Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 362: Being dumb is infectious

Marianne pov contd.

When I walked towards Killian's chamber, Cassius was standing on the door with a confused look. He was once again with his dark skin and moustache and golden colour hair.

He looked towards me when he heard my footsteps. But before he could speak, his eyes fell on the maids who were following me and he closed his opened mouth again.

He bowed his head, like any other knight, "your highness"

"Come in" I said briefly, as I walked in. his brows furrowed but he could only nod and follow me.

The maids walked behind us and kept the dishes that were in their hands, on the table.

"We will serve ourselves. You all are free for tonight. Rest early ``I instructed, and they have been habitual of it, since I hardly ask them to serve me. So they left silently, closing the door in the end.

"Killian" I called the boy who was still sitting on the study table, he just turned a bit when he heard the footsteps and then started continuing.

"Son, come here." I called him again when he did not respond.

"Cassius, I think he is waiting for you to call him." the moment words left my mouth, he turned instantly but when he saw only me and a knight was in the room, he frowned.

"Mother, if father did not come, then it is fine, you did not need to lie to me." his voice was lower than the noon, when we had talked, his body was looking lethargic.

Cassius looked at me with confusion but I just sat there silently. 

"Did you not trust my promises at all, Killian?" I asked as he finally sat on the sofa beside me.

"Mother, I did not mean it that way, but I know father would not come here after the fight you had with him. He is a proud man." he replied in a coaxing tone and I smirked as I looked at the embarrassed face of Cassius.

"Your father used to be a proud man, but now he is the man who loves his family more than himself, much less his pride." I replied and then I nodded at Cassius who had almost got the hint from my words.

He sighed as he moved from his alert position and sat on the other side. Killian who had not spared a single glance to the knight frowned at the audacity of the knight and glared at him.

"How da…" the rest of the words died in his mouth when Cassius took out his moustache and then his fake hair.

His eyes turned wider than saucers as he kept looking at Cassius.

"How can I not come to meet you, my son? I miss you a lot." said the man who was trying his best to stop me from telling Killian the truth through his actions. 

I just shook my head and did not say a word as the emotions on Killian's face was all I wanted. He was looking so elated that his whole face was shining and his eyes were gleaming with unshed tears.

His small hands wrapped around his father's waist and he buried his face in his chest.

Cassius held him tightly in his arms, but his face was looking at me with confusion.

"I.S.A.B.E.L.L.A" I murmured and his face hardened. He hugged him further tightly with one hand and rubbed his back from the other hand.

"Killian, I love you and miss you my son. How have you been?" he asked in a softer voice, and I am glad that he took the hint.

"I missed you a lot too, father. This was the first time I was away from you. I thought I would not be able to see you anymore. I thought.. I thought that you did not want me anymore." he confessed in a voice that was getting lower and lower and in the end it was barely above a whisper. But we both heard it clearly in the silent room.

I felt a pang in my chest at his self dejected words. I wanted to hug him and console him but i knew he did not need me but his father at this moment who was sitting there thunderstruck like a frozen man.

It took him a few seconds to come out of his shock but then instead of mellowing down and hugging him and consoling him, he looked infuriated.

"What the hell are you speaking, when did I say that?" 


"What" he sighed as I looked at Killian who was looking anxious as it was the first time when Cassius had raised his voice in front of him.

He sighed and took a few deep breaths. 

"Killian, you are my one and only son. What made you think that I did not love you. Even if someone said that to you, would you believe so easily? Is our relationship so weak? The post you are having my son, there would be thousands of people who would try to create a rift between you and your family for their benefits.

They would try their best to hurt you and break you so that they can take advantage of you, and each time I and your mother would not be there to prove our love to you.`` His words had affection but the way he was saying them was strict. Though he was right, I was afraid that it was not the time to teach him but show him love and later explain that to him, but before I could say so, he continued..

"So, would you always be suspicious towards our feelings, son? I apologize but I am very disappointed in you. I have never thought that out of everyone you would think like that." as if he was not satisfied with hurting him, he looked towards me and added.

"I must say that you are getting dumb in the company of your mother. I did not know that it is also an infectious disease."


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