Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 123


Hair from the forehead to the head.

The anxious eyes of the professor’s evaluation paper on the desk.

Professor Cheon Su-ho stole a wide brow sweat with a embarrassing face at Kim Ban Moon’s words.

“Can I just say something…?”

Kim Byungmun kicked his tongue with such a shy and clumsy look.

“Tsk… Have a seat.”

“Oh, yes.”

The professor sat in the chair guided by Kim Byungmun.

I opened my mouth first as if I was sorry for Kim.

“Professor Cheonan. Well, as you already know. The evaluation of the professor from last year to the previous semester was a little…, like… Hmm.”

Kim Byungmun dragged the horse with a warped look on his face.

And then I opened my mouth wide to spit out something harsh.

Soon after I saw the poor professor, I sighed deeply.

“Phew, that’s not good.”

“… Haha. I guess as I got older, the younger generation of educators didn’t seem to like me very much.”

Professor Cheonan touches the back of the head with a shrug.

Kim Byungmun looks at him head to toe in his attitude.

“Phew, that’s not it. Professor…”

“… Yes.”

Kim Byungmun tried to bite his teeth tightly and talk about one to ten problems with Professor Choon Suh.


Kim Byungmun’s words did not hang from his neck because it was overlapped with Professor Choon’s flashy past.

In the end, all Kim could do was sigh deeply.

“… No. Just, uh, mind your own business. I have something to say to the trainees that I need to improve a little bit.”

“Yes… yes.”

He nodded with an awkward smile as if he was sorry.

It was like an old 10,000 year old surrogate bowed down to a competent team leader.

Kim Byungmun kicked his tongue small and said as if he remembered.

“Today, Steel Gun Hero, Operation Team Leader 3, came from the Hero Association. Have you met him?”

“…! Iron Gun?”

There was a big ripple in the professor’s eyes.

For a moment, his eyes gaze into the air as if recalling memories.

Kim Byungmun said, looking at it, he tasted it.

‘How can two heroes in the same generation live in a different future…’

After seeing such a greeting, Professor Chun shrugged his head and not long after touching the back head.

“Haha… I haven’t heard that name in a long time. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from him in a long time.”

“Kmm… well. Anyway, professor, I’ll tell you again. I hope it will be a more fun and good class for the students.”

He shook his head at Kim Geummun, who had reduced his speech while giving him an elongated cough.

“Yes, yes. All right, I’ll do my best to prepare for the lecture.”

His clear head bows, and his gaze fills the door.


Originally, the older the hero, the more experienced he was, the stronger he was and the more powerful he became than when he was younger.

‘… The best example of this is the steel gun hero.’

Class A veteran hero.

Although the individual’s strength was very strong, above all, the three teams he led boasted family-like brotherhood.

‘And the opposite…’

Kim Ban Moon’s gaze was pierced into the lake of the water that rose from the poorhouse.

Strangely, this character became more and more distasteful as she got older.

“Do I smell like a hollow Abby? ‘

Kim Byungmun sighed again.

He thought he had no idea how many sighs he took after facing the Great Barrier.

At one time, it was a pity that the hero who was hoped to wrinkle Korea was treated like this.

‘But I don’t want to hurt my academy any more.’

Kim Byungmun turned around and sat on the chair in the Oval Office without seeing his ugly face.

“Phew… how a famous hero came to be like that.”

It was a very small soliloquy.

It was a particularly quiet place, and the soliloquy sank into the ears of the Guardian Guard, who was leaving the office.

Chop chop.



When the Deputy Director left the Academy’s main building, the Great Lakes sighed and insisted on a heavy step.

How did the famous hero become like that…

A soliloquy from the deputy general he heard before he left the office.

Professor Thousand smiled bitterly.

‘… that’s what I want to say.’

How could I have known that I would be this future?

A self that has been given a lot of expectations since childhood due to its natural characteristics and tremendous growth.

“Ha…! Iron Gun back then? He didn’t even make a sound to me.”

The only thing he remembers is how quiet he was when he went to the Academy.

The Awakened Primary Characteristics didn’t matter much, so I didn’t even mix well with the iron that graduated from class C early.

‘… I didn’t know he was going to make a name for himself.’

It was ironic when iron became a class A hero, called the Magnum Gun.

The Great Barrier has begun its descent in reverse.

There were several factors, the biggest of which was the permanent decline in ‘magical power’.

When you use traits, you have a habit of using force too much every time.

Because of that, I was often exhausted a hundred times more.

“Phew… I should have rested a bit at that time…”

At that time, I used traits, both front and back.

After all, there have been a number of permanent decline in magical power.

He couldn’t use his flying skills for more than a few seconds.

All that was left of the winged eagle was the old beak.

Eventually, I was forced to retire.

‘… Now this is what it looks like.’

When the Vice President saw Kim Ban Moon, he sighed deeply.

“… Let’s change the lecture style to suit the students these days, like the vice president said.”

The way back to your place late in the evening.

As he pondered for a long time, he thought about some of the most popular academy professors to seek advice.

‘… Professor Kim Jin-young? Should I ask him?’

Professor Academy, who hears the sound of retreat, continues to take a powerless step.

* * * * *

“Come on out now.”


Since the first time a woman appeared.

I knew he was watching me because of the lady’s round ears on the window.

It didn’t really matter that she didn’t speak separately until now.

But when I saw her again, I thought Han Woong was gone.

A silly pair of shadows flood through the window.

The tale of the ceremony shows two shadows struggling.

“… hmm?”

Soon, I slowly showed my face, and the ceremony opened my eyes.


“Haha. Oh, hello.”

The figure who appeared with a very awkward smile was an index with a black tie and a baseball jumper.

The ceremony looked at her and cast its gaze at the window.

I could see the shadow of another creature curled up in his body, hoping not to come out.

“Hey, you, too.”


When the shadow realizes that it’s talking to itself, it flinches and rolls its feet.

Eventually, boom! A woman who hides behind the back of the index at a rapid pace with the sound of her voice.

Chang opened his eyes to a stranger, and soon he realized who she was.

“… You?”

“Me or me? I don’t know…! So…”

She blushes in shame and says with a smile as she looks at the bar dropping.

“That was her, wasn’t it?”

“Uh, Bubber…”

The woman who can’t say anything and closes her eyes.

The index interposed between the two and scratched his cheek as if he didn’t know what it was.

The ceremony turns to the index again, as if she wasn’t interested in the woman hiding behind it.

“I thought you were Han Woman at first. Where is she?”

The ceremony was a question for Index.

The woman behind the index exclaimed urgently first.

“Ha, Hae-yeong…! Oh, no! Han Woong left earlier.”


I asked her how urgent she was, and once she was pronounced, the staring ceremony asked Index.

“Does she know you?”

“… Huh?”

The index noticed that Chang Ceremony was referring to a human-shaped female.

“Well, that, right?”


The narrow-eyed ceremony soon begins to move forward nodding.

Normally, I would have looked at the status window of a manly female.

Right now, he’s been focusing his whole mind on thinking about how to utilize the ‘Sword of Mind’, Awakening Skill, and Intangible Sword.

I’ve used it once, so I’m thinking of studying skills in the dormitory by myself in detail.

“I think you’re here to train. Work hard. I’ll go in first. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Huh? Huh…! Hey, take care of Chang-shik Kim.”

The ceremony prompted a single face to step on a characteristic skill that seemed to have dropped from the sky.

And the rest of the women in the training ground, the index.

The index stared at the woman as she watched the ceremony move away.

“Hey, lady. Kim Chang-sik is gone.”

“Huh? Ah. Yeah, thanks. It’s an index.”

Then I carefully opened her eyes.

She reaches out her head and sighs of relief as she sees the back of the shrine moving away.

“… Whew. Thank goodness.”

And that’s the odd thing about her.

“What the hell is going on? Aren’t you gonna tell me?”


She scratches her cheeks as she notices them, avoiding the exponential gaze.

Within this, I sighed a little.


And that night, the C-Class Indoor Training Ground did not turn off its lights until late in the night.

* * * * *

A few days after the Heavenly Sword incident.

The ceremony was taking a step to listen to the lecture ‘Awakening and the History of the First Heroes’.

And his face was unnoticed.

‘Awakening skill called the Intangible Sword. It’s more than I thought…!’

It was because I had almost finished researching the Awakening Skill I had acquired a few days ago.

When the Chang ceremony first triggered an intangible sword.

I just thought of it as a skill that only cuts what I wanted to cut once, without restriction on the street.

However, the more I studied the skill, the more I realized how great it was.

‘… distance? It wasn’t just a unit, it wasn’t close, it wasn’t far.’

A deep smile was drawn on the mouth of the ceremony.

I was excited to see what I could do with this Awakening Skill going forward.

Ceremony of taking a step with such a remembered face.

That’s when I heard the beep on his handset.


It was Ahn Hee-su who decided to take charge of researching the recovery stones with the great treasure, Darwin’s Eye.

Her sudden contact drew my eyes.

‘… Is Darwin’s pupil research done?’

Her contact was a little suspicious because it was the ceremony I had been thinking about for at least a month until Darwin’s eyes were complete.

“… Hello?”

“Ki, Kim Chang-sik?”

“What, is the research done already?”

“No, that’s not it…!”

Only then did I realize that her voice was not good.

Soon, Ahn Hee Soo was the one behind it.

“This stone, a little bit (? It’s been weird.”

“… What?”

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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