tips to make it more successful. So if you do not mind can i come with you too." he said in a tone and words that were hard to reject.

If before I had doubts that he always turned to stick to me, I am sure about it now. Could he even be any more direct in showing that he wanted to be where I was.

"Sure, your highness. My father would be happy to help you.`` I replied, bringing a bright smile on his face instantly but making my mother fume further.

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