Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 28


The nazi, who passed by the professor, was wandering around the training ground without realizing him.

“Well, what the hell. Are you running a marathon?”

For most of the candidates, he was studying and trying to figure out how to utilize his traits.

Furthermore, there is a team of professors who have come to see that they want to develop skills.

So he was puzzled by the enemy’s reckless pursuit of the track and pushing his limits.

What shocked him even more….

“You bear!! Don’t come out!”

It was that Han Wong, his favorite candidate, was being beaten up by a male candidate.

The professor could not help but be appalled.

“What the hell is this?”

A union professor who is so confused that he can’t connect the words.

In the meantime, she was badly beaten.

“Don’t just get excited and watch your opponent attack more calmly!”


Looking closely, the woman seems to be only trying to move within a small circle painted on the floor.

If I stepped outside the gold a little, the abusive language of the male candidate popped out.

“You fool! How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t leave the circle!”

The professor, who was staring dazed at the strange appearance, woke up and shouted.


The voice of a labourer filling a huge training ground.

The enemy fell down and breathed a sigh, and the woman’s gaze was on the professor while she was experiencing the onset and aggravated assault on him.

“What are you guys doing?!”

The professor ran straight to the woman.

The woman I saw closely was completely full of herself.

Lots of fresh smoke and dirt.

The professor’s condition was more severe than he thought.

“What the hell!”

On the contrary, Kim Chang-sik, the male candidate who is in a very distant state.

The professor, looking at the woman’s condition, opened his eyes and stared at the ceremony.

“What the hell is this?”

However, the ceremony did not listen to the professor.

I just see the enemy collapsing and panting and screaming.

“When did I tell you to stop? Get up and run!”

Even in front of him, the professor was embarrassed by his unruly behavior.

“Oh, no!”

What is more amusing is that the words of the ceremony were miraculously fulfilled and happened.

Then I started running along the track, leading the body that didn’t look easy.

It was absurd for the professor to see that.

“Huh…. Whose idea was this ignorant training?”

At the professor’s words, the ceremony lets out a deep breath and shakes its head.

“I thought you said the professor didn’t touch the team training.”

“Profit! Screw this! This is not training, it’s violence!! And now you know how other teams train!?”

The ceremony was consistent with his blushing face.

“Look, I know you’re worried, but let’s just do it right. The rules say the professors don’t mess with the way they train, right? I’m a little busy right now, so don’t interfere.”

“Yes, you…!”

A labor professor who was furious with his shameless attitude.

I knew it! I knew it! I can no longer see this ignorant and reckless woman hanging out with me. ‘

I was about to open my mouth as I tried to get the woman who had become a whore out of here.

“Professor, can we continue our training?”

You hear the voice of a cautious but resolute bride.

“What, what?”

It was a moment when she gradually realized what the method of battle, which had been emphasized for several days.

So it was not pleasant for the professor to interrupt this moment, no matter how much he cared for himself.

“I want to train more with Cadet Kim Chang-sik first. I’m getting a hunch…”

The tenured professor was shocked and stunned by the woman’s adamant words.

The Ceremony wedges.

“Did you hear that? I said I’m fine. Stop meddling and get out.”

The ceremony turned around and told her as if she was no longer willing to talk to the professor.

“The break is over.”

The assault on his training resumes again, and the professor stares at him dazed like an anvil.

An old professor who stares at the ceremony and scowls without pity.

“Cadet Kim… Chang-shik!”

A muttering labor professor leans out from the training ground.


As soon as the servant closed the door roughly, he lowered his sword and looked at her.


A woman who doubts the ceremony that suddenly stopped the attack.


Nevertheless, the ceremony stared at her without saying anything.

The woman scratched her cheeks to see if she would be grateful for the support of the ceremony.

“… Well, you don’t have to thank me…”

But before he finished speaking, the question of the ceremony blocked the woman’s mouth.

“Do you really have a hunch?”

“…… Huh?”

Temporary static.

Soon, the ceremony shook its head.

“No. We’re running out of time, so let’s increase the intensity a little.” ”


Her face crumpled like a piece of shit.

As the ceremony lifts its sword again, you hear a fierce laugh in the training ground.

“Heheheh…! I’ll kill them all!”

I was once again overqualified for exceeding the limit.

He is still unable to control the creature behind him.

“He hasn’t made any progress in days.”

The ceremony greeted him by triggering a ‘swing motion’ that expands all senses.

‘This is what I’m training for.’

In fact, as he continued to accept the relentless attack, his consciousness of battle seemed to awaken gradually.

‘Well, I wish I could feel better about it.’

“Khahaha! Die!!”

The face of the ceremony faced the rushing enemy with a strange smile was also drawn.

* * *

Time flies like a bullet.

Only one day until placement test team battle.

However, the team was still training in the training ground.

An attack ceremony aims at the chasm of the bride, loosening her blade.

“… Now I’m feeling a little better.”

“Heheheh…, hehe.”

The appearance of a woman covered in dirt and small wounds was more messy than a few days ago.

However, the one straight eye continued to stare at the ceremony as if it didn’t want to miss a little movement.

The ceremony staring back at him said something.

“Hey, training is over.”

“Grrrrrr… huh? What?”

“Training is over.”

A woman who looks at the words of the ceremony and asks again.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m a little disappointed in my standards, but I’ve managed to keep up.”

“…… Thank you.”

“Rest now.”

As soon as the word “rest” came out of the mouth of the ceremony, the woman settled down.

“Ha…, it’s finally over.”

In fact, it was never easy to change the way a woman fights in a short period of time.

Growing up with a professional education, Gu Chi Sung is also surprisingly accomplished when he sees Han Woong today.

And the woman who also knew the achievement felt great about the ceremony that led to this growth.

How the hell does he know that? ‘

Huge analytical and individual teaching skills.

A sense of combat born there.

Above all.

“Isn’t that guy hard? ‘

A ceremony that terribly approaches the enemy after the female training is over.

Obviously, training with the female was too difficult to match with his physicist, but he never gave a hard look.

Plus, two or three times a day, fighting the rushing enemy.

‘That was crazy.’

At first, I tried to underestimate the enemy, but his technique and speed were unmatched.

And the image of creativity conquering him with a sense of combat alone is overwhelming.

She naturally had to acknowledge the ceremony.

“Where did he come from all of a sudden…?”

The woman mutters to herself, and the ceremony approaches the enemy enemy resting.

“Well, do you think you can control the monster behind you now?”

The words of the ceremony were written with confidence.

“I had a hunch yesterday. It’s possible this time.”

“Okay, then let’s get started.”

“Got it.”

The enemy bows his head as he answers.

I hear him muttering to himself several times, and his hands grip his shoulders and shake.

After a few seconds, his movements stand still, and suddenly, life explodes.

The ceremony watching him put his hand on the sword.

“How stranded is it to get the monster out from behind? If we get this right, we can expect control.” ‘

A ceremony to observe him quietly, anticipating his inner self.



“… control shit.”

The uncontrollable one chased after the ceremony with a fierce look in his eyes.

The ceremony immediately triggered a ‘swing motion’ that expanded the senses.

A heartbeat strikes my entire body.

Dong Dong

Expanded field of view.

The amount of information spilled.

Similarly, very sensitive sensation.

‘… This time I go without any time.’

If the ceremony was one-time, I could easily defeat the runaway one, but I wanted to save it for tomorrow’s team battle.


Blame it on me!

The Ceremony ran against the incoming one.

The two continue the workshop with an enormous feat.

She watched them from afar, admiring them.

“What kind of movement is that?”

Creation that behaves very sensitively because of its very painful nature when it is wrong.

His body got soaked in sweat.

The senses of battle get sharper and sharper.

I like it.

The ceremony felt as light as feathers, aiming for a gap in the enemy’s emptiness and emptying his stomach.


I fell down with a big impression of the right spot.




Suddenly, the ceremony falls down, grabbing his thigh.

A tremendous amount of pain in the back half of the leg.

The hamstring of the ceremonial ceremony that had been brutal for the past 10 days caused convulsions.

Changing ceremony triggering the swing motion there.

Severe pain and ceremonial pain, as if pierced with dozens of pickles, abruptly cancelled the swing motion.

An enemy rushing with a grinning smile because of the instability of the ceremony.

“Chang-sik Kim! What are you doing? Get up!!”

The woman notices something wrong with the Ceremony rushes in, but she can’t keep up with the rush of the rushing enemy.

“Ugh…! Shit!”

The moment the ceremony is about to start in one time in a situation that is inevitable.


I heard a blood murmur in the ear of the ceremony.


What you see before the eyes of the Ceremony is nothing more than an enemy stabbing his own hand with an awl.



I heard his head without saying a word.

And the clean eyes of the enemy you see.

“Heheh… Well, you can control it, right?”

The ceremony picked up his appearance and laughed.

“What control….”

* * *

After training the enemy, the team decided to rest all day.

The last time I encouraged my team to work hard and advised them of a few things, it was late at night before I arrived at the dormitory.


There is a storm coming from a tightly closed window.

The ceremony watched the large tree that looked out the window as it was shaking violently in the rain.


The window opens while watching quietly outside.

Shoot him.

The cool sound of rain striking the ears of the ceremony.

After looking down for a long time, he leaves the window open and turns around to go to bed.


A large tree lit up for a moment as if lightning had struck nearby.

And there was a man standing up on a tree who was staring at the ceremony for a moment.

He carries a red muffler in a silly black suit.


Along with the slow thunder, his new statue disappears into the darkness.

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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