Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 49


The index was actually eavesdropping on both yesterday’s ceremony and Nanami Shiki’s conversation.

“You’re meeting me alone at midnight at an outdoor training ground? ‘

I said I’d only meet you for the battle.

For some reason, the irritability of the index was not able to sleep until late at night.

Eventually, a stiff expression a little after midnight leads to the training ground.

‘… annoying. What’s that bitch all of a sudden?!’

Suddenly, the existence of the ritual began to bother her. She hurriedly moved her steps.

But when I got close to the training ground, it was strangely quiet without any noise.

“Huh? What, there can’t be any sound like this? ‘

She quickly started running, having a strange imagination.

And just as she was running, she stepped on a line.


A big bang in her ear.

The sounds and screams of war.

I thought I heard voices from myself for a moment.

“… What, what?”

As she frowned in embarrassment, she pressed her feet harder and harder.

Afterwards, what came into her eyes was a woman and a woman who had fallen in blood.

And it was a ceremony that was struggling with the neck of a woman who seemed dangerous at first sight.

‘Ey, what is this?’

The index became dazed in the picture that was so unexpected.

The user scrambles violently, but the target remains stationary.

And she raised the Dagger to see if she was going to kill the creature.

I was no longer able to understand the situation.

The index rushes into the front of the ceremony, just before the dagger swings, triggering skills and barriers.

“Chang-sik Kim!!”

* * * * *

I thought the ceremony was really going to die now.

But with the advent of an indexing in English, you can earn in seconds.

It was just such a short time, meaningless to others.

For the ceremony, that short time was a precious time to completely change the situation.

‘… One Time.’

Skill that only slows down the flow of time, creating one-time initiative.

His eyes glowed gray.

Han Wong and Namhae have fallen down.

Jisoo rolls the floor in a big attack.

All the colors of the world were white.

And make Nanami stare at herself with cold eyes.

She started it first.

Blame it on me!

The ceremony approaches the ceremony with a quick movement that cannot even react.

But at a ceremony that had twice as much time as anyone else, the movement was apparent.


Long stretching metal friction.

The movement of the changing ceremony once more left Nanami Shiki in awe and the ceremony calmly brushed her sword.

She yelled out loud when she realized things were going weird.

In slow time, all I could hear was a blurred voice.

The ceremony quietly retaliated against her aggressive attack and energized Carl Axius with ‘Width Attribute’ energy.


The time she anticipated for her retreat.

Nanami hurriedly turned away, realizing that she couldn’t handle the ceremony.

Only two seconds left for her personality to be released.

A ceremony you will never miss chases her with wild eyes.

A creature that crushes Carl Axius when it has been transformed into a dagger that can use the Awakening skill, the ‘Kill Boom’.


The shoulders of the ceremony are tucked tightly.

Nanami Shiki ran to see if the characteristic trigger time was over.

A short exhaling ceremony aims behind her and swings her arms wide.

A dagger that extends in a straight line, leaving behind a shadow.


She looks back at her face in embarrassment.

Just in time, a world that reclaims its original color and explodes white.

Guaguava Overlooking!!

* * * * *


“Hmm, what is it?”

Kim Byungmun, vice president, who was looking into the backlog in the office, identified a cell phone that rang late at midnight.


[Chang-sik Kim]

You have discovered the Franz of the tissue, Wilon.

Right now, EVAN Outdoor Training Ground.

However, if things get noisy, there’s a risk of fleeing, so please come as carefully as possible.

Attached video.


Kim Byungmun tilted his head to the unknown content.

If others had sent me this message, I would have ignored it as a joke.

Kim Banmun thought the ceremony was not a person who made fun of this.

“…? There’s no reason for our student Kim Chang-sik to play around this late.”

I saw the attached video with a curious face.

And the more I watch the video, the bigger my eyes get.


A female trainee attempting a lively attack on the neck of a ceremony and a ceremony that calmly stops the attack and counteracts it.

At first, I was surprised at the sight of a female trainee bleeding out.

What surprised Kim even more was the ‘V’ tattoo on her shoulder line, which was closed up on her phone camera.

“Well, is that the mark of the organization, Billon?”

Kim Byungmun, who confirmed to that end, woke up on his feet.

* * * * *

The ceremony and other trainees were quickly transferred to the ward after arriving on time.

They were treated relatively quietly this time with a need for unconscious consciousness.

The ceremony, which had been assigned a one-person hospital room, reflected on the risky mission itself.

‘I should have thought of the case, but I was so uneasy.’

It was because I did not understand the characteristics of Nanami Shiki properly.

If Izzie hadn’t shown up at the last minute, it would have led to a really bad situation.

He felt he had to calculate and act more thoroughly to get revenge on Zhang Rail.

‘… But that guy. Where did they come from all of a sudden?’

The ceremony was clear thanks to the appearance of the index, but on the other hand, it was also curious about the sudden appearance.

‘Well, he showed up, so I had a chance.’

As a result, the operation was a success.

The scroll scratches your cheek, turning your eyes to see the reward from this mission.

“By the way, the reward for this mission….”

______________________________ “The Path of the True Hero: Seventh (Complete)

You got 2 bonus stats as a clear reward.

[Additional contribution]

We stopped the plan before the Academy Second Terror even started.

(Contribution Rank: B)

[Bonus stats: 1 additional reward for Grade B achievement.]

Recognition of 3 bonus stats, including additional contribution rewards.

Name: Chang-shik Kim

(Hero aspiring)

§ Force: D

§ Agility: B +

§ Health: C +

§ Magical Power: B

Bonus stats: 3

Now I can only compare it to the number 1 in class D, just physically.

Adding three bonus stats to it was a physical that surpassed the dizzy C-class candidates.

‘… You’ve grown quite a bit in the belly button body, haven’t you?’

His body specs, which were dominated by grades E and D, are now somewhat noticeable.

A ceremony that gives you a nod to your accomplishments.

‘… and in fact, there is a bigger reward.’

the Academy’s second act of terrorism was prevented in advance. And furthermore, the “Hero Association terrorism”, which was about to start in a chain, must have been braking.

‘The Academy hasn’t officially announced it yet, so Bill will remain silent….’

What if they come across this news in a co-solvent?

I laughed as if the ceremony was satisfactory.

‘… Jang Chul, I can see the look on his face.’

And just then, someone entered the ceremonial room.


“Ah! You’re awake, trainee Kim Chang-sik!”

It was Kim Byungmun who moved them to the ward after seeing the text of the ceremony.

Kim Byungmun, who was a happy face, soon approached Chang Ceremony with a worried look.

“What the hell is going on? How are you feeling?”

“Ah…. Well, not bad. What about the others?”

“Yes, everyone has overcome the dangers and gone into stability. And I shut up the Awakenings, as Kim Chang-sik the trainee asked.”

He nodded as if he knew the ceremony and added a word.

“In addition, as educator Kim Chang-sik said, a thorough examination into the student’s room revealed that she regularly communicates information to Billon’s side. Well, the mark on her body is simply proof enough…”

“Thank you. I hope you’ll keep our names out of the announcement about catching her later.”

At the words of the ceremony, Kim Yun Mun scratched his cheek.

“… for any reason?”

“If the trainees got to him, they’d be their target.”

“Hmm… I see. Very well! I will announce that I have located her within the Academy.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“And this case will be rewarded to 4 students, including the student Kim Chang-sik. I’ll talk about this after the discussion.”

The ceremony was reflected in the unexpected Academy’s news of rewards.

Kim was hesitant to say more.

And then he sighed briefly and joined the horses.

“By the way, educator Kim Chang-sik…, how did you know she was François Billon? And even if you did, why didn’t you notify the Academy?”

“… As I said as soon as I met him, I saw a billon mark on his shoulder during combat training. And what the Academy didn’t tell me first…”

The pausing ceremony lowers its head slightly.

“I wasn’t sure yet, so I wanted to check it out…, but I think I had a short idea. I’m sorry.”

The herald felt vague that the ceremony was hiding something.

He decided not to ask until he told the story himself.

“… I know that Kim Chang-sik doesn’t trust the Academy very much. But I need you to trust me on this one.”

He opens his mouth slowly, with a single mop.

“I, Vice President Kim Ban Moon, am doing you a favor.”

Unexpected serious appearance of Kim Banmun.

Suddenly I thought he was using his personality traits to change.

His status window looks no different than before.

Eventually, a reluctant ceremony to hold his head back.

“… Yes, I believe you.”

“Okay, then relax. I’m going to go in now.”

The ceremony looked behind him and thought it would be okay to change the image of the Vice Chancellor a little.

* * * * *

After leaving the room at the ceremony, Kim Byungmun’s head was complicated.

Originally, creativity was one of the goals to use for their own business.

I felt a little strange about myself worrying so much about feeling a little emotional.

‘… Whew, my head is so complicated.’

Thinking about it, I walked into my own office late in the morning, and the lights were out.

There was already a passenger there.

A woman leaning down on a chair as if she were in her own room and placing her feet on a desk.

She was Seolyerin, who was showing a lot of interest in the ceremony, unraveling the sensational energy of a black tie.

‘Kim Byungmun’ saw her like that and scratched her cheek.

“Seolyerin…? What’s going on all of a sudden?”

Then Seolyerin narrows her eyes to the frown gate.

“You, ‘Banmun Kim’?”

“Yes… I’m Kim Banmun.”

She grimaced at Kim Byungmun for what was so annoying in his answer.

“No! Why don’t I let you meet Kim Chang-sik?”

In fact, Seolyerin, who expressed her anger in a loud voice, had known Kim Byungmun for a long time.

Kim Ban Mun wipes away sweat from his head.

“Haha…. Seolyerin, just calm down…”

However, Seolyerin shook the neck of the insurgent gate.

“Calm down? Don’t be ridiculous! I found Kim Chang-sik first!! Not you, Kim Jong-Moon. Tell that bitch to come out! Come on!”

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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