Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 116

116 Coins

The ceremony recalled the battle between the Red Hawk and Kim Ki-wan and headed to Vice President Shil.

‘… Is it because of his heart?’

Characteristics of a slope in which mountains crumble at the end of a battle.

The ceremony tilted its head, thinking about the situation at that time.

Kim Ki-wan’s trait, ‘unbreakable’, was a trait that consumed his heart and magical strength, leading to the extreme intensity and hardness of the sword.

‘So I decided to use that trait to make a sword in place of the Black-rosecutter…’

The ritual, which was broken more easily than expected, shakes its head with a small sigh.

“… You must have been overwhelmed by the enemy, right?”

The duel was far more overwhelming than before.

Due to this, Kiwan’s battle will was broken and the nature of his broken will, ‘unbreakable’, reacted and was shattered.


Of course, it was also available in the status window.

In fact, I saw firsthand that his personality was the most important of all.

‘And it’s okay to think that the way to the 2nd Awakening is in his mind…’ ‘

The bear’s thought of Kiwan’s unique mission resulted in a small sigh.

“By the way…”

Another worry passes through my mind.

The status of the Nazarene as seen in this battle.

‘It was really dangerous.’

There were two dangerous moments in this fight because I felt the ceremony.

The first was the moment when the licensing began, and the movement was enormous, which could not be demonstrated by Class B agility, behind the curve.

‘… I felt like I was still sane at the time.’

The other one was right before the last moment.

Incredible difficulty with just one breath.

After that, the ceremony was about to enter battle.

It’s different.

The last blow to reach the end of the incapacitated state was an assault filled with murder.

The face of the ceremony became stiff.

‘… and those movements clearly reminded me of a distorted smile.’

At the time of Hojin Seok, I could be sure of the ceremony that dealt with the ‘crooked smile’.

Of course, from the enemy’s point of view, it could have been unfair because it wasn’t his own doing.

As long as we keep in touch with the monster inside.

One day, I decided that I would do something big when I wasn’t around.

‘So there’s a need to kill grass for once.’

The head of the ceremony nodded.

I thought about it a lot and then the ceremony arrived right in front of the Vice President’s office.

He sighs loudly and knocks at the office.

Knock, knock.

You hear a buzzing voice from the inside as you knock at the table.

Kim Chang-sik must be here!

Haha, this isn’t me. I think the Vice President is more than happy to see you.

The sound of the conversation grows closer and the door opens wide.

What Chang Ceremony could see was Kim Ban Moon, deputy vice president, who made a big smile.

“Haha! You are the pride of our Academy!”


“Welcome! Student Kim Chang-sik!”

“What happened…?”

Then I saw a familiar face sitting inside the office.

“What, suddenly?”

“It’s been a long time. No… It’s been a long time, right?”

The man who smiles at the ceremony is the head of the Hero Association Operations Team 3.

The ceremony and the “New Black” team had a deep connection.

* * * * *

“… when we talked about it at the association, we talked about it like it was the last time we met.”

The dining ceremony sitting opposite him smiled and asked.

He clears his throat as if he were ashamed.

“Trial…! I didn’t think it would be like this at the time.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, what happened?”


In the question of the ceremony, Deputy Chancellor Chelsea glanced at the two of them with dazzling eyes.

“Hmmm…, why don’t you move?”

I was puzzled that the ceremony was about ‘New Black.’

The ceremony slowly nodded and tried to get up.

The deputy general quickly opened his mouth, looking at the steel gun.

“Haha, this is… I forgot what happened. If you don’t mind, can I go first? Ah, the Oval Office is fine with you.”

The deputy general who stood up and moved the blanket steps frowned at the ceremony.

A ceremony with a sense of laughter in the image of a vice president like Manfrep in social life.

‘Hmm, can you still clear your office?’

He tilted his head as if he couldn’t understand the ceremony.

I watched him leave with the idea that it might be a good idea.

Chop chop.

There was a brief silence in the Vice President’s office without Kim Ban Moon.

The Changing Ceremony is no longer a distraction, so you glanced at it as if to tell me once.

“… so. What’s the problem?”

I also knew there was no one around.

Nevertheless, he looks around cautiously.

“… Chosun High School. Do you remember?”


Suddenly, the ceremony, which I didn’t expect to mention, tilted my head.

“What is it? Is it a story of a guy named Stinger?” ‘

I don’t know the intention of the question, but I smile at the ceremony staring at me.

“That sinkhole you told me about…”

“Oh, why is that?”

“I can finally find the remains of an ancient species in there.”

I opened the eyes of the ceremony wide.

“Is it because of the ownership of the corpse?”

Looking at the surprised eyes of the ceremony, Iron Gun grinned and nodded his head.

“I have decided to relinquish control of the ancient species, called the Death Worm, to you.” ”


Surprise gift for a ceremony you’ve already forgotten because of a lot of other things.

Usually this happens during an operation.

The remains of the ancient species were mostly owned by the association and accounted for their contribution points.

“But you’re not just an association hero, you’re just an educator? ‘

At that moment, I noticed the iron rod that was giving me a warm look at myself.

‘… The Steel Gun must have used its power.’

I raised the tail of my mouth as if I knew.

“… did you care? Thank you.”

“Haha! Did you have a hard time convincing the Elder?”

A shawler who turns his head as if it were an awkward smile.

The ceremony was thankful for the sincerity of iron for itself.

And the body of the Death Worm.

A large tooth and slippery cover of an ancient species that was rescued from the dead body of the Death Worm.

Among them, there is a hidden feature of the Death Worm’s hard teeth.

‘Poison created by itself in large teeth.’

Strangely enough, I don’t have a sac of poison in my body.

A poison that can make even solid rocks burn inside a giant tooth.

The memorized ceremony nods slowly.

“Hmm…, I’d like to take a look at it later and dispose of it all at the association, except for a few byproducts that I want. Is that okay?”


It was a Death Worm that was all researched in the future anyway.

The Ceremony was meant to be sold with useless byproducts.

Chelsea felt that the ceremony was caring for the association.

“Hoo, you really can’t stop me.”


The gratitude of the indefinite iron gratitude scratches the cheek.

‘Let’s get on with it.’

Iron Gun, who sighed deeply, straightened his throat as if he had something to say.

“Hmm…, and I think it’s about to start.”

Serious Ironclad.

The ceremony crosses its arms and nods slowly.

“Are you talking about Willan’s terror?”

“Yes…, the terror scale we have now is really not that great….”

I can’t look at the ceremony with a serious look as if I have something to say.

The ceremony suddenly made me think that he would ask for help.

“Speaking of which…, I have a favor to ask you.”

The chanting pops out with a slight bow.

It was time for me to quietly raise my strength.

That’s why I was about to refuse before he asked me to.

The story of Iron was fast.

“… After that, even if someone from the Hero Association comes to you for help, you must never say yes.”


Hearing that, I looked at his face with a puzzled face.

The face of a very serious iron fist.

“… Everything I said to you back then was true. Especially, you have a lot of skills you can’t even imagine as an educator. It’s amazing that it’s still growing….”

Then Iron Gun continued to explain the verse to prevent the ceremony from being tied to the association anymore.

The ceremony when I heard the story was dazed.

‘… It was always like this.’

The ceremony raises its hand as if it doesn’t want to hear any more nagging.

“Oh, I get it. Don’t worry too much, I’ll take my hands off it this time.”


He smiled at the answer of the ceremony.

“Thank you…”

Originally, in the future, the Association’s terrorism would have been a major leap forward.

But what will happen to the future this time?

The ceremony suddenly closed my eyes a little.


If the ceremony thinks there are no other variables, the Association will certainly succeed in stopping their terrorism.

Again, he opened his eyes and looked forward.

There he gazed at the ceremony with a sturdy face.

‘… are guarded by strong heroes.’

A small ceremony felt like something was floating.

And I asked the paladin as if he had remembered iron.

“By the way, do you know Kim Ki-wan?”


Just then, I opened my eyes to the iron ball looking for the guy I was training with.

I smiled at the ceremony.

“You know the name by reaction, don’t you?”

“Well…, to what degree? What’s wrong with him all of a sudden?”

“Oh, I’m Kim Seok-chul, the hero who came with me this time. Kim Ki-wan must be his nephew. This is a shameful request, but I was wondering if you could take care of it…”

Chang Ceremony smiles at the man who gives a sneaky talk.

Then he threw his gaze out the window.

“Well, I was keeping it.”


Forward and backward, Iron Gun, who didn’t know the story, opened his eyes.

* * * * *

After the ceremony went to the Vice President’s office.

After that, she ran out to class B.

So Cvan’s outdoor training grounds were filled with dead people, and with nazis comforting him.

There were only four Izzie guns who were placing Kim Ki-wan who had lost a large amount of blood and was medicating with a pressure bandage.

The index wrapped a bandage on Giwan and looked at his face.

“…? Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

“Huh…? I’m… I’m tired.”

The sheer complexion was not very good.

I may have lost a lot of blood.

Awakening Pokémon possesses the power of Ritual Life.

A lot of small wounds were on his body, but it was not serious enough to lose his mind.

“Just…, I want to close my eyes and rest.”

A glimmer of relief.

In fact, he was in a state of extreme stress.

When I felt skeptical about my talents.

You were dramatically rescued from the hands of the ceremony as you confronted the living creatures.

Seeing his blood, his mind was shaken a lot as well.

‘… Am I also not talented?’

He said to the Index, “It’s difficult for me to lose my mind after falling into a meeting.”

“… I’m tired, but can I get some sleep?”

“Huh? Oh… yeah. Well, the bleeding’s stopped, so rest easy.”

“Yes, thank you. Then, if you’ll excuse me…”

Either I was really tired or I ended up asking for sleep like a dead rat.

Flirty complexion and bandages under the neck.

If anyone saw it, it must have looked like a midget wandering around the perimeter.

“… Hehe.”

The appetite index lets out a deep sigh and wipes the blood off his forehead.

But that’s when.


The horrific life you feel behind you.

‘… ugh! What? What is it?’

It was such a life that I couldn’t even breathe.

And a cold voice in her ear.

“… who are you?”


The index barely turns its head as it survives the automatic tremor.

And when she saw the man’s face, she opened her eyes in surprise.

“What about you?”

The one who breathed life right behind him was not only her, but also an academic trainee.

He was a superelite, a four-team leader in the Hero Association in his late 20s.

Kim Seok-chul, a steel swordsman who became a class A hero with a single sword.

He was staring at ‘Kim Chang-sik Child’ with his life that seemed to have lost weight.

“Who did this?”

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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