Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 51


“Hm? Nanami Shiki didn’t get yesterday’s report?”

Zhang Rail, who was paying for the report in his office, tilted his head and looked closely at the man in front of him.

Lee Jong-hyun, a man with a large body, quickly wiped off the cold sweat flowing on his face.

“Yes, yes! Joe, we’re running a little late.”

“Hmm…. Nanami Shiki, has her report ever been delayed?”

“It’s not much, but it doesn’t mean anything. Ah, I guess the Academy has a lot to deal with these days, so I guess we’re a little backed up.”

“What to do? You mean the cornerstone of the Academy to terrorize the Hero Association?”

Zhang Rail crooked his chin with one hand and started tapping his desk.

It was a habit that came out every time he thought deeply.

“Well, yes. Furthermore, the whereabouts of ‘building snow’ and information about the recruitment of an educator named ‘narihhe’ that was asleep in the Academy artifact warehouse in the last report. Finally, it is expected that we are gathering a lot of information regarding the dangers of ‘Kim Chang-shik’, the recently named trainee.”

Railroad thought that Nanami Shiki’s report might be a little late for more information than expected.

“Well, that’s a lot. But in a week’s time, we’ll have to hit the Hero Association, so I hope her report goes a little faster.”

“Yep!! I’ll contact her.”

And then, the eyebrows of the railroad were slightly twitchy.

“… what are the chances that she was found killed or captured?”

As he stared at himself with fierce eyes, Lee Jong-hyun lowered his head.

“Th-that’s less than 0.3%. She’s less likely to be found out in the first place. Obviously, I told the academy professors to run away if anything was wrong.”

You nod your head as if you were relieved at a probability of less than one percent.

“Yeah, well. I didn’t become an executive, but if it’s his trait, it’ll be possible to escape there even if it’s discovered.”

“Well, yes. Don’t worry too much. She’s one of the veterans currently dispatched everywhere. Also, since Lord Jang Rail hand-picked her abilities, there is no doubt.”

Lee Jong-hyun, who was talking for a long time, waved his hand.

“Anyway. Phew… I’m a little tired.”

Jang Do-cheol, who sits on the couch for relaxation, turns on the TV screen.

I was covering a special news story that day.

Zhang Rail asked Lee Jong-hyun about the news.

“Oh, and this time, Hojin Seok…”

Within, the silent railroad.

Lee Jong-hyun, general of intelligence, tilted his head to the sudden silence.

“Yes, Mr. Zhang Rail?”

And what caught Lee Jong-hyun’s eye was the railroad train that was staring at one place with a stiff face.

‘… Huh?’

Lee Jong-hyun felt strange.

I felt frustrated as if my heart was tightened.

Your instincts scream to get out of this room.

But if you move now, you will surely be killed by the man in front of you.

I just glanced back at the cold, flowing sweat and rolled my eyes.

What is it? What’s wrong with her again? ‘

At that moment, the heavy voice resounded in Lee Jong-hyun’s ears.

“General Information Officer, Lee Jong-hyun.”

“Yes, four! Hey, Chief of Intelligence! This…!”

But he didn’t finish it all.


Because Railroad approached nearby and grabbed him by the neck.

The railroad’s eyes sparkled.

“You…. Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Grrrgh!! Now, Jang Chul…!”

A little voice like a whisper. However, the slight tremor gives me a good idea of how upset he is.

He grabbed Lee Jong-hyun’s neck and let him watch the TV screen he was watching.

And when Lee Jong-hyun’s eyes turned forcibly, his little eyes that were buried in his flesh grew three times larger.

‘Huh…? Huh?! What the hell!!’

He also said that Nanami Shiki was captured at the Hero Academy because the news was widely published.

I couldn’t connect Lee Jong-hyun to the unbelievable situation.

At the same time, his head slowly turns back, a shivering aura.

What he faced was an evil spirit.

‘… I’m fucked.’

* * * * *

By the time Jang Railway and Lee Jong-hyun heard the news about Nanami Shiki in the morning, the ceremony and his friends had all gathered in the room of the ceremony.

‘Oh, my… You have a great skill called advanced training.’

Growing up through ‘advanced training’, Han Wong and Na Hae were the fastest growing students in the academy, except for ceremonies.


Name: Han Yeong

§ Force: C +

§ Agility: D +

§ Health: B +

§ § § 20-301 (definitions, exemptions) >) D +

Name: Narahue

§ Force: D

§ Agility: C (? >) C +

§ Health: D +

§ Magical Power: E (? >) E +

The same is true for creative minds who are surprised by their achievements.

In particular, Naraho has grown so much that it is true that he was reborn.

I thought if he pulled out the madman behind it, it would make a reverberation before the storm.

‘Yes, yes. Grow up quickly and help me in the future.’

A pleasant smile on the mouth of the ceremony, knowing that their growth is their own growth.

Then the ceremony noticed that there was fatigue on the bride’s face.

“Hm? Han Wong, are you still feeling less recovered?”

“Huh? Oh, no. I’m fine! What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

The crooked ceremony scraped its head in a strangely violent reaction.

“No, you look tired.”

“Me or me? No, I’m not tired at all.”

In fact, she hasn’t been able to sleep for a few days because of what she misunderstood in the hospital a few days ago.

Later on, I couldn’t count how many times she kicked the blanket because I learned that ‘babies don’t come simple.’

‘… Oh, what a baby!’

A woman who sits back and wrinkles her fingers as she sits at a massive height.

And one object passed through the mind of the ceremony looking at her.

By the way, hasn’t Snow woken up yet? ‘

The ceremony asked the woman.

“The pendant I gave you back then, is there any other reaction yet?”

“Huh? Ah…”

The woman with the pendant around her neck smiles on her face.

“Yes! I just felt so cool hanging around my neck.”

“Yeah? Keep wearing it, though.”

“Of course… Heheh. She kicks in her sleep.”

A chant nodding at her words.

It seemed like it would take a while for the building snow to wake up.

And they stare at the panda hanging from the neck of the bride.


He looked at the ceremony again.



It has a lot of meaning.

The shoulders of the enemy do not sag, so it is likely to flow to the ground.

He scratched his cheek with embarrassment.

“Well…, this time, the Vice President is secretly opening the artifact warehouse. Then I’ll choose the right weapon for you.”

I smiled as soon as I opened my eyes to the story of the ceremony.

“Really?! Big time! Thank you, Chang Chang…”

Artifacts give thanks to the Vice President.

The ceremony was a shameful laugh and I thought it was a good thing.

‘I thought the artifact I used in the future was in storage… I’m gonna go check it out. By the way…’

The ceremony stood up, looking back at the two of them.

“When are you guys going out?”

A woman scratching her head shruggedly at the question of the ceremony.

“Hehe…, can we go a little later?”

“Well, suit yourself.”

The ceremony stood up with a bloody smile.

And the woman urgently asked him for his appearance.

“Where’s Chang-shik Kim going?”

“Me? To see Izzie.”

After answering boldly and going out to the ceremony, the expression of the woman and the red face became a chewed up face.

* * * * *

“… So you brought them all?”

The index that was waiting for the ceremony at the indoor training ground opened its eyes and stared at the woman and the enemy.

It seemed to be attached to the sides of the ceremony, like an index that appeared to be wary of itself.

‘… They’re so cute.’

And I looked closely at the skill of the index once again with my eyes peering through the ceremony.


Barrier (Rare)

You can create a flat-screen shield that prevents a certain impact at any location.

‘… As expected, it would be a very good skill to use.’

Recognition asked her about her index skills and how to leverage the barrier.

“Izzie, how have you used your barrier skills so far?”

“?? Huh? It’s just…, What’s the use of defense, of course?”

Her natural reaction gives her a nod.

“Yes, that’s how the barrier works. But the way I see it, that skill is incredibly versatile.”

“Hmm… Utilization? I don’t understand. Can’t we just create a new skill?”

The index teased the female prostitute who had learned a new skill from the ceremony while speaking.

However, the ceremony stirs its head firmly.

“No, you need a barrier.”

“…… Whew.”

He nods, reluctantly nodding at his serious face.

“Yeah, well. I asked you to teach me first, but you have to listen to your teacher.”

“Good idea. I promise you, if you make good use of this barrier, you’ll grow a lot more than you do now.”

The Ceremony takes up its battle stance with a moderate distance while speaking.

“First, let’s have a battle. Let me give you a sense of how to use the barrier.”

“… I get it.”

In fact, the ceremony was very simple to tell her.

‘That is, not just to defend the barrier.’

It was merely a combat exercise, but the level of awareness I had already experienced raised my nerves with the thought of doing everything I could.

The first to run was the ceremony.

Blame it on me!

“… Heave!”

The index that he had been waiting for the opponent to attack every time he made his first major, began to panic.

You are pushed back and forth by a devastating attack from the Ceremony.

‘Ugh… It’s so rough.’

A creature that spreads attacks in a similar way to the combat style of the index.

She takes a long step back to push him, but she can’t move any further.


Immediately, the wall of the indoor training ground behind her back prevented her from pushing back.

And a Changing Sword that touches below the neck.

A cold sweat flows from behind her back.

“… I lost.”

The face of the index distorted with anger.

The Ceremony asked as I retrieved the sword.

“Well, do you think you know something?”

“Hmm? What…?”

The ceremony swept over the back of the index.

He looks at the wall behind his back, puzzled by his words.

And soon, she opened her eyes and looked back at the ceremony.

“Stop, really?”

“Yes, don’t just use it to block the barrier, use it to block the other person’s route.”

“… Haha.”

A laughter came out of the mouth of the index.

She was embarrassed, and the ceremony continued to talk.

“You have a strong appetite for defeat, so the opponent must be pushing back. And you aim for that opponent again.”


The index was impressed with how the skill was used, even though it was completely different from its original use.

‘… What the hell, girl?’ ‘

I’ve seen the enormous growth of women and foes, but I’ve been rebellious.

But I now realize that the ritual of their growth involved Hall 9, no more.

“Hmmm…, I guess your style of fighting is just as stunning as your style of decorating. Work hard.”

The original combat style of the index has not been tampered with, but has changed the use of skills a little to create tremendous synergy.

The ceremony shocked her as if nothing had happened.

‘Chang-sik Kim…’

The index, which was completely fascinated by his sensual skill use, stared at the back of the ceremony.

‘… it’s cool.’

* * * * *

And that afternoon, during the ‘Understanding Hero’s Characteristics and Skills’ time, Professor Kwak Jin summoned the trainees.

“Well, we’ve all had a lot of hard work for two weeks, and we’re going to publish the test results for skill development time.”

Gwak Jin-young, who slowly calls from low grade.

In a word, the students’ fortunes were crossed.

“… Student Eizu, score of A.”

It was natural for her to get a high score because she was a D-class student who gave her A’s every time.

However, the following announcement by Kim Jin-young made a mess around.

“Student Nargho and Han Wong…”

Once he takes a breath, he looks up at the ceremony looking out the window with his chin bent.

“… Likewise, A. In total, only 3 people received A scores.”

Han Wong who showed unusual gait and some who blasphemed became deaf and dumb.

Others, who did not, were excited to talk.

“Wow, isn’t that the combination that they used to make fun of at first?”

“Sass was reborn…. This time, the snake charms the trainees.”

“By the way, I don’t think Kim Chang-shik got a full score. Did you just say” A “is the end of three?”

As they say, Professor Kwak Jin-young has yet to comment on the ceremony. Some trainees looked at him curiously while keeping quiet for a while.

Soon, Professor Kwak Jin-young opened his mouth again.

“And…. Students of Chang-shik Kim are encouraged to audit for the C-Class promotion.”

In a word, the rowdy boy is silent like a dead rat.

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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