Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 347: Drowsiness

Marianne pov contd.

"Marianne, I have always liked you. But I have always controlled my feelings since I knew that you were married and did not like me at all. I do not expect much, but would you give me a fair chance to win your heart?" he asked and I felt guilty again.

"Oh my, lord Philip. You are a prince and I am a married or divorced lady, how could that be? `` I asked, shaking my head as if I could not believe what he said.

"I do not believe in all these old dead statements and traditions. I just want your acceptance." he replied seriously, but i still shook my head.

"I am not ready for any commitment, my lord" I added, and he nodded.

"I do not need a reply for now, my lady. I just want you to consider it."

"My lord, have you decided to stay here all your life?" I asked as if I was considering my future. A smile bloomed on his lips.

"Yes, if you want I can join your father's business. So that you can even stay connected with them." he replied with an assuring look.

I gave him a grateful smile but then I frowned.

"Would your family not mind? You are a prince after all." I said as I was worried about him.

"Oh, well.,.. No. Katherine is the daughter of an empress, but I am the son of a concubine, and also the third son. My father has announced the son of the empress as the crown prince. And my other brothers are given the estates. My father has decided to give me the whole trade of this empire as my share, so I am bound to stay here. 

But I assure you the trade here is flourishing a lot. So, you would not have any problem all your life" he said and I nodded.

"Don't you miss your family at all?" I asked, curious this time. Though I understand the political decision of his father. I still felt it was cruel of him to send him here like that. 

His face distorted and the amiable smile cracked. But he covered it well again. 

"My condition is still better than Katherine's. So I consider myself lucky." 

So he did know that she was suffering yet he never complained!?

"Then why did you not complain to your empire?" I asked and he looked at the  distance, for a second I felt a vicious look pass on his face. But when I blinked he was looking disheartened instead.

"Once married then married. Even if i complain it would not change much except creating a rift between the empires"


"Let these matters go. Tell me Marianne, you love the duke so much. How did you took the decision of taking divorce suddenly" 

I looked disheartened, as I heard his question, "Cassius never loved me. He always insulted me and ignored me. But my limits were crossed when he made plans against my family too. I am tired of the burden of a relationship that had nothing. I want a relationship where my partner would trust me and keep no secrets from me ``I replied as I looked at him. He nodded his head in understanding,

I wanted to ask him further but it would create suspicions.

He stood up and plucked an apple from the tree. 

"Would you like to have an apple, my lady?" I smiled as I thanked him. 

But when I took the bite, it was not as sweet as it usually is. I frowned at the taste of the apple.

He took another apple and ate himself with a smile. I smiled back and took another bite, but the piece of apple struck my mouth.

Slowly the drowsiness increased and my eyes turned further heavy.

"Marianne, tell me have you completely forgotten the love you have towards Cassius." he asked again, and this time i was having a hard time replying.

I looked around to see if I had knights only then did I remember I had sent Roselia to Cassius and only his knights followed us here.

"Yes, i still love him, but i will never go back to him" i said with so much trouble as the darkness started engulfing me.

"That is a very good decision, Marianne. He did not deserve you anyway. You will be happy with me ``I heard him speaking but the voice sounded too distant to me. 

How much time had passed when i felt him touching my shoulders gently and asking in a worried voice

"Marianne, are you okay, are you feeling sleepy? Shall we go back?"

I blinked as I started feeling better slowly. What had happened to me!?

"I am fine. I think I am more tired than I thought. '' I said as I rubbed my forehead. There was a layer of sweat though the weather was good.

"Shall we go back or you want to rest here for a while?" he asked with the same worried look.

"I think going back would be fine." I tried to stop him when he helped me by holding my hand.

We both walked back to the garden where Killian was training but he was not there anymore.

I looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

"I think you should go and rest for a while" said Philip as he took my hand in his and kissed the back of my head.

I nodded and walked back towards my chamber.


"Yes, your highness"

"I am not your highness any more, Lina. call me my lady" i corrected her before anyone else would misunderstand her way of addressing me.

"For me, you are always the archduchess, your highness" she replied, shaking her head and I sighed.

"Lina, next time you will follow me everywhere no matter where i go and what i do unless i specifically deny you to do so.'' I instructed her and though she looked confused, she nodded.

I never asked the maids to follow me everywhere since it felt like you were caged, especially when I was at my palace because I trusted everyone but things were not the same as before.

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