Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 337: Midnight theatre 3


His right hand holding the side of her neck he moved his head closer and kissed her lips. His tongue dancing in her mouth with her tongue and his hands roaming on her body, making her senses further dull. She was completely breathless when he finally let her go.

She panted and took many shallow breaths to take all the air back in her body.

"But it is still embarrassing to come close in the public" she reasoned finally recovering herself, but he just chuckled

"Then I am going to enjoy it more," she did not know what had happened to her and why he was behaving like that but she knew he was serious when he said that to her.

"You will enjoy it too," there was promise in his words and Marianne's heart somersaulted in her chest. 

By now the voices from the stage had turned strong, she could hear the moans and grunt and other caranal voices coming from the stage. There was a part of her who wanted to peek and see what was happening but at the same time she was too embarrassed to turn and see especially when Cassius was standing too close to her.

He pulled the black colored scarf which he had been wearing under his shirt to cover his neck.

"Turn around," but she did not, so he held her shoulder and turned her. Her eyes were straight falling on the screen where the woman was pleasuring the man, but it was not like her where she had used hands to relieve Cassius. The woman had taken the man's manliness in her mouth and she was moving her head to create the same motions she had created with her hands.

Her eyes widened as she had only heard about it but always thought that it was just a joke among the commoners but seeing it by herself was making her wet and hot. She did not know she would be able to do it someday.

Taking the benefit of her distraction and haziness He took hold of both her hands behind and tied them together. 

Stepping closer to her, such that her back touched his front, she felt his breath on her right ear, "How are you doing so far?" he asked, his lips caressing the edge of her ear. Only that was the moment when she realised that she was lost in the scene so much that she was staring at them.

She tried to move her hands only to realise that he had bound them behind her. She looked at him with confusion. She did not know if she was more scared or more anticipating what was going to come.


Cassius was different, his way of treating her was different today. Even when they have come close these past few days, he has always been gentle towards her. Giving her enough time to come close and prepare her mind set. This was the first time when he was behaving so authorized and commanding her, even her hands were tied which she had never expected, much less in a public place like this.

Stepping closer to her, such that her back touched his front, she felt his breath on her right ear, "How are you doing so far?" he asked, his lips caressing the edge of her ear. He asked, and Marianne wanted to tell him that they should go, but there was something in the moment that excited her too. She wanted to see how far he would go.

"A  dizzy," she replied honestly as she was too lost in looking at the show, but when she moved her eyes she was feeling overwhelmed. 

Cassius stepped away to pick up the glass of wine, and when he left her side, Marianne took a glimpse at what was going on at the stage along with her hormones creating havoc in her body. 

Her face flushed and her throat turned dry but her eyes never looked away. The woman on the stage had positioned herself in between the man's legs and was going down on him. The moans that were leaving their mouth were increasing the heat in her.

Marianne turned around when she heard Cassius arrive back to her with a glass of wine in his hand. With her hands tied, Cassius brought the glass up to her lips, tilting the glass so that the wine would flow down to her lips. 

Some drops of the wine escaped from the corner of her lips, trailing down her chin and her neck. The sight was so sensuous to his eyes, her being tied standing there at his mercy. He had thought that she would glare at protest yet he wanted to try but to his surprise she was still standing there waiting for his next actions, something that he had not expected, but then the atmosphere there was too hot and sensuous with the scene in front of her eyes and he wanted her to see it fully.

He pulled it away, asking her, "More?" and she shook her head. 

Placing the glass back on the table which was at the side, Cassius then put his hands around her shoulders before it slid down to the top of the zip of her dress. He pulled the piece of metal down until its end was met on the dress. His fingers tracing her back which sent a shiver down her spine. 

His fingers along with his hands moved up to pull the dress backward from the front. But he didn't pull it down completely, just enough to have her shoulders exposed to his eyes. 

He pushed her back against the wall, his teeth and lips finding its way to her shoulder which was bare and smooth. He took a large bite and heard her sigh. His teeth assaulted her skin but Marianne had no complaints about it, with her hands tied, there was no way for her to move her arms and she was at his mercy. 

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